03-31-2019 – Keith Cozort – Let Us Part 2 (PM Sermon)
Glad you were able to make it out this evening and to be with us. We certainly appreciate that before we get into the lesson, Let me make you aware of the fact that we, We are planning to have ice cream Wednesday night after Bible bowl. And So if you want it to be, as I jokingly said before service, if you want it to be organized, then talk to Donna after we’re dismissed. If you want it to be disorganized, then just bring whatever you want to. So we’ll, we’ll let it go with that. But we are going to plan to have ice cream afterwards, Open your Bibles with me. If you will, the Hebrews chapter four last week, we started studying this particular chapter to notice what the Hebrews writer, whoever it was, whether it was Paul or somebody else speaks concerning in this chapter. Let Us let Us, he says various times in this chapter. And so we want to go through and to read the chapter again, and then we’ll come back And To notice a couple other things that he says in this particular chapter verse one of chapter four, let us therefore fear lest the promise be left us of entering into his rest. Any of you should, any of you should seem to come short a bit for under us was the gospel preached as well as under them. But the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with …