01-13-2019 – Keith Cozort – What Is Worship? Defining Worship Part 2 (AM Sermon)

Well that you are able to be here. We know that there are several from the congregation who are not able to be here this morning. We’re assuming because of the weather, but we certainly want to remember them in prayer and hope that they’ll be able to be with us very soon. Let me, first of all, begin with an announcement that I intended to make last week and forgot about it.

Most of you know that at the end of this week, Cheryl and I, and my mother and brother are going to be going down to Florida for the Florida school of preaching lectureship, which begins next Lord’s day morning. And I always try to make you aware of what the theme of the lectureship is. And also let you know concerning the fact that they produce a lectureship book each year,

the theme this year is going to be on. Do you understand the relationship of the Christian to the civil state or the Christian to the government? And so if you are interested in a copy of the lectureship book, if you will let me know, I’ll be more than happy to pick one up and bring it back. The regular price is $16, but as I mentioned Wednesday night for the last few years,

they have offered that if you bought four of the books, you paid for three and got the fourth one free. And if they do that again this year, then that will make the price 1350 rather than 16. So if you will, if you are interested in that, then please let me know. And I’ll be more than happy to pick one up.

I won’t even charge you for carrying charges. Last week, we started a series of lessons dealing with worship. What is worship? And last week we started with defining the terms that are used in scripture that are translated as worship. We looked at the three most common words in the Greek new Testament that are used to describe worship. We’re not going to go over all those things that we talked about last week,

but as we begin this week, and I told you, this is, this series is going to be for several weeks. I know. And because of the weather, I almost contemplated trying to do something else this morning because I knew we would have several that would not be here. But when things seemingly cleared up a little bit by yesterday afternoon, I decided that I would go ahead and just continue on.

And as I was already planning to do so, we’re going to do that. And hopefully it will be recorded without a problem. So that those who are not here will be able to get it on DVD or CD in order to not miss the lesson, if they’re wanting to, to hear it or to see it. What I want us to do this morning is to begin looking at what is worship by the implications that are given to us as the way it’s used in the new test,

the vocabulary of the new Testament, right? And so this is going to very briefly review the three main words that we looked at last week that are used the most in the Greek new Testament to speak concerning worship, because there are some general characteristics of worship that we can ascertain by the very definitions that we gave last week of these three words, for example,

the word Prescott, Oh, is that which reveals that worship involves humility. And on the part of the one who is offering the worship, the worshiper. And so it is that if you remember from James chapter four and in verse 10, James says humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he will lift you up. And so we are to have a heart of humility.

And by that we’re speaking concerning our mind. And in order to truly worship God, the way that he requires of us, we must humble ourselves before him, bud. We also spoke concerning the word, a set of Maya or<inaudible> and how that it reveals that worship involves an attitude. It involves an attitude of respect, an attitude of reverence. And therefore it is such that just as we show and should show respect for those who are in authority,

as far as our civil government is concerned. And, and even as far as our local government is concerned, our national government, and we do that, at least most of us do that. And yet God is so greater than any civil authority that we know of. And we are by the very word that is used here to show reverence and respect as we are offering our worship under God,

the third and final word was<inaudible> and here, this word gives us the idea that worship involves service that is rendered unto deity unto God. And we talked about last week, how that when we are singing brother Terry and leading the song leading, and he is serving in doing that when I am preaching, I’m serving in doing that. When brother Keith offered the prayer,

he is serving in doing that. And yet those things are required as far as acts to be done. But those who are leading and those who are offering as far as in the scene, when we are all singing, we are offering service, our service under God in worship. And so worship is not merely an attitude. Some people have the idea that it’s only the frame of mind that you have the attitude that you have,

but that’s not true. It also includes the very acts that we participate in and as being that, which is a true worship. And so the three words taken collectively give the indication that worship is something that is done intentionally. You do not worship God accidentally. You do not worship God without intending to worship God. And so, unless the intention is there by the individual or the group,

whichever the case may be, then any act or series of actions cannot be classified as being worship. Therefore, just to go through the motions, we would say of singing or prayer or whatever it may be just to go through the motions of doing that does not mean that it’s worship. If we are not intending for it to be the worship. Let me give you an example.

A person can eat unload and bread and drink the fruit of the vine for breakfast. But that doesn’t mean it’s worship. If there is not the intent for worship, what do we do when we eat breakfast? Well, we’re nourishing our bodies. That’s the intention that is there, but just because we eat unleavened bread and drink, the fruit of the vine does not mean that it’s automatically worshiped just because we do that.

There has to be the intention that is there. And the intention of when we surround the Lord’s table partake of the Lord’s supper is that of, as Paul would say, first Corinthians chapter 11, verse 26 to show the Lord’s death till he come. And so there is that intention. Well, the same thing could be said concerning teaching, concerning giving and concerning singing.

For example, one may teach the Bible and yet not be intending to worship and atheists can teach the Bible, but he’s not intending it to be worship. He doesn’t even believe there is a God. And so the intent is, is part of the attitude that is being expressed by the worship that is attempting to be exactly what God requires of us in order to be acceptable.

A person Can sing a song that is in our songbooks and yet not intend on singing praises to God and worshiping in doing Such. And We know a lot of people that do that. A lot of country music singers will sing the songs that are in our song book or a song that’s in our song book. And yet they’re not intending to worship that they’re intending to entertain in doing that.

Yeah. Let me also put this Plug in and I’ll talk about it again. When we get to talking about singing specifically, as far as worship is concerned, but let me suggest to you that a person who sings a song that is speaking to God of God, To our board and is not intending to worship is One who is taking the Lord’s name in vain by doing such.

And I’m afraid. We don’t think about that as much as we should. Intention is that right? Which is a part of what is required along with the act itself. And remember under the old Testament law and even restated under the new Testament law, is that we are not to take the name of the Lord God in vain. Therefore We need to seriously consider that Aspect.

Let me suggest to you though, that prayer is not included in that description. The very means of prayer itself is in humbling oneself intending to offer that prayer under God. And so These that in most, every situation that we would normally think of any way, prayer is not that which can be done without Intent. So I also want us to think concerning worship by way of defining worship,

by the way, it was practice In the new Testament. Okay, By the way, it was practiced because there’s a great deal about new Testament worship that can be learned by simply noting both the approved and the unapproved teachings concerning Practice in the scriptures, Worshiping God, acceptably involves the proper attitude as, as the proper authority For that worship. We referred to last week concerning John chapter three or John chapter four rather.

And in verse 24, where Jesus says, God is a spirit. And they, that worship him must worship him in spirit. And in truth, therefore Jesus says there are two things that are tied together that are required in order for our worship to be accepted. Well, the God, we must worship him in spirit. Well notice that’s in the right frame of mind and right attitude.

And we are to worship him in truth, doing the right acts Actions. We can worship God without the right spirit, But it will not be acceptable with God. Even though we do the right things, we can worship God in a spirit, but not do the right actions, which really Would not even be the right spirit when that’s the case. But it is such that both of those have to be tied together in way In order for it to be acceptable.

As far as God is concerned. Now, the very context here in John chapter four, when Jesus speaks, this is the, that Jesus here in talking to this Samaritan woman there at the well, the concerning the subject of acceptable Worship that Jesus here is speaking. When he says in spirit as man’s spirit, he’s not speaking concerning the Holy Spirit to worship God in the Holy spirit.

And in truth, he’s speaking concerning man’s own spirit, his own attitude, his own disposition And acceptable worship must be, Be characterized by a proper appropriate Attitude. The acts of worship On are not worshiping just in and of themselves. Just as we talked about that one can eat the unleavened bread and drink fruit of the vine. And yet it not be,

We worship simply because they’re eating breakfast, but Is also the case with the other avenues of worship. That if one is not doing it in spirit, as Jesus says in the right frame of mind in the right attitude, then he’s not truly, truly worshiping acceptably as far as God is concerned. But in spirit is only half of the requirement that Jesus gives.

He says, we must do it in spirit, but he says, we must also do it in truth, doing the, the right actions, having the proper authority for the things that we do, Our worship must be done. According to God’s word, Many times, have we heard people say, well, it doesn’t say we can’t Do this or that that’s not the point.

The point is, does it say we can, Does it say we are supposed to do it? That’s where the authority comes from. And so when you think about that, we must in our worship do those things that are in a according in accordance with God’s word. When you turn over to John chapter seven, Hear Jesus speaking to those First century would say in verses 16 and 17,

my doctrine is not mine, but his, that sent me if any man will do his will. He shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself. Well, how is it that one can do God’s will he has to do what God has said to do you turn it over to second, John, the apostle John in this second epistle of his and in verse four speaks concerning this elect lady verse one.

And he says, I rejoice greatly that I found I children walking in truth. As we have received a commandment from the father, how is it that someone walks in truth by doing what has been commanded by God, through his word? And John says to, in writing to this elect lady that he rejoiced greatly, that he found that her children were walking in truth,

According to the commandments of God, Chapter 17, and in verse 17, Jesus in his prayer that he offers says, verse 17, sanctify them through the truth. Thy word is truth. And so if our worship is going to be acceptable In truth, Then that means we are going to be doing what God’s word requires of us to do in order to worship him.

And only when it is in accordance with divine authority, with the new Testament, okay. Is it such that it can be acceptable under God, which is why Paul would say in Colossians chapter three in verse 17 whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord. Jesus giving, thanks to God in the father, by him.

Paul is stating there. We must have authority for what we do. If it’s going to be acceptable, as far as God is concerned, when it comes to worship. And So if worship, if what is being offered as worship loud, It’s the proper attitude and or the proper authority, then it ends up being vain worship. And Jesus talked about that in Matthew chapter 15.

And in verse nine, when he talks about that, those Who were ones who taught the commandments of men as If they were the commandments of God, backing up to verse eight, he says, this people draw nigh unto me with their mouth and honor me with their lips. But their heart is far from me. And in vain, they do worship me teaching for doctrines,

the commandments of men. And so it is that they may have had the right attitude and what they were doing, but they were doing the wrong things. They were teaching the doctrines of men as if they were the commandments of God. And Jesus is in doing such. They are offering vain, which is worthless worship. It is of no value At all.

You think concerning that, those who, who lack the proper attitude or the proper authority for what they are doing, they are even as Paul would talk about it in Athens, in acts chapter 17, verses 22 and 23, they are offering Ignorant worship. All said that they had an image there in Athens that was labeled to the unknown God. And Paul says,

that’s the God I want to teach you about. He Acknowledges that they worshiped that image, but they didn’t know him. And therefore he was ignorant worship that they were offering. Ignorant worship is not acceptable as far as God is concerned. And Paul will also talk about a glossary in chapter two, verses 20 through 23 concerning their being we’ll Worship. Many of Those in the world today in the religious world today are worshiping according to their self Will.

This is What I like. This is what I think I ought to do. And therefore God will accept it. No He won’t. If it Is not that which has authority from his word, from the new Testament for what is being done, it is not going to be accepted no matter how much somebody likes it, no matter how much somebody thinks it’s going to be okay.

Anyway, these kinds of worship, Those that are spoken of as being worshiped, but they are spoken of as being unaccepted, Doable, as far as God is concerned. So worshiping God, Acceptably involves proper actions, Proper actions. Again, John four 24 to worship God in truth is what is being discussed there because God has revealed in his word to us as to what truth is He has given To us,

the approved Actions For that, which is worship. Therefore we read concerning singing, Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. We read concerning praying to God. We read concerning teaching and preaching the word of God. We read concerning partaking of the Lord’s supper. Every first day of the week, we read concerning the giving of our means on the first day of the week,

God has authorized certain things to be done. And it is also the case that in doing those things, we must be willing to do them the way that God’s specified, if he does specify concerning them, Worship Has always required specific actions. It was the case under the patriarchal law. It was the case under the law of Moses continues to be the case today,

under the law of Christ, we need to also make the points as we did last week, that worship has a starting place and it has a stopping place. Remember when Abraham said, when he was taking Isaac to the top of that mountain, he left the two servants behind. He said, you stay here. And the lad and I will go yonder to worship.

And then we will return to you. He knew exactly what God had required of him. And yet he was not worshiping God as he was traveling those three days in order to get to this place where the Lord told him to go. Once he reached that place, they began their worship. And once they finished their worship, they came down from the mountain.

We make that point, because again, there are those who are promoting the idea and have been for the last 15 years, approximately among our brethren, that everything we do is worship. No, it’s not. It’s not spoken of that way. And, And therefore the intent that is necessary and the fact that we must do those things that are commanded by the scriptures in order for,

to be acceptable to God, to worship him in truth, worshiping God, acceptably is not by the way, a form of entertainment. And I’m afraid there are many in the Lord’s church today who seemed to confuse the idea of worship and entertainment as being the same thing. It is true. That worship should be enjoyable to those who are worshipers. Now,

there are going to be times where it’s not necessarily enjoyable because of circumstances beyond our control. Maybe either in our personal lives or affecting the congregation as a whole or something like that. But generally speaking worship is to be enjoyable to those who are offering worship to God. The Psalmus would say in the 122nd Psalm, and in verse one, the attitude that we ought to have every time we come to worship,

when he says, I was glad, when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord. That ought to be our attitude. When we come together to worship, I was glad when they said come into the house of the Lord, the worship that we offer is not for the purpose of entertaining. One another. It is not the focus of what we’re doing to entertain one another to please,

the flesh Worship Is not a spectator performer situation, where you as the congregation are those who are the audience and those who lead the worship, whether it’s brother Keith and leading the prayer, or brother Terry and leading the singing or myself in preaching, that we are the ones who are entertaining you. That’s not what worship is about. The fact of the matter is that each and every one of us is to be offering our worship to God as those who are members of the body of Christ,

as those who are Christians. According to the new Testament, we are, as priest, as Peter brings out, we are priests who offer our own worship to God. Under the old Testament, they had to go to the priest of the tribe of Levi to offer worship for the children of Israel. That’s not the case under the law of Christ. We offer our own worship under God,

and therefore we are all participants. There are no spectators here. If you are A spectator, then you’re not a part of the body of Christ, or you’re not doing what God said you are. We’re supposed to do the very nature. Very design of scriptural worship is that which appeals to the spirit. And yet the flesh can be uplifted and encouraged and benefited by it.

But our worship is not forward. The flesh, it is for the spirit and Christians need to know the difference between worship Acceptable than the God and that which is just entertaining. What is worship in order For us to worship God acceptably, our worship must be, Jesus says in spirit having the right attitude And in truth, doing the right actions, doing the right acts.

Again, We emphasize as we try to every single Time we come together, That what we’re trying to make the point of is that we must do what the new Testament teaches us to do. And we must do it in the right way and in the right frame of Mind, in order For us to be right with God, whether we’re talking about worship,

whether we’re talking about service, whatever it may be. And So if you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, We want to emphasize to you that in order to become A Christian, In order to be added to the Lord’s church, you must have heard the word of God. And to believe it, John six, verse 45, You must be one who is willing to repent to change of mind,

which brings about a change in action, a change in attitude and makes restitution where possible acts two verse 38, that you must be willing to confess your faith in Christ. That he is who he claimed to be the living son of the living. God, Matthew chapter 10, verse 32. And that you must be born again. You must be baptized in order to receive the remission of your sins.

Acts two verse 38 in order to receive the washing away of your sins, acts 22 verse 16 in order to be saved, Mark 16, verse six. Yeah. Or needing to do that. We pray that you will do it today before it is eternally too late. If you’re Already a member of the body of Christ, but you’ve brought reproach upon the church where you come back and repentance,

praying for God and praying to God for forgiveness of your sins. In the beginning, again, walking in the way of the new Testament. If we can help you, will you come as together? We stand. And as we see.
