05-01-2019 – Terry Joe Kee – Gospel Meeting (PM Sermon)
And it’s hard to believe that at this point, we are now ready for the final service of this gospel meeting. It seems that time passes so quickly and especially when you’re enjoying and having, I guess, a good time. And I certainly have enjoyed my time here with you. And I appreciate the opportunity of being able to be here. We are with you. We’ve been talking about the church And we spent the last two nights talking about the church. We’ve talked about The fact that you cannot have Jesus without the kingdom. It’s impossible to take one without the other though. Some would seem to want to do that. And we also talked about the fact that The church is here for a purpose and that there are, Are those blessings that we received by being members of the church. And there is indeed the blessing of salvation and the fellowship that we have with one another. The edification that we receive from being members of the body of Christ and our time together, as we labor together in the cause of Christ, Nothing On earth that God has ever brought into existence. He brought into existence without a purpose. Everything has a purpose. Everything has a reason for being here, even at those things that I may not really understand why And may Not understand why it is that those things are here. I can promise You. There’s some reason why Things are where they are …