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Should We Use Instrumental Music in Worship to God?

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Road Trip Through the Bible – Dale Hubbert

Generated Transcript:  welcome to another segment of our road trip through the Bible and we want to talk about Upper Room we’ve talked about that a little bit before we talked about the fact that before the death of Jesus he met with his disciples his apostles in an upper room he talked to them he told them what was going to happen he washed their feet he told them that one was going to betray him it was not many days later how many days later that Jesus was crucified and that he rose again in Acts chapter 1 we find Jesus after he has been risen and Jesus is at the place where he told the Apostles he would be and he talks to them and he goes back to the Father and he told them he was going with to go back to the pocket even before he died and then in verse 12 Acts chapter 1 he told the disciples the apostles that he was going back to the Babak and they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet which is near Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s journey and when they entered they went into the upper room with everything Peter James John Andrew Philip Thomas Park all of you Matthew James Simon and Judas the son of James not to be confused with you this is Carey who had taken his life after betraying Jesus here the apostles there is an upper room again except …

09-08-2019 – Choose You This Day Whom You Will Serve (Class) – Authority – Sermon (AM)

we’re going to have even this morning for giving the bar. What? Our youngest son, Aaron, is going to be speaking to us for the Bible Blacks worship this morning. We’re grateful that he and his family are able to be with us. You’re in the Bible class. The subject is personal. Our team is choose you this day. His subject is choose you this day, whom you will serve. Good morning. Seeing as this is the Bible class, our feel free too. It will be a study period. Feel free to ask questions or make comments as you will, uh, just get my attention as if you’re doing so and we’ll handle those in in the flow of things. Take your Bibles, if you will, and open them to the Book of Joshua. As many of you might recognize, the theme for the lectureship this week comes from Josh Watch after 24 which is where we’re going to begin. Josh, which after 24 is one of those passages that it is important to remember who is speaking when they’re speaking to whom they’re speaking. And we’re going to use this context and the greater context of Joshua as well as the events surrounding the Book of Joshua to set the focus for our series of lessons this week. In order to do that, we need to become acquainted with the Israel lines of the Old Testament, while we do not live under the Old Testament. And while the majority …