12-29-2019 – Keith Cozort – Matthew 1, The Forgotten Chapter – (PM Sermon)
Go to Matthew chapter one. Great. Now thank you. Turned it on. And didn’t remember, I turned to done Matthew chapter one. Before we get into the lesson, some of you may be Wondering concerning Something Tim made mention of in his prayer. And so I will try to give you what little bit of information I know. Anyway, We got word right after I got home This morning from our services body called me and said, Fox news is reporting. There was a shooting in a Church of Christ down in Fort worth, Texas. This morning, Two are dead. Another is wounded. And one of the dead was the shooter. There Is now video that is available because they live stream their services. And so the video is available, but they’ve got Out of focus, certain areas Where those that were shot were so that it’s not a seeable. But anyway, from what I understand, it was during the Lord’s supper, man was sitting in the back row And started walking up the aisle, having, I guess, shot somebody in the back at the back of the auditorium anyway, and two people and made His way down to the front. And when he made it down to the front, he was shot by a man who just happened to be a former police officer and killed him with one shot. So we certainly need to remember those brethren in our prayers. I don’t know any of the particulars as …
06-23-2019 – Keith Cozort – There Is A God-Part 2 (AM Sermon)
Even though it is somewhat of a gloomy day. Yes we are. As Terry said, thankful for the rain, we can always, well, most always we can use that sometimes gets to be too much, but not, not very often. Cheryl wanted Me to make mention to the ladies, Whoever Planning to come to the ladies class tomorrow morning, studying the book of acts. Those of you who told her that you were interested in, that she gave you a Book this morning, a lesson Book that you’ll be using, but she wanted me to make mention to you. You do not have to have the first lesson finished by the time you come to class Tomorrow morning, If you want to work on it, that’s well and good, but don’t feel like you have to have it finished before you come to class. So just Plan to come and you can work on it together tomorrow morning at 10 O’clock also, We’ve made mention a couple of different times in the last couple of months anyway, concerning brother Don Blackwell. And we sent some funds to him in the last couple of weeks in order to help him with his financial Circumcise Stance because of his health problems with his accident that he had. I wanted to let you know, just to give you an update That he had a back brace on. And Whenever you had saw a picture of it any way, it looked like he had …