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02-17-2019 – Keith Cozort – The Adequate Man – (AM Sermon)

Number is down again today, but maybe not quite as much as it was last week due to the weather, but we are certainly grateful that you were able to Make it. And we do know that there are Some who could not make it because of the weather being concerned about the ISIS. We also know that there are some who are not here Because of illness. And certainly we want to Remember those that we’ve made mention in the bulletin concerning, but also a sister. Barb is not with us this morning because she is not Doing well. And of course, Bonnie has been out for last several weeks because of a fall and Ruby’s not feeling well and Lois is not feeling well. And there’s Several others that we could put on that list as well. But we certainly are gret glad that you’re able to be here Because of that. I’ve called another audible. Those of you Who weren’t here, able to be here last week, didn’t get the inside joke. But anyway, I called an audible last week because we’ve been studying series of lessons concerning worship, but with there being so few that were able to be here last week, I decided to preach on something different. And I’m going to do that again this week as well. I want to suspend our time this morning, thinking about the adequate man, the adequate man, when you look up the word adequate and Webster’s dictionary, …

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02-10-2019 – Keith Cozort – The Value of Fellowship Part 1 (PM Sermon)

Certainly glad you were able to be here tonight. Some of you are here tonight because, or you were not able to be here this morning because of the weather. And even though it’s not great tonight, you ventured out anyway. And we certainly appreciate that. We’re not going to use the PowerPoint again tonight because we are having problems with the projector talking with, or listening to my computer. No, actually one of the cables that we have has a short in it evidently. And so it’s not able to keep the connection. And so that was the problem we were having this morning. We had it last week as well, but Sunday night it worked fine. Well, tonight it’s not even going to attempt to do that. So we’re just going to have to bypass that told you this morning, that if you wanted to read to be ready for the lesson tonight, that you needed to read acts chapter four, verses 23, through the end of the chapter. I want us to use this chapter to speak concerning the value of fellowship, the value of fellowship. Before we begin reading in verse 23 and go through the end of the chapter. I want us to get a background concerning what’s taking place here. The background for chapter four verses 23 through the end of the chapter actually starts at the beginning of chapter three. When you go back to chapter three, first 11 verses gives us the …

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02-10-2019 – Keith Cozort – Five Reasons Why Judah Fell – Jeremiah 8 (AM Sermon)

We are having problems with our projector again this morning. And so rather than being a distraction, I’m just going to turn it off. So sorry about not being able to have the PowerPoint, but we will live without it. Yeah. We’ve been studying concerning worship and we’ve been studying concerning the value of, of worship. What is worship, we’ve defined a worship and those things related to it. But because our numbers are down this morning and I really don’t want many of those who are not here this morning, to be able to miss what we are discussing, I’m going to call an audible and we will be studying something different. Open your Bibles with me. If you will, to Jeremiah chapter eight, Jeremiah chapter eight, My wife is up here snickering. Cause she knows I liked this sermon and I’ve used it often, But it is an excellent sermon. I believe. Well, I know it is because it comes from God. All right, Jeremiah, chapter eight. I want us to notice this morning, five reasons as to why the Southern kingdom of Judah was going to fall. Jeremiah is the prophet at this particular time. This is about 20 years before the Southern kingdom of Judah does fall. And so Judah is warning the Southern kingdom of the reasons as to why the kingdom is going to fall Beginning in verse four, Jeremiah says, moreover, thou shall say unto them, thus sayeth the Lord, shall they fall …

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02-03-2019 – Keith Cozort – Joshua, A Man of The Book (PM Sermon)

Open your Bibles with me, if you will, to the book of Joshua. I mean, as I announced this morning, I would like for us to study concerning Joshua, a man of the book, Certainly glad that you’re able to be here tonight wants to read verses one through nine of chapter one. This is going to serve as the introduction to the book of Joshua, certainly, excuse me. But it’s also where we’re going to be taking our lesson from this evening, beginning in verse one. Now, after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Joshua, the son of nun, Moses’s minister saying, Moses, my servant is dead now, therefore arise and go over this Jordan thou and all this people under the land, which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel, every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that. Have I given unto you, as I said, unto Moses from the wilderness of this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites and under the great sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your coast. There shall not any man be able to stand before the, all the days of my life as I was with Moses. So I will be with thee. I will not fail the North for safety, be strong and have a good courage for …

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02-03-2019 – Keith Cozort – Worship: The Apostle’s Doctrine Part 2 (AM Sermon)

We certainly appreciate your presence this morning. If you are visiting with us, we want you to know that we’re honored by your visit and hope that you’ll come back at every opportunity that you have. Yeah. For the last month, anyway, we’ve been studying concerning worship and we’re going to continue that study this morning. Last week, we started dealing with the apostles doctrines spoken of in acts chapter two and in verse 41, and we’re going to continue actually verse 42. We’re going to continue studying that particular subject. Last week, we were studying concerning preaching or teaching his worship, and we noted several different things and then proceeded to go on to other things. But I want us to back up to that particular idea and to recognize, first of all, that Jesus commanded us to preach and to teach. When you look at passages, such as Mark chapter 16, verses 15 and 16, where Jesus in Mark’s account anyway, gives the great commission under the apostles. Jesus says, go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believe it, that is baptized shall be saved. He, that believeth not shall be damned here. Jesus gives the command and it is a command. It’s not a request. It’s not a, just a, I think this is a good idea. This is a command that Jesus gives to the apostles that they are to go into all the world and preach the …