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01-20-2019 – Chuck Northrup – First Corinthians 15:50-58 (PM Sermon)

Dreary, but he had his is a good day in so many different ways. I mean, after all, if we lived a Oh a couple of hundred years ago, we’d have to deal with the cold inside the building. And so we have a nice place to come and to that’s warm and a place out of the, out of the shelter. I remember one of the trips that we made to Ukraine that, that particular Sunday morning, it was well in Ukraine. It was customary and only wear a suit even when it was a super, super cold. And so I don’t remember how cold it was, but I know that it was ice all over the outside and, and snow piled up. Great big piles of size of houses and no heat in the auditorium where we were. And so everybody was all bundled up, but it was my turn to preach and got up in the suit. Just what I’m wearing right now and preached just did whatever was necessary, but it was cold. I’ll tell you for sure. So we, we don’t have that and we can be really thankful that we don’t have to deal with those kinds of things. And there are other places in the world, I think about Costa Rica, that they have metal buildings that they meet in the summertime. And you can imagine a hot, it was, I remember one time though it rained and you couldn’t hear the speaker. …

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01-20-2019 – Chuck Northrup – Faith (AM Sermon)

So I can see you not look through it. It is certainly my privilege to be here this morning and to be a part of this congregation, I didn’t know what we would find over here, you know, and as far as ice and those kinds of things, basically the first mile away from our house and our subdivision and getting out toward the highway, it was, it was pretty bad. And I thought, well, I’m not sure about this, but we got through the highway and it was pretty well clear from there on out until we got into town over on this end. So anyway, it was pretty clear as most of you probably know that my work has changed. The, my work with the Bible Institute of Missouri actually ended last Wednesday with the giving of the finals. Although I did some other work on Thursday for, for them to kind of help out a little bit. But anyway, my work with them has ended and I have taken on the responsibility of being the administrative director of the online Academy of biblical studies. Brother, Ted Thrasher has been struggling with health problems for a really a couple of years. And they tried to work it out, work, maintain that, but it has not been able to be done. And so they asked me to actually, when I resigned from BIM, they got word of that. And then they ask me to go full-time with the online …