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03-31-2019 – Keith Cozort – Let Us Part 2 (PM Sermon)

Glad you were able to make it out this evening and to be with us. We certainly appreciate that before we get into the lesson, Let me make you aware of the fact that we, We are planning to have ice cream Wednesday night after Bible bowl. And So if you want it to be, as I jokingly said before service, if you want it to be organized, then talk to Donna after we’re dismissed. If you want it to be disorganized, then just bring whatever you want to. So we’ll, we’ll let it go with that. But we are going to plan to have ice cream afterwards, Open your Bibles with me. If you will, the Hebrews chapter four last week, we started studying this particular chapter to notice what the Hebrews writer, whoever it was, whether it was Paul or somebody else speaks concerning in this chapter. Let Us let Us, he says various times in this chapter. And so we want to go through and to read the chapter again, and then we’ll come back And To notice a couple other things that he says in this particular chapter verse one of chapter four, let us therefore fear lest the promise be left us of entering into his rest. Any of you should, any of you should seem to come short a bit for under us was the gospel preached as well as under them. But the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with …

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03-31-2019 – Keith Cozort – Worship: Apostle’s Doctrine Part 4 (AM Sermon)

We certainly appreciate you being here. Beautiful, beautiful first day of the week. Maybe a little chilly, but that’s okay. We are certainly grateful for your presence. If you are visiting with us, we want you to know that we truly appreciate your visit and ask you to fill out one of the visitors cards that you should find on the back of the Pew in front of you. And if We invite you back, you’d every opportunity that you may have to be with us. We are studying concerning worship And Specifically we are studying concerning preaching and teaching. At this point in time, We’re studying concerning those things that are spoken of as being the Apostle’s doctrine, their preaching and teaching to those in the first century. And as you think, concerning preaching and teaching, as we’ve been, as we’ve defined worship. And as we’ve been thinking concerning the subject of preaching and teaching preaching and teaching is worship, it is the intention to teach it instruct one another. Yes, but it is also worship to God. And the way that we go about doing that and the reason reasoning that we have for doing that. And so in order to conclude this particular part of our study, concerning worship, I want us to consider there are preparations that have to be made in order for us to be ready, to worship both in preaching and in teaching. And so I want us to consider that we must …

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03-24-2019 – Keith Cozort – Let Us Part 1 – (PM Sermon)

Certainly appreciate, appreciate you being here this evening. As they say it was raining up a storm just a few minutes ago, and now it’s not doing anything out there, but that’s okay. We’re glad you’re able to be here. And I intended to let you know what you could read for tonight. Sorry, Barb. And I thought of it as we were seeing the invitation song. And by the time we got finished, I forgot about it, but I will let you know before we get started that I don’t know if you noticed or not, but I noticed this morning that my voice was cracking. We were complimenting how that this is the first time in a long time. I’ve preached the gospel median and my throat was fine the whole week long. And, but it decided to let me know that I preached the gospel meeting last week and I needed to be careful. So because of that, we’re going to try to tone down the intensity. They’ll probably it. Wasn’t going to be very great tonight anyway, but also we will be limiting our time this evening, probably more so than normal. Anyway, open up your Bibles with me. If you will, to Hebrews chapter four, Hebrews chapter four, we’re going to notice part one tonight of what the Hebrews writer speaks of here in this particular chapter. When he says, let us Horace, by the very fact that he’s saying, let us, that means it’s …

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03-17-2019 – Ivie Powell – John, The Baptizer (PM Sermon)

Here tonight on the Lord’s day, we could spend our afternoon and evening and no better way than studying a portion of the word of God. I will not tell you something that you do not already know. We just remind each other things that we’ve studied all of our lives. Peter reminded brethren, the things that they already knew in second, Peter chapter one, he was strengthening them and he continued to preach the same message over and over and over again in Joshua chapter 24, verse 15, a well known versus scripture where Joshua said, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. He wanted to know who they were willing to serve you. And I know that once you serve the Lord or we wouldn’t be here tonight, not only that, when you look at Joshua’s life, three generations deep serve the Lord. You think about your family, my family, the next generation, the third generation. Well, they be serving the Lord. We hope and pray that that is the case. Our dear brother led all of our thoughts in prayer. Do I have one, a father reminded all of us of striving to strengthen our immediate families. And of course, encouraging others that are round about us in the church of our Lord. When we look at our lesson and I, we’re going to look at be looking at a man that is truly great among those that are born of women, …

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03-17-2019 – Ivie Powell – Building Your Life (AM Sermon)

A faithful Christian, whether they dig ditches, whether they fly an airplane, whether they are the president of the United States, it makes no difference. You want them to be a faithful, dedicated, faithful member of the Lords. I’ve driven to Memphis, Tennessee, many, many a time grew up down at west Memphis, Arkansas, glad to get away. But I grew up there. I’ve been across the oldest, the O I’m trying to think of the bridge Hernando de Soto bridge. That’s the old bridge going into Memphis. Then about 1972, three, they built a brand new bridge. But when you go across those bridges, they are supported with pillars, strong pillars, many years go and Linden. And the children when our daughter, son, and daughter were little boys and girls went down to Florida and CR my uncle going back, went around new Orleans, going across that long, long bridge down there. And Louisiana, as the longest bridge you’ve been across in my entire life. And I did not have any great plans of going across that bridge. I kept thinking if a barge hits this bridge, we are done for. And I found out that that wasn’t unusual for barges to hit the bridge barges where hit the bridge at the Mississippi river. That’s true up at K row. It’s true. All, all of these bridges across the country. Now, the reason that so many of them are able to stand is because of the support. Now, I …