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05-12-2019 – Keith Cozort – Godly Motherhood (AM Sermon)

So good to see you this morning and Certainly appreciate you being here. If you are visiting with us, we want you to know that we’re honored by your presence, and we hope that you’ll come back at every opportunity You have. Again, Let me say happy mother’s day to all the mothers That are out there. And we Certainly appreciate you. Let me also say happy birthday, Linda. No, Donna Donna got the wrong one. For those of you who were not here Wednesday night, and many of you do not have Facebook or, Or maybe didn’t see it. Let me bring you some very sad information, but let me bring you up to date. We have in the bulletin to ask you to remember Don and Sherry Blackwell. Don Has gospel preacher. He preaches for the South Haven congregation in South Haven, Mississippi. He is also the director of gospel broadcasting network network GBN, which is down in olive branch, Mississippi. And Last Sunday, he started a gospel meeting in Salem, West Virginia, or Salem, Virginia. And on Monday, He and his wife, Sherry Sherry was with him for the gospel meeting, decided to go on Four Wheeler trip during the afternoon. And unfortunately they ended up having an accident. Don is in far worse condition than his wife. Sherry is for that. We are grateful and yet Sherry is going to be in a back brace for several months. Recuperating Don. We found out severed his spinal …

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05-05-2019 – Keith Cozort – Worship: Lord’s Supper Part 1 (AM Sermon)

Certainly appreciate you being here this morning. We Such a great, beautiful first day of the week and glad that you are here, Right, Andrew. Again, we do have a potluck dinner that is scheduled for after we are dismissed and everyone is encouraged to stay for that if at all possible. And we made mention Wednesday night that yes, we know that we had one Last Sunday with our gospel meetings, But Larry Turner assured me that he’d be able to handle two in a row. And I told him, I thought I could too. So we’re looking forward to that. He’s already informed me if you see him sneaking out, it’s because of this, he’s already checked things out back here and he said it smells really, really good. And so just, just keep an eye on him, but make sure you’re listening to me. Okay. Okay. I did have a good gospel meeting this last week with bro. The Terry Joe Key. Some of you have asked if I’ve heard anything from him since he left Thursday morning. The answer is no. I Miss announced something Wednesday night, as far as he did not have surgery was not scheduled to have surgery on Friday. He was scheduled for an MRI. And So he’s had test run on Thursday and the MRI on Friday, he’s not scheduled for surgery until sometime next month. And so we certainly want to continue to remember him in our prayers. It’s morning. …

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04-21-2019 – Keith Cozort – Worship: Singing Part 3 (AM Sermon)

If you’re visiting with us, we certainly want you to know that we are honored by your presence. And we do have several visitors with us this morning, family members that are visiting. And for that, we are truly grateful. Hope that you’ll come back at every opportunity that you have. We’re studying a series of sermons concerning worship. What is worship? What is involved in worship? According to the scriptures, a lot of people have the idea that they can do whatever they want to. And God’s going to accept it as being worship and yet going all the way back to the garden, or shortly after the garden of Eden with Cain and Abel, we find out that’s not true. God did not accept Cain’s sacrifice, but he did accept Abel’s sacrifice. And so we’re studying concerning singing. What does the word of God teach concerning scene? The scripture that we’re using as the foundation for this lesson, these lessons of course, is John chapter four, verse 24, where Jesus himself says, God is a spirit. And they, that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. And we’ve noted almost every time. I think, concerning the statement that Jesus makes that those who are going to worship God, acceptably are those who Jesus says must worship him in spirit. And in truth to worship in spirit is to worship in the right frame of mind, to worship God in truth is to worship him according …

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04-07-2019 – Keith Cozort – My Great High Priest (PM Sermon)

Certainly, I appreciate you being here and such a beautiful first day of the week. Certainly there are other places we know that you could be if you so chose, but we’re glad that you chose to be here in order to worship. Couple of announcements, I may have mentioned to you this morning that I had texted brother Ivy to see how he was doing. He texted back about 15 minutes after we left the house and I don’t bring my cell phone with me normally to the building. So when we got home, we found that he said, he’s doing good, that the doctor has instructed him, that he is to speak slowly and he is to speak softly and Linda is loving it. So that’s really all the information I got concerning it, but it sounds like things are progressing nicely. For those of you who don’t know, some of you’ve already made mention of it this morning, because you found out in other ways, but anyway, this week starting today, I think it was, or at least it starts tomorrow. There is a lectureship at the Crider congregation, which is outside of West Plains, not far from where gospel Hill is. And they invited me to speak tomorrow night. So I’ll be speaking tomorrow night there at the Crider congregation. Also, if you noticed on the bulletin board out there, there is a gospel meeting that’s also going on next week at the highway one 60 …

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04-07-2019 – Keith Cozort – Worship: Singing Part 1 (AM Sermon)

Certainly grateful for your attendance this morning. Appreciate you being here. If you are visiting with us, we want you to know that we’re honored by your visit, ask you to fill out one of the visitors cards that you should find on the back of the Pew in front of you. And you can leave that on the Pew on the seat when you leave. And we’ll collect those when our services are over so that we can ever record of your visit. Some of you have not had the opportunity to ask brother buddy concerning sister Annette. She had surgery this last week on her back. And he said after having her surgery, her blood pressure was had dropped and it had dropped significantly to where the doctors could not give her any pain medication except for Tylenol. And so she’s had a very rough time. The last couple of days last night, though, they were able to get her blood pressure up to where they could give her some pain medicine. And certainly we’re grateful for that, but we certainly want to continue to remember her in our prayers, continue to remember brother Ivy Powell and your prayers as well. He said to make sure that the congregation knew how much he was appreciating the fact that we were praying for him before he ever went in for surgery. But certainly now that he’s had his surgery, which was last week as well, we want to continue …