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01-27-2019 – Keith Cozort – Babel Wasn’t All Babble (PM Sermon)

Certainly good to have you here this evening. See this number out. We appreciate you. Being here has been a beautiful first day of the week, even with the snow that we had a little bit of this morning. Certainly couldn’t tell it by the time we got finished with our worship this morning and got out, but we are certainly grateful for your presence. Open your Bibles with me. If you will, to Genesis chapter 11, Genesis chapter 11, I want us to read the first nine verses of this chapter concerning an account that most all of us are familiar with as it relates toward the tower of Babel Genesis chapter 11, because what we’re going to see here is that Bible wasn’t all babbled, Abel, wasn’t all babble. Notice what Moses records and the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass. As they journeyed from the East that they found a plain in the land of Shiner and dwelt there. And they said one to another, go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone and slime had they for mortar. And they said, go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. And let us make us a name lest we should be less. We be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. The Lord came down to see the city …

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01-27-2019 – Keith Cozort – Worship: The Apostle’s Doctrine Part 1 (AM Sermon)

Is good to be back home. It’s good to see you. And to be able to be with you this morning, we had a very good trip down to Lakeland, Florida for the Florida school of preaching lectureship. That’s where I attended the school of preaching and had a very good lectureship there. Just so that some of you know, it’s not always in the seventies and eighties in Florida. Okay. I lived there for 10 years, so I can vouch for that. But there were a couple of nights where it get down, got down into the thirties. And we, we were out a couple afternoons when we had to go to the grocery store for, for some things. And those Floridians were going around with winter jackets on, I mean, overcoats. And we were there either with a light coat on or nothing at all. I mean that, I mean, no coat, no coat. Sorry about that. But anyway, it did get cool, but it, it started warming up as the week, went long, went along and did get up to about 80 a couple of days, Thursday and Friday, I think it was, but we had a very good trip down. We were ahead of the front that brought all the cold weather to you last weekend. And, but on our way down, we’d, hadn’t even thought about it until we were actually there that when we got to South Alabama on Friday or no Saturday last …

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01-13-2019 – Keith Cozort – What Was And Is Idolatry Part 2 (PM Sermon)

Certainly grateful for your presence this evening, as you know, our numbers were down this morning. And so we fully anticipated that they would be down again tonight. Not quite as much as I thought, maybe. So we are certainly grateful for you being here. Sister Costco was not feeling good this morning. The reasons she was not here and she’s not here again tonight, but also Keith, let me know that she received word today that her mother passed away. If she had lived till the 25th, I think you said the 25th, she would have been a hundred years old, but fortunately she was not having health issues and she just faded away. And certainly that’s one of the best ways to go if you’re going to go. But certainly remember Costco and her family and your prayers, if you would, He became a Christian, her mother<inaudible> That’s. That’s great. Yeah. Okay. That’s that’s great. Statistics show us that older individuals are less likely to obey the gospel than those who are younger. They are set in their ways. And so when you hear of someone who’s up in their seventies and their eighties or something like that, and they obey the gospel, it, it certainly, of course it always causes us joy. It should anyway. But to hear somebody that is up in age like that, that realizes that they’ve not done what they need to do and to make the proper preparations for heaven. That’s certainly …

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01-13-2019 – Keith Cozort – What Is Worship? Defining Worship Part 2 (AM Sermon)

Well that you are able to be here. We know that there are several from the congregation who are not able to be here this morning. We’re assuming because of the weather, but we certainly want to remember them in prayer and hope that they’ll be able to be with us very soon. Let me, first of all, begin with an announcement that I intended to make last week and forgot about it. Most of you know that at the end of this week, Cheryl and I, and my mother and brother are going to be going down to Florida for the Florida school of preaching lectureship, which begins next Lord’s day morning. And I always try to make you aware of what the theme of the lectureship is. And also let you know concerning the fact that they produce a lectureship book each year, the theme this year is going to be on. Do you understand the relationship of the Christian to the civil state or the Christian to the government? And so if you are interested in a copy of the lectureship book, if you will let me know, I’ll be more than happy to pick one up and bring it back. The regular price is $16, but as I mentioned Wednesday night for the last few years, they have offered that if you bought four of the books, you paid for three and got the fourth one free. And if they do that again this year, then …

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01-06-2019 – Keith Cozort – What Was And Is Idolatry Part 1 (PM Sermon)

Are certainly grateful for your attendance this evening. And Cheryl is not able to be here. She wasn’t feeling great this morning. As most of you are aware, but this afternoon she really was not feeling good at all. And one of the ways that I know when she’s not feeling good and really not feeling good is when she tells me, I think I better stay home tonight. Most times I’m having to tell her, I really think you need to stay home. You probably don’t need to go when she tells me and I haven’t even said anything. I think I need to stay home tonight. Then I know she’s not feeling good. So please remember her in your prayers. If you would it’s evening. I want us to talk about idolatry. What was, and is idolatry this evening. We’re going to concentrate on what was idolatry, according to what the Bible teaches. Lord willing. Next Sunday night, we’ll look at what is idolatry. As we think concerning that open up your Bibles with me. If you will, to Exodus chapter 20 and Exodus chapter 20, of course, this is where Moses received the 10 commandments from God. But I want us to read verses three through six. As we begin this lesson, God says to Moses now shall have no other gods before me now shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in …