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06-02-2019 – Keith Cozort – Prayer (AM Sermon)

Our number is down morning from what it normally is. We have several that are away on vacation traveling, and we certainly want to remember them in our prayers, sister, Deborah Allen and her three granddaughters, I understand are traveling up to Wisconsin. I think it is in order to see one of her sons and a granddaughter up there. And so we certainly want to remember her in our prayers. Also brother max and sister, Lois smiling. Her are on their way out to the west coast, but she had to have a stay in the hospital in Wyoming because she was having some problems. They weren’t sure if they were going to be able to continue on their Trek out west, but they have, and max is going to take her to their daughters out there in Oregon, which they were eventually planning to get there, but she’s going to go there. So her daughter can help her. And max will then go on to see his brother in Washington state. But certainly we want to remember them as they’re traveling, but also to remember Lois as well. Yeah, there’s an announcement on the bulletin board out there in the four year. I don’t know if you’ve taken the time to look at it or not, but this coming weekend, Friday and Saturday, anyway, at the Curry street congregation in west Plains, there is going to be a creation seminar and it would be great if all of …

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05-26-2019 – Keith Cozort – Love In Its Variations (PM Sermon)

Certainly grateful for your presence this evening, You will notice that Cheryl is not here for those of you who had not heard already. She is headed to Michigan in order to surprise her mother for her birthday this week. And so she’s going to be up there until Friday and then heading back to where she can be home on Saturday. So certainly ask you to remember her in your prayers as she is traveling. And she is Spending the night tonight in Springfield, Illinois, with our oldest son, Adam and his family worshiping with them this evening. And then she’ll be taking off early tomorrow morning to go the rest of the way to Michigan. But that’s the plan so far It’s evening. I want us to talk about love. We’ve made mentioned at various times how that We have one word, basically one word that we use and we speak of it as love in the Greek language of which the new Testament was written. There were actually four different words that were used, and yet all four of those are translated into our English version as the word love, but they carry with them different ideas as it relates toward the subject of love. In first Corinthians chapter 13, sometimes we call this the love chapter because Paul deals extensively with love in this chapter, even though it’s in the context of the miraculous gifts, but he says in the last verse of that 13th chapter …

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05-19-2019 – Keith Cozort – God Is Not Mocked – (PM Sermon)

Open your Bibles with me, if you will, to Galatians chapter six, Galatians chapter six, the book of Galatians, the apostle Paul is the writer of course, writing to the churches in the region of glacier. Glacier was not a city. It was a region and it was a region in Asia, minor or Asia there in what we know of as Turkey today, much like the seven churches of Asia and Paul, as he is closing out his epistle here in chapter six in verses seven and eight, he says, be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever a man. So with that, shall he also reap for he that? So with, to his flesh, shall of the obvious of the flesh reap corruption, but he even sew it to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life. Everlasting. Paul says it is possible to be deseed. In fact, it’s possible for us to deceive ourselves, but he calls upon these Galatians brethren be not deceived. Why? Because God is not mocked. The word is translated. Mocked here carries with it. The idea of be to treat with contempt. God will not be treated with contempt. And especially by those that are his children. Paul is writing to the church, to the churches in the region of glacier. He is writing to the Christians in this area and he tells them be not deceived. God is not mocked for whatsoever. A man soweth that shall he also reap …

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05-19-2019 -Keith Cozort – Worship: Lord’s Supper Part 2 – (AM Sermon)

Certainly appreciate you being here. Our number is down a little bit from what it normally is, but we appreciate the fact that you are here. And again, if you are visiting with us, we want you to know that we’re honored by your presence. Want to thank all of those who assisted with the Memorial service for sister Wanda bar yesterday. And Bernal asked me to pass on his appreciation to the congregation here for everything that we did for him. And he said he will be writing a thank you note, but he wanted to let you know, as soon as possible how much he truly appreciated everything as far as being able to use the building for the service, but then the means, And As well as your thoughts and your prayers. And I want us to continue our study concerning the Lord’s supper. If you remember, from last week when we started this study, we studied concerning what is meant by the breaking of bread. We studied concerning the fact that we are to worship God in breaking of bread. And we studied concerning the fact that what does the Lord’s supper consists of? All of those things probably are things that you were well aware of. And yet I felt it was necessary for us to cover those particular things, because it is so important for us to remind ourselves as it relates toward those things. But also we’ve got a, another generation that’s coming …

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05-12-2019 – Keith Cozort – The Providence of God (PM Sermon)

If you’re visiting with us, we are grateful for your visit would ask you to sign one of the visitors cards on the back of the Pew in front of you should be one there and leave it on the Pew. We’ll collect those when our services are over so that we can ever record of your visit. It’s. And I want us to spend some time studying concerning the Providence of God. The Providence of God. When you look at the word Providence, literally it means provide Ants, Provide ENTs, which simply means the idea of foresight that God, through his foresight is going to provide those things that are necessary. Those things that are desired, and it has to do with God’s intervention in the affairs of life. Amen. I want us to begin first of all, by noticing some false ideas concerning God’s Providence That are out there. The first one is the idea of deism. Deism is the idea that God, in no way, intervenes With mankind, it is The idea that God created the world. They acknowledge the God created the world, but ever since he created the world, it’s been a hands-off policy. He’s had absolutely nothing to do with our world since the time of the creation In promoting that they refer Fuse to recognize. First of all, that the Bible is the revelation of they’ve refused to recognize that Concerning the deity of Jesus Christ deity in flesh, when he dwells Among …