12-29-2019 – Keith Cozort – Matthew 1, The Forgotten Chapter – (PM Sermon)

Go to Matthew chapter one. Great. Now thank you. Turned it on. And didn’t remember, I turned to done Matthew chapter one. Before we get into the lesson, some of you may be Wondering concerning Something Tim made mention of in his prayer. And so I will try to give you what little bit of information I know. Anyway, We got word right after I got home This morning from our services body called me and said,

Fox news is reporting. There was a shooting in a Church of Christ down in Fort worth, Texas. This morning, Two are dead. Another is wounded. And one of the dead was the shooter. There Is now video that is available because they live stream their services. And so the video is available, but they’ve got Out of focus, certain areas Where those that were shot were so that it’s not a seeable.

But anyway, from what I understand, it was during the Lord’s supper, man was sitting in the back row And started walking up the aisle, having, I guess, shot somebody in the back at the back of the auditorium anyway, and two people and made His way down to the front. And when he made it down to the front, he was shot by a man who just happened to be a former police officer and killed him with one shot.

So we certainly need to remember those brethren in our prayers. I don’t know any of the particulars as far as why anybody thinks he did what he did. If he knew the people that he shot or not with whether he was a member of the congregation there or not. I don’t know any of those particulars right Now, but please remember them. And remember The congregation as a whole,

because they’re all going through a trauma as a result of that, as we can understand, If it was During the Lord’s supper, is the indication seems To be a, you saw where several of them began to get down on the floor, underneath the pews In order to try to hide themselves, which is what we’ve encouraged you to do. If something like that were to happen Here.

And we certainly pray to God. It never does, but just in case, but certainly they are in need of our prayers, both or The loss of members of the congregation, but also just for the trauma that they’ve on Through. And so I just Wanted to give you a little more details. If you had not heard that previously, Matthew chapter one,

I like to call this the forgotten chapter and two or three years ago, we went through and looked at this particular chapter and I thought it would be good to do that again tonight, simply because of the lesson that I had prepared for tonight, I finally came to the conclusion this afternoon as I was going over it again That no, This doesn’t need to be a Sunday night.

Sermon needs to be a Sunday morning sermon. And so that’s going to be Lord willing next Sunday mornings sermon concerning for impossibilities in the book of Hebrews. And, and so we’ll be starting, I mean that Lord willing next Sunday morning, but here in Matthew chapter one, we have the genealogy that has given to us concerning Jesus. Remember, of course,

that Matthew is Writing from the Perspective of a Jew to the Jews, to the Jewish people in the first century. And therefore we have a lot of things that are spoken of concerning the Jews that are not given to us in mark Luke and John, and neither are there a lot of things that are given to us as far as what certain words mean that are given to us in mark Luke and John,

because they’re not written necessarily to a Jewish people. The Matthew is writing to those who are Jews and therefore they understood things as it related toward the law of Moses and to the following of the law of Moses and in verses one through 16. Anyway, we would also include verse 17. Matthew gives us the genealogy of our Lord. Now our Lord’s genealogy is found in two different places in the new Testament,

Matthew chapter one and Luke chapter three. And of course, those who want to ridicule the Bible will proclaim. See these, all you have to do is take these two chapters and you can see where it contradicts itself because they’re not the same. Well, the fact of the matter is they are right. They’re not the same, but there are no contradictions.

It is simply showing to us here in Matthew’s account concerning the genealogy of Jesus going through Joseph, even though Joseph is not actually Jesus, his father, he was looked upon by the Jews as being his father. And then Luke is going to take the genealogy of Jesus going through Mary, the proper one. And so they are not the same. And yet there are A case during the genealogy that’s given to us,

both in Matthew and in Luke, where they are the same would shows that Mary and Joseph were related generations ago. Anyway, they came from the same family from the same stock, and yet there’s split offs concerning those genealogies In the other areas. Now, One of the interesting things concerning this is Matthew simply gives us the genealogy from Abraham to Jesus, which is about 2000 years In time.

And When you look at what is recorded here, we have 42 generations that are given to us here in Matthew chapter one verses one through 16, that cover that approximately 2000 years. When you look at Luke’s account, Luke, ah, covers from Jesus going all the way back to Adam and therefore covering about 4,000 years. Well here in Matthew’s account, we have 42 generations that are given to us to cover about 2000 years.

When you turn over to Luke chapter three and noticed Luke’s account, he gives us a 75 generations going from Jesus all the way back to Adam. And there are about 20 names that are mentioned here in the genealogy of Jesus and Luke chapter three that go from Abraham back to Adam, which covers about 2000 years. So 20 generations, 2000 years. It’s also interesting when you look at this,

that Matthew says in verse one, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, the word is translated generation there in verse. One is actually the word Genesis in the Hebrew language and, or rather rather in the Greek language. And so this is the Genesis of Jesus, the beginning, if you will,

of Jesus. And even though Matthew knew, and we knew that this is not actually the beginning of Jesus, but it is as far as his ancestry is concerned, being the son of man, the son of David and the son of Abraham now, okay. A couple of other things to make mention of when you turn over to first Timothy chapter one,

Paul, he writes to Timothy in verse three, he says, I’m a softie to abide still at emphasis. When I went into Macedonia that thou my discharged some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions rather than godly edifying, which is in faith. So do so. Paul told Timothy basically don’t waste your time with endless genealogies.

Paul is not telling Timothy that genealogy is not important. Genealogy is important. And that’s the point that Matthew and Luke are going to make in the writing of the gospel of Jesus Christ, give him the biography of Jesus Christ in showing that it was absolutely essential that we have the genealogy of Jesus in order as Matthew is going to do in order to show that he is,

has a legitimate right to sit on the throne of David, just by genealogy itself. Paul also will write to Titus in Titus chapter three and in verse nine. And he says to Titus, but avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable in vain. So again, Paul speaks concerning genealogies and he tells Titus to avoid genealogies because of problems that arise as a result of those things.

But genealogies were important. And in fact, God instructed through Moses that they were to keep track of the people keep track of the genealogies because it was important. As far as the priesthood was concerned, it was important as far as the tribe of Levi was concerned because of the specifications that God gave for those who were to be servants in the temple or tabernacle,

as well as those who were to be priest. And they ought to be able to prove by their genealogy, whether they were a part of the tribe of Levi. And even if they were a part of the tribe of Levi, whether they were of the family of Aaron, because in order to be a priest, you had to not only be of the tribe of Levi,

you had to be of the family of Aaron In the tribe of Levi. And we’ve talked about that at other times, But there was proof available concerning those people as to what their genealogy would be. But now under the law of Christ, those genealogies are not important. And in fact, the genealogies were kept in the temple and those genealogies were destroyed in a D 70 we’ve made mentioned at other times concerning the fact there is not a single Jew alive today who can prove what tribe he was a part of if he truly was a part of the children of Israel,

because the genie logical records from a D 70 backwards were destroyed. No one has a copy of them. Now we have several genealogies that are given to us here in the Bible, Genesis chapter five, Genesis chapters, 10 and 11, and here Matthew chapter one and Luke chapter three, as well as first Chronicles chapters, one through seven are basically just genealogy that are given there,

but for anybody today, to be able to prove what tribe they were a part of, if they are of Jewish background is absolutely impossible. There’s not a single one that can do that. And therefore there’s not a single one that calls himself a priest that can prove he’s of the tribe of Levi, let alone prove he’s of the family of Aaron, because those records no longer exist.

The book, the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, Abraham begat, Isaac and Isaac, Jacob and Jacob. He got Judas in his brethren and June is begat fair as in Zerah of Tamar and fair as began as written and Ezrin began Aram and Aaron began a Minitab in a minute. Abby got niacin and niacin began Salomon and Salomon began Boaz of recap or cab and Boaz begat obit,

and of Ruth and obeyed begat, Jesse and Jesse begat David, the king and David, the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah and Solomon begat reablement. Rehoboam begat a buyer and a buyer B got EISA and EISA got Joseph and Joseph<inaudible> and Oseas we got Joe with them and Joe Witham began acres and acres, but yet as a<inaudible> Manassas and Manassas began Ammon and Ammon,

beget, Josiah, and Josiah<inaudible> and his brethren about the time they were carried away to Babylon. And after they were brought to Babylon,<inaudible> began to buy it. And it begat Kim and<inaudible> and Nasar beget say doc, and say, doc, you got AECOM and a can be lion. And he lie. It began Eliezer and Eliezar began meth method,

and Matthan begat Jacob and Jacob. He got Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. So generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations. And from David until the carrying away into Babylon are 14 generations. And from the Kerry and way into Babylon and to Christ are 14 generations. So three sets of 14, you add that up.

That’s 42 generations that are given to us Abraham all the way to the time of Christ. Now Someone else will come along and see and say, see, you can’t have confidence in the Bible because lo and behold, there are people that are not in this generation or this genealogy of Jesus. And again, they’re right. As far as that’s concerned, we know of at least three people that are missing from the genealogy of Jesus as a part of the Kings of Judah,

the Southern kingdom. And yet the interesting part is those three Kings that are missing from the genealogy here are given to us in other places they’re given to us back in the keys. They’re given to us in the book of Chronicles first Chronicles. And so it’s not that they were left completely out. They just were not included when this genealogy was written up.

And savingly, the indication seems to be, it was written up into four or three equal parts of 14 generations each in order to make it easier to remember those genealogies and those generations. It’s also interesting when you look at the genealogy, that’s given to us concerning our Lord, how that it shows to us, not only that Jesus is the son of man,

the most familiar term that he uses concerning himself, but also concerning the fact that he is related to both Jew and gender tile And Therefore, or the reason as to why he would have compassion on both Jew and Gentile. You look at what is given to us in the genealogy here. We have four women that are either named or alluded to in the genealogy of Jesus.

Three of them are specifically referred to by name. The fourth one is simply alluded to though we know who it is that’s being spoken of, but we have concerning TEVAR and Ray Hab, and Ruth, those are specifically given to us. And then the one that is simply alluded to is that a vast Sheba, the one who had been the wife of Uriah says the end of verse six.

And so this is Bathsheba that David will take after the death of Uriah says that David was responsible for, but it is interesting how that with these four, and by the way, that doesn’t include Mary, the mother of Jesus, who has also spoken of down in verse 16, who would make the fifth, the woman that is referred to in the genealogy of Jesus,

of these four that are spoken of Tamar Re Hab, Ruth and bashed Sheba. Interesting part is when you look at what is concerning them, all four of them are Gentiles. All four of them are not Jews. Even Bathsheba is not a Jew, but she will marry Uriah the Hittite. And then after his death, she will marry David the king of Israel at that particular time.

But officially she is not a Jew. And so therefore he has relations both with the Jews and the Gentile On the Genealogy. As far as man is concerned, it is truly an unfortunate, but it is true, nonetheless, that there are those even among our brethren who will pervert what is recorded here in Matthew chapter one, to the extent that it’s not even recognized<inaudible> with what the truth is.

And I say that because there is a writer from 25 years ago almost Anyway, and He wrote an article for a publication written by our brethren published by our brethren. That was never sound from the very beginning that it started. It was called<inaudible> skins. And the article deals With the birth of Jesus. And as given to Us here in Matthew, and what he does is he assumes a lot of things.

Yeah. It Historically, well, writers will try to say and takes that as being true and inserts it into the scriptures. And with doing such, he tells that Mary was not really a Virgin. And in fact, that which was conceived in her was that as a result of fornication, where she committed sexual relationship with a soldier of the Roman army and therefore the way that Jesus was concerned,

Well, If we have any trust, any faith in what the scriptures teach, and we certainly should, we know that as complete fabrication and yet it is written and promoted and has been promoted for, as I said, almost 25 years, I just got a copy of the article just a few weeks ago because somebody alluded to It on the internet from Our brother.

And then I was able to track it down in order to get a copy of it. I’d heard about it from the time that it was first printed, but never had an actual copy of it to read it for myself. And I now have that available to me, but it is just absolutely amazing the way that the lengths to where some people will go and even some brethren in the church to try to discredit what the word of God teaches as it relates toward the Virgin birth of our Lord.

And of course, many other subjects as well. When you look at the list that’s given to us, as far as the genealogy of Jesus. Again, we have Tamar that’s mentioned in verse three, Tamar of course comes into play during the time of the life of Judah. One of the 12 sons of Jacob and how that she was married to Judah’s oldest son,

and he died not having had any children born to him. And then according to the Leveritt marriage law that we have in the old Testament, she was given to the next son, in order for him to raise up seed, to raise up children to his brother that has died. But that son of Judah did not like to that particular idea. And therefore we are told that he spilled his seed above in the ground and would not carry through with deliberate marriage law.

And so God struck him dead well, Judah promise to Tamar that she would receive the third son of Judah, but he was too young right now. So if she would wait, then he would give her the third son, but it came to the realization of Tamar that Judah was not going to keep his word. He’d already lost two sons. He was not going to take the chance of losing the third son.

And so Tamar there in Judah, Genesis chapter 38 goes, she hears that Judah is going to be making a trip. She knows where he is going. And she goes to intercept him, having been dressed as a harlot. And Judah goes in under her, but come time to leave. Lo and behold, he doesn’t have any money to pay her.

And so he gives her some of his things, including his staff to serve as security, if you will, where he says that he will send her money when he gets back home. And you’ve heard that story before, I’m sure, but anyway, he does actually through his servant, send money back to that place. But lo and behold, when the servant gets there with the money,

nobody knows who they’re talking about. Nobody knows who this woman was, nobody familiar with them at all. And so the servant ends up having to take the money and go back Home. Well, little Over two months later, lo and behold, Tamar is pregnant And, and she Is brought before her father-in-law for severe rebuke and could also be put to death according to the law of Moses.

And she says, well, the one who Is responsible For me being pregnant, these things belong unto him. And she shows the gifts and Judah knows those are his. And so knows that he is the father. Those that would have been his twin grandsons that are born to Tamar end up being his sons. And it is Fair as who is one of those sons that was born to Judah and Tamar there in verse three,

you drop down to verse five and we have Rayhab the harlot from Jericho, Joshua chapter two and chapter six, Who was Not destroyed when the children of Israel took the city of Jericho. She is in the genealogy of Jesus because remember the two spies told her that if she would comply with their demands, she would not be killed. When the city was taken,

That the Scarlet Thread was to be hung out the window that she used to let them down over the wall of the city. Her, her house was built upon the wall of the city of Jericho. We learned there in chapter two, and if she, she remained in her house, when the children of Israel came to take the city and she petitioned them,

that her father and her mother and her family be allowed to live as well. And they said, if they are in your house, then that will be fine. But if they’re out in the street, they’re fair game. And so it was that from all indications, her entire family was in her house. When the children of Israel come to take the city of Jericho,

having marched around it one time for six days, and then on the seventh day, marching around it seven times. And after having marched around it, the seven seventh times him and Yelling, The great shout that they did, the walls fell down flat. And in fact, we also learned, and as far as from Jean From Archeology, took me a minute,

sorry, from geology that not only did the walls fall down flat, they fell out word. Okay. And Yet before the walls fell, okay. Joshua had given instruction to the two spies to go, to get rehab in her family, out of her house. And they did. They brought her to the camp of the children of Israel and her and her family lived outside the camp at least to start with,

because they were not Jews. They were Gentiles and therefore were not allowed to live in the camp, but she is included in the genealogy of Jesus. Having Been the wife of Salomon, as far as we can tell. Anyway, Selman is one of the two spies that spied out the land and, or spied out the city of Jericho. And therefore she marries one of those that actually helped her life.

Then in that same verse, we have concerning Ruth And how that he is married to Boaz from the book of Ruth chapter four. And with that, with that old bed, going to be born to them, who is the father of Jesse, who is Jesse as the father, of course of David. So we have 14 generations there between Abraham and David David,

of course. Well, let me back up Abraham, with what is recorded from Abraham to David, this is the time period of the promise that God had made to the children of Israel concerning those things that God was going to do through David’s or through Abraham seed, but from the time of the promise that is given to the time of the beginning of the kingdom of Israel,

David being the second king of Israel, Saul being the first key, and that ends up being 14 generations. Well, so there’s three of the four women that are mentioned the fifth, the fourth one is at the end of verse six. Her that had been the wife of Uriah. Well, that’s Bathsheba the wife of Uriah, right? And of course from a second And Samuel chapters,

11 and 12 chapter 11 is where we read concerning David staying Home from the battle, which was uncharacteristic for the king today. And one 90 goes up on the palace wall and he sees Bathsheba who is washing herself, bathing herself. And he desires to find out who she is. He finds out she’s the wife of Uriah, the Hittite, who is one of David’s best soldiers.

And he calls for her to come to him and they commit adultery as a result of that. And she ends up being pregnant as well. And when Did David finds out that she is pregnant, he asked to try to find a way to cover it up. And so he calls for her husband Uriah to come home from the battle. And he does.

And David uses virtually every means. He has available to him to try to encourage him to go home, to spend just one night with his wife, which he will not do. He spends the nights there at the palace. And when David realizes this is not going to work, then David sends him back to the Army and with special orders and those Special orders come to find out,

ended up being his death warrant, that he is instructing the general over his forces, Joe AB to put Uriah into the hottest part of the battle, and then to withdraw From him in Order to make sure that he is killed. And when David first hears word concerning the, those that are killed, he becomes upset until such time as he hears that your Iris Has also died.

And now David’s not upset By Sheba will go through her period of mourning for her husband. And then David will take her to be his wife. So the four women that are mentioned And Yet is, well, it’s also significant that two of those four are ones that Were guilty of fornication, and Yet they are still in the lineage of Jesus. That’s the point that I want to make sure that we understand.

And so Jesus was able to associate with both Jew and Gentile concern for both Jew and Gentile. And of course, being the son of God, he ought to be able to do that no matter what, but as far as his lineage was concerned, he was from both parts of the world, both Jew and Gentile, and those designations, as we’ve talked about at other times,

those designations covered everybody. If you were not a junior or a Gentile. And so there was nobody that was left out. As far as that part of it was concerned. Beginning with verse seven, actually begin with verse six with David, but we have concerning the Kings that are given. And these are the Kings that will be of the Southern kingdom of Judah.

Once we get to Solomon’s son, Rehoboam where the kingdom is going to be divided. Those that follow after Rehoboam are Kings of the Southern kingdom of Judah, not the Northern kingdom of Israel, because the Kings of the Northern kingdom of Israel were not related to David. They were not of David’s family. And they were not ones who tried to follow what God had instructed them to do.

They were ones who simply did whatever it was they wanted to do. And even though there are a few of those who are family members, descendants of David, who do the exact same thing, yet these that are listed here are those that are descendants of David, which therefore helps to show us that Jesus was of the same family as David and therefore had the right to sit on the throne of David,

just as far as genealogy was concerned.<inaudible> There Are, as I stated, three that are not mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus, they are actually should be inserted there in verse eight, There With Jordan that has made mention up ASI, Joe Ash and Amazon are the three that are not listed here. And they, if It was important for it to be a strict genealogy where everybody is listed,

they would have been included, but they really do not add anything to the genealogy. And therefore, Matthew being inspired of the holy spirit did not put those in. And the holy spirit did not see fit to include them. I’ve made mentioned to you at other times, how that Jesus who is supposed to be the king of the Jews, and yet the Jews rejected him as being king,

could not actually be a king on David’s throne here on the earth because of what was recorded and prophesied back in Jeremiah, chapter 22 in Jeremiah chapter 22, the last verse of that chapter, verse 30, there, it reads thus sayeth the Lord, right? Right. Ye this man childless a man that shall not prosper in his days for no man of his seed shall prosper sitting upon the throne of David and ruling any more in Judah.

Now this is concerning co Niah who is also known as Jeconiah And Jeconiah is the name that’s given to us here in verse 11. But here Jeremiah speaks by prophecy of God that none of his descendants would be allowed to sit on David’s throne. They would not be allowed to prosper sitting upon David’s throne ruling anymore in Judah. And so Jesus is the king of the Jews,

but he could not sit on David’s throne here on the earth, but he is sitting on David’s throne in heaven, ruling from heaven at the right hand of the father And the rightful One to be sitting on the throne where he will be king eternally,<inaudible> Dropping down to verse 16, Jacob, he got Joseph, the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus,

who is called Christ. The name Jesus of course being savior. It is the same name as Joshua in the old Testament. And we’ve made mention that there are places, couple of places, even in the book of Hebrews, where it is translated Jesus, and it should have been Joshua because that’s who is re spoken of in the context there. But his name means savior.

And from verse 21, the angel in speaking to Joseph says she shall bring forth a son and thou shall call his name Jesus for, he shall save people from their sins. So there, the angel defined what the name itself meant, savior save his people from his sins. But he is also described as being called Christ Christ simply means the anointed one or the Messiah that’s prophesied in old Testament times.

And we’ve spoken again concerning the fact that there were three individuals or three types of people that were anointed in old Testament times. That’d been the priests, the prophet and the law giver. And Jesus is the high priest under the law. The law of Christ being in heaven, having offered his blood as the Supreme sacrifice for our sins. He is also The,

a Prophet of God referred to in the new Testament. And he is also the law-giver As Moses was the law-giver of the old Testament and the old law, the genealogy of Jesus, 42 generations given to us here in Matthew chapter one. And yet, so many times we skip over the first 17 verses. Why? Because there’s a lot of names and we don’t like to pronounce those names.

And yet we ought to get to where we do and are able to pronounce those names because each of those names represents a person who has a history in the old Testament and therefore the importance in showing to us how important it is for us to know that history, to know what is recorded in the old Testament by way of history of the children of Israel,

because it has such an important part to play in bringing about Christianity. And As the Hebrews writer brings out showing over and over again, that the law of Christ is far superior to anything related in the law of Moses, that everything concerning the law of Christ is greater and superior and better than that, which was a part of the old Law, the law of Moses.

And it is because of those things that are recorded in those first 17 verses that show to us beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus had the right to claim to be the king of the Jews by way of his genealogy. When you look at Matthews or Luke’s account, rather in Luke chapter three, again, there’s only a couple of occasions where those two genealogies match up.

One of those is with Abraham. Abraham mentioned in both genealogies. David has mentioned in both genealogies and then from David going through and twos, the rubble, those ended up being the same in both genealogies. And so it is after that, that we have the division that takes place coming to the time of Christ. Anyway, and before that, there is the division that takes place With David because here in Luke,

chapter three, David’s son by the name of Nathan, this is not Nathan the prophet. This is the son of David who was also known by the name. Nathan is going to be in the genealogy in Luke chapter three and Matthew chapter one. We have Solomon who is David’s fourth son By Bathsheba. Remember the infant son died at seven days of age,

and yet David and Bathsheba will have other sons. And there is no indication that the son that was died as a result of the fornication or adultery that took place was ever given the name since that normally took place on the eighth Day when the male Infant was circumcised, but we have four sons that are named and Solomon is the fourth Son of David and Bathsheba that is named,

he is Going to be the third king over Israel. And again will reign as his father did. And as Saul did for 40 years, each of them raining 40 years. So truly Jesus is of the lineage of David. And then the Third name That actually serves as an intersector for both the genealogy coming through Mary and the genealogy going through Joseph is that observable Zerubbabel has mentioned in both of those verse 13,

the rubble was the man that led the first return from Babylonian captivity to go back to Jerusalem in order to rebuild the temple. And Zerubbabel is mentioned in both of those genealogies, the forgotten chapter, the child, the chapter that we skipped more than half of it, most times simply because of the names, but we need to go back. We need to remind ourselves concerning the things that are recorded here.

And we could Look at others that are listed here and tell concerning them. But I think The point has been made is how important those names are and how important that genealogy is, both in Matthew’s account and in Luke’s account. But with all of that, it is showing us who Jesus is, who he is as far as, as his ancestry is concerned,

but also concerning the fact being the son of God, that we are to do those things that he said to do, therefore, in order to become a Christian, one must hear the word and believe it, John six verse 45 must be willing to repent acts two verse 38 must be willing to confess his faith in Christ, Romans chapter 10, verse 10,

Matthew chapter 10, verse 32, and must be willing to be immersed in water, to be baptized in order to receive the remission of his sins. The forgiveness of his sins acts two verse 38, mark 16 verse 16, acts 22 verse 16 and other passages. If you’re needing to do that, we encourage you to do it before it is too late.

And as we discussed this morning and studied this morning, we have no guarantees as to how long our life is going to be. Today may be the last day after which it will be too late. If you’re needing to respond to the Lord’s invitation, we encourage you to do that. If you’re one, who’s a member of the body of Christ, but you’ve gone back into the world.

We plead with you to come back and repentance, praying to God for forgiveness. And to begin again, walking in the way of righteousness, if we can help you, please, will you come as together? We stand and as we sing.
