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03-10-2019 – Keith Cozort – Where Is Zebedee? – (AM Sermon)

We are certainly grateful for your presence.<inaudible> With the temperatures being a little more elevated than what they have been. Certainly glad that more are able to be out. Even though we have several that are suffering in one form or another include myself, But Hopefully this too shall pass For those that are going to be here tonight. Let me encourage you to read the 119th Psalm Psalm one 19 is what we are be concentrating on this evening this morning. I want us to look at the question and attempt to answer the question where is ZBT open your Bibles with me? If you will, to mark chapter one, we’re going to read verses 14 through 20. We have a parallel account that’s given to us in Matthew chapter four, verses 18 through 22 and a partial account given to us in Luke chapter five, verses one through 11. But I want us to notice what mark tells us here in verses 14 through 20 now, after the John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled. And the kingdom of God is at hand repent, ye and believe the gospel. Now, as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew, his brother casting a net into the sea for, they were fishers. And Jesus said unto them, come after me. And I will make you to become fishers of …

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03-03-2019 – Nathan Cozort – Fake News Alert: God’s Plan For The Family (PM Sermon)

Good evening. It is a pleasure to be here and to be able to be with you, even though the circumstances are not as I would have wanted them to be. We were planning on being here this weekend and staying through tomorrow morning, and then Ashley got sick. And that was the end of last week. I was like, well, we’ll see what happens. And then a couple of days later, Lucy got sick and then she got To feeling better. And nobody else was showing signs Of coming down with whatever this little bug was. And so we thought we were in the clear until Friday night and then Holly came down with it. And then there was no way that we were going to be able to be here, but I still needed to come down and pick up some wood for the fireplace. And so I did and talked to her Saturday after I got here, let her know that I had arrived and find out how they were doing. She said, well, Madison and her were feeling a little bit worse. And I jokingly said, well, I don’t think I want to come back. And she said, I don’t think you need to come back. So I stayed and then dad said, good. You can preach on Sunday night. Like, okay, you asked for it. I going back to what he said earlier about me being the only one that hadn’t spoken here, they were …

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03-03-2019 – Keith Cozort – The Rich Man and Lazarus (AM Sermon)

For your presence. We know that there are many who were not able to be out this morning because of the weather, but we are glad that you Were determined to be here. And that it was of such a nature that you were able to be here as well. Before we get into the lesson, ask you to be remembering brother, Larry Turner. He is under the weather. He’s not feeling good. And sister Carolyn called last night to let us know that he would not be able to be here. So we certainly want to remember him in our prayers, as well as all the others that we’ve been making mention of. It’s good to have with us, our middle son, Nathan, with us this morning, whom most all of you are very well familiar with. He came down yesterday in order to get a load of wood to take back. Cause his woodpile is diminishing and with the weather predictions, the way that they were, and the fact that his wife and daughters are passing around all kinds of crud, his wife said, why don’t you just stay down there until Monday? Of course, that was after he got down here. He wasn’t planning to stay. He was going back last night. So anyway, he’s going to stay til Monday. And because of that, I thought, well, this would be a good opportunity to let him preach. So he’s going to plan to preach for us tonight …

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02-24-2019 – Keith Cozort – Paul’s Sermon at Athens (PM Sermon)

Certainly grateful for your attendance this evening. And a couple of announcements that we need to make before we get started in our lesson. One is a reminder that the ladies are planning to meet, to discuss concerning the meal for Tuesday after our worship this evening. And what down here, Linda, where are you wanting to meet Down front? Okay. So don’t forget that men were going to need some help in moving some furniture, especially the Lord’s table out of the way, get that out of the way and this stuff over here. So we could use a couple of hands with that. And if you can help with that, we would greatly appreciate it. I didn’t write all this stuff down. I knew, I remember it seems like there was one other thing. Pardon? Oh yeah. If you have pillows or something in the Pew, you may want to go ahead into move those someplace else. I don’t know because I wasn’t here, but I understand with Vivian’s funeral that was here, there were like over 500 people that came through for the visitation. So we’re gonna need all the seating capacity that we can have for those that are going to stick around. Yes, Richard, I think that’s been done. I think so in order to make use of all the chairs, but also get as much eating space that’s available because again, last year or with Vivian’s funeral, which was not here, but I understand …

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02-24-2019 – Keith Cozort – Death (AM Sermon)

This, this, we want you to know that we’re honored by your visit and hope that you will fill out one of the visitors cards that you should find on the back of the Pew in front of you. If you’ll leave that on the Pew, when you leave, we’ll collect those after our worship is over so that we can ever record of your visit. Speaking concerning visitors. We have the Shelton’s with us this morning from Porsche Arkansas, and they are on their way to Springfield. I understand in order to celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary. So we are certainly grateful that they have decided to stop by here on their way. Also, we, again want to express our sympathy to the Turner family brother, Carl having passed away Friday afternoon. And as we’ve already announced, the visitation is going to be tomorrow evening here at the building from six until eight. And then the funeral will be Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock here at the building, and we will be providing a meal for the family and any friends that decide they want to stay after the funeral. And the burial has taken place. And along those lines, Cheryl gave me an announcement. There will be a meal served for the Turner family. Ladies are working on the plans that will be discussed tonight. Those who are not going to be here tonight will be called. So you won’t be left out, but just so that, you …