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04-18-2021 – Derek Yarber – Why Isn’t God Changing My Situation? (Gospel Meeting)

We have one more study left and our theme that we’ve had on old truths for a new world. And I think tonight, this might be the most applicable of all the lessons that we’ve had so far. Why isn’t God changing my situation? I hope I don’t excite you too much in some of the guys that isn’t in saying, I have a Whopper of a fish tale to tell you. And I actually, I may end up being a mammal tail by the time it’s all said and done, but I have a big fish story to tell you and trying to answer this question biblically, why isn’t God changing my situation? It really bothers us. Doesn’t it to get stuck in a circumstance where in frankly, we’d rather not be, we pray and we pray about it, but there we still remain right square in the middle of life’s muck. Why doesn’t God change our situations faster and more permanently than he often does? Why is it challenging circumstance after challenging circumstance that I find in my life? Why doesn’t God take the problems away that I find in my life? What was we open up the book of Jonah? We’re going to quickly note that there are some situations in a person’s life that do need changing. And I had need in quotation marks because that’s, from our perspective, from our vantage point, they shouldn’t be there, their issues and they need fixed. And we don’t …

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04-18-2021 – Derek Yarber – Most Advanced Jigsaw Puzzle Part 2 (Gospel Meeting)

I do apologize for breaking things in the middle. Believe it or not. I don’t like to have part one part, two lessons, but sometimes it’s almost like you just need to do such a thing. And I think it’s the case with this one, we’re covering a book that has 10 chapters and in two lesson sessions, well, it kind of the purpose really isn’t to do a textual study of Esther. And if you were here in our class, you know that, but for those who weren’t here, I just want to make sure that we’re all on the same page with just heavily cliff noted version of what it was that we discussed. We’re looking at Esther from the standpoint of a jigsaw puzzle and not just any jigsaw puzzle, but the most complex jigsaw puzzle that has ever been cut and then piece back together. And that is the beautiful, amazing Providence of God is to me, insane that anyone could take all of these people’s freewill and coordinate them in such a way so that he always produces the same thing, the deliverance of his people. And here’s what we found so far. And looking at our study, we propped up the bottom of the box and the top of it. So we can see the finished product. Esther chapter eight, verse 16. This is the puzzle. When it’s all put together, the Jews had light and gladness, joy, and honor, the Jews are God’s …

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04-18-2021 – Derek Yarber – Most Advanced Jigsaw Puzzle Part 1 (Gospel Meeting)

We’re going to be talking about in our two Sunday studies in the am about jigsaw puzzles. I don’t know if you like putting puzzles together. They’re okay. For me. I prefer like this type and for that to stop right there, about 10, 10 pieces, it keeps my ego high. I can do that really quickly. And I think I’ve accomplished something. My younger of my two boys on the other hand, Kyler he’s four years old and he puts a hundred piece puzzles together. Like, I mean that, it’s just one after another, after another, after another. And I look at him and I Mara, why don’t, you know, I don’t understand doesn’t it. 35 years old, my grandmother, she used to do a 500 piece puzzles, just a left and right. She and my grandpa did a thousand piece ones, even at times. Well, there’s some jigsaw puzzles that are more common Plex than what other ones are. The one that we’re going to discuss for these two lessons is the most complex jigsaw puzzle that you will ever find. And that’s, God’s Providence as God utilizes Providence to bring about his will. We’re not talking about a measly operation. He used has to use many jagged pieces that must fit together just perfectly in order for his purpose to be achieved. And what makes me Marvel concerning at all is he uses the free human will. His perfect knowledge of what people will choose, not what …

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04-17-2021 – Derek Yarber – New Birth, Old Angle (Gospel Meeting)

We’ve known about the new birth for so long. That really, I would say by this point is old news to us, but I want to revisit these old truths that Jesus gives in John, the third chapter. And we’re going to read in verses three through five, really teaches a fundamental truth. In fact, I would say it’s probably considered the fundamental part of Christianity. John three verses three through five Jesus answers. And he says to this ruler of the Jews named Nicodemus, who comes to him by night, he says, most assuredly make no mistake about it. I’m telling you and less one is born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God Nicodemus said to him, I do not follow. How can a man be born when he’s old, Kenny, he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born. So, and a little more of an explanatory way. Jesus unfolds the onion answering most assuredly. I say to you, unless one is born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Do we understand how important this you might call it now by now old truth really is Jesus says, I don’t care who you are. You can not get to heaven without it immediately. He may be talking about becoming a part of the church. And of course the destination of the church is heaven, but whether it’s immediate or, or eventually you can not go to …

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04-16-2021 – Derek Yarber – The Lowest Spot On Earth (Gospel Meeting)

But now I’m, I’m really excited about this series of lessons, old truths, and I hope it doesn’t sound boring. ’cause I, I don’t think they’re going to be, and it’s not because of the person doing the speaking, but it’s because of the power of God’s word. There are some powerful, old truths<inaudible> that we’re going to take, and we’re going to apply those to a new world and trues that we’re going to find. I assure you that are just as applicable thousands of years later, that they were at the time that they were originally given. I’m an in particular, we’re looking forward to this first study. I apologize for the song coordination, not being heard, Phil, by the way. Great job on the song. They were excellent. Outstanding singing all the way around. Yeah, I bet it wasn’t easy to find songs for it, but I’m really looking forward to this lesson. 1,412 feet below sea level, the dead sea surface shores are the lowest spot on planet earth. I like to give heading into this study. Just a few fun facts about the dead sea. Yeah. I would say that probably everybody in this room would know right off the top. You can float in very easily and actually you can’t hardly sink. Technically if you tie something around our wrist or an ankle, you probably can, but you’re so buoyant and the water it’s so dense that yes, you, you float in it. There’s …