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2023-10-22 – Bulletin Reprint – Two Mountains – Two Laws

The theme of the Bible is redemption. In Genesis God selected the vehicle for this redemption, namely, the nation of Israel. In Exodus God redeemed this nation from Egyptian bondage. In Exodus, we read of the great events at Mt. Sinai. Here God gave the standard of life for his redeemed (i.e. the Law of Moses). Here he set forth the meeting place for the redeemed (i.e. the tabernacle). At Sinai God gave to this redeemed people a special Person (i.e. the Messiah, the Christ). There are rich contrasts between the Law of Moses and the Law of the Messiah. There are contrasts between when these laws were given, where they were given and the results of these laws being given. Fifty days after Abraham’s seed (the Israelites) were set free from Egypt, they came to Mt. Sinai, and the Law of Moses was declared. Fifty days after Abraham’s true seed (cf. Galatians 3:16), the Christ — was set free from death, and resurrected, the law of Christ was declared at Mt. Zion (Jerusalem — 2 Samuel 5:7; 1 Kings 8:1). This was in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy (cf. Isaiah 2:1-3). There is the contrast concerning where these laws were given. The Law of Moses was given at the mount that might be touched (Hebrews 12:18). This was a physical mountain. The Law of Christ was given from a spiritual mountain — Jerusalem which is above (Galatians 4:26). The Law of Moses was given with the message for the …