02-10-2019 – Keith Cozort – Five Reasons Why Judah Fell – Jeremiah 8 (AM Sermon)

We are having problems with our projector again this morning. And so rather than being a distraction, I’m just going to turn it off. So sorry about not being able to have the PowerPoint, but we will live without it. Yeah. We’ve been studying concerning worship and we’ve been studying concerning the value of, of worship. What is worship, we’ve defined a worship and those things related to it.

But because our numbers are down this morning and I really don’t want many of those who are not here this morning, to be able to miss what we are discussing, I’m going to call an audible and we will be studying something different. Open your Bibles with me. If you will, to Jeremiah chapter eight, Jeremiah chapter eight, My wife is up here snickering.

Cause she knows I liked this sermon and I’ve used it often, But it is an excellent sermon. I believe. Well, I know it is because it comes from God. All right, Jeremiah, chapter eight. I want us to notice this morning, five reasons as to why the Southern kingdom of Judah was going to fall. Jeremiah is the prophet at this particular time.

This is about 20 years before the Southern kingdom of Judah does fall. And so Judah is warning the Southern kingdom of the reasons as to why the kingdom is going to fall Beginning in verse four, Jeremiah says, moreover, thou shall say unto them, thus sayeth the Lord, shall they fall and not arise? Shall he turn away and not return? Why then is the people of Jerusalem slid and backed by a perpetual backsliding?

They hold fast. If seat, they refuse to return. I hearkened and heard, but they speak not a right. No man repented him of the wicked is say of his wickedness saying, what have I done? Everyone turned to his course as the horse Russia into the battle. Yay. The stork in the heaven North, her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observed the time of their coming.

But my people, no, not the judgment of the Lord. How do you say we are wise? And the law of the Lord is with us low. Certainly in vain made he, it, the pen of the scribes is invade. The wise men are ashamed. They are dismayed and taken low. They have rejected the word of the Lord. And what wisdom is in them,

therefore, will I give their wives and to others in their fields to them that shall inherit them for everyone. From the least, even under the, has given to covetousness from the prophet. Even under the priest, everyone deal with falsely for they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace, peace. When there is no peace,

were they ashamed when they had committed abomination, Nate, they were not at all ashamed. Neither could they blush. Therefore they shall fall among them that fall in the time of their visitation. They shall be cast down. Say if the Lord God gives to Jeremiah this sermon, and Maybe sometimes you have heard in times past that in order for it to be a good sermon,

it has to have three points, Paul. Well, this Pru’s, that’s not true Because in fact, God’s going to make five points and there is no poem In here, God Delivering to Jeroboam the perfect or Jeremiah rather the perfect sermon begins with an introduction. And so he says to Jeremiah, thus sayeth the Lord, shall they fall and not arise?

Shall he turned away and not return Jeremiah here in speaking this sermon for the Lord is speaking concerning the idea of a man who is traveling. He’s traveling on a journey and he ends up stumbling and falling. What is he going to do? Is he just going to lay there or stay there the rest of his life? Or is he going to pick himself back up,

pick himself up by his own bootstraps? If you will, in order to continue on the journey too, Make it to the desired place that he’s wanting to go destination. Well, of course he’s going to pick himself up, but God speaks concerning the children of Israel. Those of, of the nation of Judah, as those who have stumbled and they’ve fallen,

but they’ve refused to pick themselves back up. And so, as he continues in his introduction, he speaks concerning the fact shall they turn away and not return as they’re traveling on this journey, if they take a wrong turn And They come to realize they’ve taken a wrong turn, what are they going to do? Why the same thing that we would do,

we would try to get back on the right road, try to get back on the right track, but they have taken a wrong turn and they’re not trying to get back on the right track. It’s not of that much concern to them. And so God says, why then is this people of Jerusalem slid? And back by a perpetual backsliding, This Backsliding is not something that happened just once.

It’s not something that just happened twice. It is something that is perpetual. It happens over and over and over and over again. And when you look at the history of both the Northern kingdom and the Southern kingdom, that’s exactly what you see over and over and over again, they backslide and don’t try to rectify the problem. He says, they hold fast deceit.

They refuse to return. They hold fast. They grab, hold to deceit and they refuse to let go of it. It’s as if they have super glue on their hands and they can’t let go of it. But God says, not that they can’t what they won’t. They refuse to let go of it. They refuse to return. And God says,

I’ve hearkened. I’ve heard I’ve been. And yet no one has spoken to, right? No, ma’am Dan has repented him of the wickedness that he is guilty of. No one has asked what have I done? God says, they’re traveling this wrong road. They’ve taken this wrong turn. They’ve stumbled. They fallen. But nobody is asking what have I done?

Everyone turned to his course as the horse Russia into the battle. Whenever I read that, I automatically think of the old westerns and how many times in those old westerns, they would depict the cavalry horses as having blindfolds on them so that they could not see to the left door, to the right. They would only go straight ahead. They wouldn’t be distracted from what was around them.

They wouldn’t be of concern to them. What God says, that’s the way the nation of Judah is they are as if they have blinders on. And it’s such that They, As the horse Russia into the battle, even though it may mean his own death, even though it may mean his own destruction, yet they will not turn away from that. Then in verse seven,

He speaks concerning the stork, the turtle, which is actually the turtle dove. It’s not the little turtle that crawls along on four lakes, the crane, the swallow, these are all migratory birds. And God says, even the migratory birds are those that observe nature around them in order to leave an area where it’s too cold or going to be too cold and they go to warmer climates and then they will observe those warmer climates and will eventually come back to where they normally live.

And I asked these migratory animals Are those that observe what is taking place around them and act accordingly. But God says that’s not the way it is with my people. That’s not the way that it is with, with Judah. And so he says my people, the end of verse seven, my people know not the judgment of the Lord. Now by that he is not saying they don’t know what my word teaches.

They don’t know what, It’s not that they don’t know what my word teaches. It’s not that they don’t know what the law says, but they are not even observing what’s going on around them. So as to take notice of that and to learn from that, all Judah had to do was to learn from They’re Northern brethren, the nation of Israel, they’d got it.

God was not going to allow them to continue on if they were going to be those in an idolatrous. And in fact, the description that we would end up having concerning Judah is that they went into idolatry, even worse and more so than the Northern kingdom of Israel did. And yet it was such that God allowed the Northern kingdom of Israel to be taken away by the Assyrians about a hundred years before now.

And yet the children of those of the nation of Judah are doing and following the exact same track, They have not learned From their brethren concerning these things as it relates toward this. So reason number one is to why the nation of Judah was going to fall was because God said, they know not the judgment of the Lord. They have not Learned concerning what has taken place by their brethren,

as well as those idolatrous countries that are surrounding them and how God has brought judgment and punishment upon them as well. They know Not the judgment of the Lord. It was not that they could not know what it was, but it was such that they had refused to learn What it was. Okay. God says, that’s reason. Number one, as to why the nation of Judah is going to fall reason.

Number two, as to why the nation of Judah is going to fall is found in verse nine. He says they have rejected the word of the Lord and what wisdom is in them. They have now God says rejected the word of the Lord. See that’s different from not knowing the judgment of the Lord. They have rejected the word of the Lord. They have done that by their idolatry,

going after idolatry, being overtaken by idolatry and refusing to return from that. And it was such that there were those who would refuse to accept what Jeremiah said when Jeremiah would give them what God would say. There would be those, those, the leadership who would reject what Jeremiah would say, it’s just not going to happen. Jeremiah would in fact, prophesied that the Southern kingdom of Judah is going to be taken away in the Babylonian captivity.

And they’re going to be in captivity for 70 years. And yet there was at least one who was there, who would deny the very thing that Jeremiah is speaking and say, don’t worry about it. We may go into captivity, but it won’t be for 70 years. And in fact, don’t worry about going into this place and, and building houses and,

and planting crops in the fields. And don’t worry about giving your daughters to those of the people are taking Suns from those people. You’re not going to be there that long. It’s only going to be a short stay. Jeremy, I would emphasize no it’s going to be for 70 years. And God says that you are to build your houses there because you’re going to live there for a long time.

You are to plant your crops because you are going to be there for a long time. You are to give your daughters in marriage and your sons in marriage, because you are going to be there for a long time. They have rejected the word of the Lord. They are turning against that, which God has spoken as going to be true Reason. Number three,

okay. As to why the nation of Judah was going to fall is found in verse 10, where God says for everyone, from the least, even under the greatest is given to covetousness from the prophet. Even under the priest, everyone deal with Falsely God’s Judgment against the nation of Judah is such that they are ones that are an extremely covetous people. They are those who desire to have that,

which belongs to somebody else. They are very materialistic. They are concerned only about that, which they can hold in their hands or that which they can possess. Jesus, of Course, would condemn that very idea of materialism. When he says that we are not to store up those things here on this earth, but rather we are to store up our treasures in heaven Where moth And rust and,

and those kinds of things do not destroy. And thieves do not break through and steal. They’re given over to covetousness, Desiring to have that which cannot belong to them, which does not belong to them. Desiring to have that which belongs to another. And he says the, every one from the prophet, even under the priest deal with falsely, they’re not upfront and honest in their dealings.

They are dealing falsely. Why? Because they’re covetous from those who are supposed to be profits, even to those who are the priest who offer up the sacrifices and the worship to God. Jeremiah says, God says through Jeremiah, they’re just because of their covetousness as to why they are going to be go into Babylonian captivity for 20 years or for 70 years.

Rather reason. Number four, as to why the nation of Judah is going to fall as found in verse 11, because there God says They claim peace, peace. When there is no peace false profits. Again, God, through Jeremiah has been prophesied and concerning the fact that the nation of Judah is going to go into Babylonian captivity for 70 years. And they say,

no, no, no, no, no. That’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. First of all, they don’t believe they’re going into captivity. But secondly, even if they do, it’s only going to be for a short period of time because of false prophets in the land. And yet What was their reaction to the false prophets?

They would rather listen to the false prophets and follow them. Then they would to hear God’s word and to follow the true prophet. They liked to have their ears tickled. They like to have their, to hear things that have made them feel good. They’d like to hear things that they already accepted as being right, rather than hearing what God’s word had to say.

And especially if it was negative. And at this particular point, it is negative. And number four, as to why the nation of Judah was going to fall was because there were false prophets in the land. And the people liked it. That way. Reason Number five, as to why the nation of Judah is Gordon to fall is found in verse 12.

He says they were not at all. Or when were they ashamed when they had committed abomination, Nate, they were not at all ashamed. Neither could they blush. Here Are a group of people that are so deprived, morally that when they do something that is utter abomination, as far as God is concerned, they can’t even blush by it. It doesn’t affect them at all.

They can do it with a straight face. They can do it with a clear conscience, even though it is a complete violation of God’s law by doing such You think Concerning those things, as Paul writes concerning the works of the flesh of Galatians chapter five verses 19 through 21, and here, those of Judah are doing basically those kinds of things that Paul talks about.

And first Corinthians chapter six, verses six through nine, or verses nine and 10, they’re doing those kinds of things. And yet it doesn’t cause them any problems. It doesn’t cause them to be upset or to be concerned. They do it proudly five reasons as To why the nation of Judah was going to fall. He says, At the end of verse 12 in the time of their visitation,

they shall be cast Down. Say, if the Lord real quickly, I want you to think about something. Could it be that the prophet Jeremiah is speaking to the church today? The prophecies that he is speaking of he is directing them toward the nation of Judah. Yes, we understand that. But could it be that Jeremiah By 14 Sight is also speaking concerning the church?

Is it such that the church in some places, in some respects has fallen to its knees and refuse to pick itself Back up? Is It such that the church in some places and in some respects is White one who is perpetually Sliding backwards? Is it such that the church today in way Respects and in some places is holding fast to deceit and refusing to leave Go.

Unfortunately, that’s the case. That’s the case. Many times brethren have not learned the very lessons that Jeremiah is trying to get the nation of Judah to learn that they in turn were those who were supposed to learn from those who traveled before them and around them. Could it be the Jeremiah is speaking concerning the church In that Church in many places in many respects is not observing what is going on around them and observing concerning the loss condition In following Those directions,

not observing nature as the migratory Birds do, but rather Being those who know, not the judgment The Lord, could it be Jeremiah speaking to us today that we don’t know God’s judgment because we refuse to look around to see what is happening and to see the Results from Those who have gone before. And those who are Outside of us, could it be the Maya is speaking concerning the church today in that they have The word of the Lord,

okay, Go on wholeheartedly into false doctrine, into idolatry. We have those in our brotherhood, unfortunately, who are, Are promoting the idea that there is no difference between the Lord’s church and the denomination such could not be further from the truth. We have those who are promoting the idea that it doesn’t matter what one does as long as they are sincere,

then God’s going to accept it. Couldn’t be further from the truth. We have those who are promoting the idea that instrumental music in worship will be acceptable as far as God is concerned. In fact, they even promote the idea that God requires it when he speaks of singing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs and making memes In your heart to the Lord, more and more of our congregations,

okay. Are those who are following after those particular ideas, promoting those ideas? Could it be John through the prophet? Jeremiah is speaking to the Lord’s church concerning being given over to covetousness, being materialistic, Rather than being those who are completely Following God, even as far as our giving is could it be that God through the prophet, Jeremiah is speaking concerning the Lord’s church today because we have brethren standing in the pulpit today who are preaching peace,

peace. When there is no peace, false prophets, false teachers in the land. That’s the way they were back here during the time of Jeremiah. That’s the way they were in the first century. John speaks concerning those false teachers that are in the land. Peter speaks concerning those false teachers that are in the land in the church. Should we be surprised that it’s still the case today,

that there are some who are teaching false doctrine as if it were the truth. Could it be that God through the prophet, Jeremiah is speaking to the church today that when they had committed abomination, they were not at all ashamed. Neither could they blush That there are some depraved morally, even among the church today, We were not living the kind of lives that God would have them to live,

who are not being the example that God would have them to be to the world, as well as to their brothers and sisters in Christ Who are living in such ways that are not acceptable to God. See the very five reasons that God gave to the nation of Judah as to why the nation was going to fall. And it did fall into about 20 years Are The very same problems that we face in the church today.

Hopefully, and I believe this to be the case. It is That that All churches, all congregations, all brethren are doing these Things. Certainly These are not things that we are trying to do, But are they things that are being done? Yes, they are. Let me show you just how bad it is. As Jeremiah is writing to these of the Southern kingdom of Judah,

you drop down to verse 20 and Jeremiah says the harvest is past the summer is ended and we are not saved. Fact of the matter is if we, We are going to be guilty. And if we are guilty of the very things that God condemned, the nation of Judah for being guilty of, Then we are going to be just like the nation of Judah in that the hardest Is passed and the summer is ended and we will not be safe.

It is only through obedience of the gospel that one can receive. The remission of his sins can be saved from its sins. And it is only through continuing to live and striving to be faithful unto God, according to his word, that we can remain faithful unto him and remain having the hope of eternal life. If you’re outside the body of Christ this morning,

You have to be one who has heard the word of God and is willing to believe it. If you’re outside the body of Christ, having heard the word, do you believe it? You’re the only one that can answer that Question. Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ? The son of God? Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God?

Do you believe that what the Bible teaches is that, which is true. If you do, are you willing to repent change Of mind? Which brings about a in action change in attitude makes restitution, where possible are you willing to repent? Are you willing to confess your faith in Christ that you truly believe that Jesus is the Christ, that he is the son of God and has all authority.

Are you willing to be baptized Immersed in water in order to have your sins washed away, to receive the forgiveness of your sins to be saved? That’s what Jesus and the apostles taught must be done in order to become a Christian. When you hear the word and accepted, be obedient to it, You’re one is already a member of the body of Christ,

but you’ve turned your back upon God. You’ve turned your back upon the church. You’ve gone back into the world where you come back and repentance, praying to God for forgiveness. And to begin again, walking the way of righteousness, if we can help you, will you come as together? We stand and as we see.
