02-24-2019 – Keith Cozort – Death (AM Sermon)

This, this, we want you to know that we’re honored by your visit and hope that you will fill out one of the visitors cards that you should find on the back of the Pew in front of you. If you’ll leave that on the Pew, when you leave, we’ll collect those after our worship is over so that we can ever record of your visit.

Speaking concerning visitors. We have the Shelton’s with us this morning from Porsche Arkansas, and they are on their way to Springfield. I understand in order to celebrate their 51st wedding anniversary. So we are certainly grateful that they have decided to stop by here on their way. Also, we, again want to express our sympathy to the Turner family brother, Carl having passed away Friday afternoon.

And as we’ve already announced, the visitation is going to be tomorrow evening here at the building from six until eight. And then the funeral will be Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock here at the building, and we will be providing a meal for the family and any friends that decide they want to stay after the funeral. And the burial has taken place. And along those lines,

Cheryl gave me an announcement. There will be a meal served for the Turner family. Ladies are working on the plans that will be discussed tonight. Those who are not going to be here tonight will be called. So you won’t be left out, but just so that, you know, Because Of the fact that brother Turner passed away, I thought it would be a good time to remind ourselves concerning.

I don’t think I’ll be stealing any thunder from brother Larry from the funeral on Tuesday, but it’s okay. We can hear it more than once if necessary, but I think it’s important for us to consider the subject. You know, men Often fear that, which they do not understand. And we under, we recognize that and therefore many fear death. Yeah,

the fact of death. Okay. Nene not seem to be strange nor surprising. And yet so many times it is when you open your Bibles to the book of James chapter four, James, the half-brother of our Lord says beginning in verse 13, Oh, to now even say today or tomorrow, we will go into such a city and continue there year and buy and sell and get gain we’re as you know,

not what she’ll be on the Morrow for what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanish it the way for that. He ought to say, if the Lord will, we shall live and do this or that, Jane Sierra is making the point that so many times individuals are those who make plans in the distant future of things that they are going to do.

And yet they do not even know as to what’s going to take place tomorrow or even tonight, as far as that’s concerned. Well, life is just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes, right? You know, as I thought about that, I couldn’t help. But think of brother Carl, he passed away Friday afternoon. He had plans for Friday night.

He was supposed to go over to brother Keith and Costco’s house for supper and was looking forward to it. I even found out that he had told some of his friends that he had a dinner engagement for Friday evening. He didn’t say where it was or who it was with, but he said he had lo and behold, he wasn’t able to make it that’s the way life is sometimes many times we as individuals have plans,

you have plans. And we have plans again, that may be into the distant future of what we intend to do. And yet we may not live that long. Okay. James says, we need to remember that if it be the Lord’s will, we can make our plans or should make our plans to do this, that, but it may not be.

So when you, you turn back to the old Testament, to the book of job, chapter 14, verses one and two job says, man, that is born of woman as of a few days and full of trouble. He coming forth as a flower and is cut down. He flee it as a shadow and continue with not again. Job is making the point that life,

no matter how long it ends up being is brief and is going to come to an end, as far as life on this earth is concerned. And so I want us to look at the three kinds of death that are spoken of in scripture this morning. Because when you look at scripture, it does speak concerning death on many different occasions. And yet it speaks of it in three different ways.

First of all, it speaks concerning physical death as we would naturally expect. And as you look at what the Bibles teaches concerning physical death, it speaks concerning the fact that it is universal. It is universal. All Who have ever lived have died except for Enoch and Elijah, no one else has been. And one who has escaped death here on this earth,

when you look at Genesis chapter five and in verse 24, there you read concerning ethnic and how that he walked with God and he was not forgotten. Kim Indication is that he was not one who died here on this earth. We don’t know in what respect that God took him, but we know from what is recorded there in chapter five, he died at an early age,

according to the ages of those patriarchs anyway, but he was one who was described as being a man who walked with God. And that God took him. When you look at second Kings chapter two and in verse 11, and there it speaks concerning Alijah and how that there was this chariot of fire that came down and, and horses of fire. And then he went up in a whirlwind,

Did not die here on this earth. Every other human being who has ever lived Has died, unless they’re still alive today. But we anticipate that we are going to die. It is a universal Thing, physical death, But though one shall die. Not all are prepared, not all are prepared for death. Many have not taken the time to examine Among themselves to see whether or not they are prepared to die.

Jesus, of course was one who died for all we learn. And yet all will not be saved in Luke chapter 19. And in verse 10 there we read for the son of man has come to seek and to save that, which was lost. Jesus came in order to save the lost, but he is not going to save the loss. If the lost don’t want to be saved,

he’s not going to save those who are not willing to do what Jesus says must be done in order to receive the gift of salvation, John chapter three, and in verse 16, Jesus says for God, so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus Came, God sent Jesus to give himself on the cross for all mankind.

That whosoever, that includes anybody that whosoever believe with. And again, as we noted in the Bible class this morning, the idea of believe with is not only mentally agree that you believe that Jesus is the son of God, but it’s also being obedient unto him. That whosoever believe it Should be saved. Not that he will be saved. There are many of those who believe that Jesus is the Christ,

but they’re going to be lost. In fact, James will even tell us the devils believe and tremble concerning him. They’re certainly not going to be saved As Jesus gave the great commission in Mark’s account, Mark chapter 16, verses 15 and 16, he says go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he, that believes and is baptized shall be saved.

He the believe it or not shall be damned. Jesus tells us there as he was teaching, telling the apostles, instructing the apostles of what their responsibility was going to be, that one must believe the gospel believe so as to obey the gospel, if he’s going to be safe to believe and to be baptized in order to be saved. But those who do not believe are those who are going to be damned.

They’re going to be lost. Eternal Death Is universal physical death. The physical death is also a separation. It’s a separation. It involves a separation of the spirit from the body. James tells us James chapter two and in verse 26 for as the body, without the spirit is dead. So faith without works is dead. Also here. James describes for us,

gives us a word picture of what death is. Death is the separation of the spirit from the body. When the spirit leaves the body, that body is dead. We have all kinds of people today trying to come up with all different ideas and, and circumstances whereby a person spirit may leave them, but they’re not actually dead. James says that’s not.

So now it may be such that a person is not literally dead when we think that they’re dead sometimes. But when that spirit leaves the body, it is dead Genesis chapter 35. And in verse 18, there we read concerning Rachel and how that Rachel is in the process of giving birth to Benjamin. And it speaks concerning her that it says it came to pass.

As her soul was in deep Four. She died That she called his name, Ben and I, but his father called him Benjamin. She gives birth to this son, Benjamin in the process of dying, but she did die By that. She became separated from her newborn infant son separated from her husband, separated from her oldest son. Joseph Death Involves separation from loved ones from those who are still alive.

And certainly we understand that. We recognize that and thereby causes grief and loss for those who’ve been left behind, Maybe Having left behind the faithful companion, having shared the joys and the burdens of life with that companion that mate maybe having left behind frit friends, excuse me, Confidance parents, children separation from lib loved ones who are still alive, but death may also mean the loss of one soul Operation from God.

And from those who are faithful, when you turn to second Thessalonians, chapter one, as the apostle Paul is writing this second letter to the Thessalonians brethren, he says in verses seven through 10, and to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey,

not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power. When he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe because our testimony among you was believed in that day Here, Paul Says concerning our Lord’s return, that when he comes,

He’s not going To come in order to establish friendship. Instead, he’s going to come in, flaming fire, taking Vengeance on those that know not God and obey, not the gospel. What is your status this morning? Are you one who truly knows God? Remember Jesus said that if you love me, keep my commandments. Are you one that truly knows God Having,

if you truly know him, then that means you’ve obeyed him. That You are one who has obeyed the gospel. But if you’ve not obeyed the gospel, then you don’t really know God, you don’t really know Christ. And therefore you are separated and will be separated from those loved ones that you have. If you die in that situation, Death, it is universal.

It is a separation, But it’s also an end of abilities here on earth. The end of abilities here on earth. It is such that our responsibilities come to an end at that point, when death comes, think about the responsibilities that that might come to an end, as far as your life is concerned. Once you die, A father who dies is no longer able to,

as Paul says in Ephesians chapter six and in verse four, to bring his children up in the nerd, nurture and admonition of the Lord, whatever nurturing he is able to do has to be done before death. And he no longer is going to have that ability or responsibility. When you look at Ephesians chapter five verses 22 through 33, there’s that passage that Paul writes concerning the relationship between husband and wife illustrating the relationship between Christ and his bride,

the church, and yet included that in that is also the case that when a wife passes away, when she dies, that she is no longer able to submit to her husband as under the She no longer has that ability. That is only something she can do in this line. John chapter 13 verses 34 and 35. There, one who is a brother in Christ can no longer wear the badge of discipleship.

If you will, in order to show his love for his brethren love for one another, that Jesus says is that new commandment that he gives by which the world will know that we are his disciples having love for one, for another, no longer has the ability to be able to do that no longer does he or she have the ability to be where they should have been or to do what they should have done or to say what they should have said,

Because it is now too late. Death is universal, But death does not mean the end of all, things for that person Does not mean the death of all things, because man does not cease to exist. Once he died. Yes, Many in the world today who reject God and reject the gospel of Jesus Christ and reject what the Bible teaches. Believe that once death comes,

that’s all there is. Once death comes, a person is just like Rover. He’s dead all over. Well, the fact of the matter is the Bible teaches us that no life does not cease to exist. Once death comes to us, eternity is not found in this life, but one’s life determines is eternity. How we live our life is going to determine our eternity.

I think most of you know, if not all of you, the ones eternal destiny is not determined by what the preacher says at the funeral. We jokingly make reference concerning denominal denominational preachers. Many times we’ll preach anybody into heaven, no matter how they’ve lived their life. And yet the Bible shows that those who are the righteous will scarcely be saved. It is such that one’s destiny after death is not going to be affected by good intentions.

It’s not going to be affected by one sincerity. It’s not going to be affected by having good morals. And by that, I mean only having good moral, certainly those who are Christians and faithful Christians are to have good morals, but girt, good morals in and of themselves will not save anybody. One’s destiny after death is not going to be effected by the wheel of the world or the view of the majority,

or even the love of family and friends. Jesus says in John chapter 12 and in verse 48, he that rejected me and received with not my words have what half one that judge at the end of the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day, Jesus, there is making the point that he fully understood. There are going to be those who are going to reject you.

He knew that was going to happen. He knew that there would be those who would reject his words that he spoke, but Jesus says you Mark it down. You’re still going to be held accountable to those words that I spoke, because they’re going to judge you in the last day, there are going to be no exceptions to that. Those who lived before the time of the cross are going to be judged according to the law that they were under,

whether it was the patriarchal law or the Mosaical law. But those of us on this side of the cross are going to be those who are going to be judged by the law of Christ, the new Testament. And no one is going to escape. That judgment Life is brief. Death is certain, But man’s spirit is going to live on And Aternity weights after death.

The Bible speaks concerning physical death, but it also speaks concerning spiritual death, spiritual death. The soul that lives in sin is one that died has died spiritually. When you go back to the book of Ezekiel and Ezekiel chapter 18, and in verse 20 is equal, says the soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father.

Neither the father, the iniquity of the son, the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him. And the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him. Even under the law of Moses. The prophet is EQL says, each man is responsible for himself. The father does not bear the responsibility of what the son does. The father is not going to be held accountable for what the sun does.

The son’s not responsible or be held accountable for what his father does, but each is responsible for himself as to what he does Paul in Romans chapter three. And in verse 23, speaks concerning the fact for all have sin and come short of the glory of God and therefore referring to not infants. But those who’ve reached an age of accountability to be able to distinguish between right and wrong that all have sinned,

all have committed sin. There are none that have never committed a sin except for our Lord. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore, when you turn to chapter six in verse 23 of the book of Romans, Paul says the wages of sin is death. That which we deserve because of our sins. The sins that we have committed on an individual basis is that of death,

spiritual death. But the gift of God is eternal life Spiritual death. The soul that lives in sin is one that is dead spiritually. Spiritual death also means separation separation of man’s spirit from God as a result of that sin, prophet Isaiah in Isaiah chapter 59 in verses one, and two says behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened. That it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear,

but your iniquities have separated. You be separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear now that was under the law of Moses, but it hasn’t changed. It’s still that way. Under the law Christ, when one sins, he becomes separated from God, separated in God and therefore in need of a savior in order to be reunited brought back together with God.

But the only way he can be brought back together with God being reunited by the savior is through obedience. Obedience of the gospel spiritual death means separation of man spirit from God. Spiritual death also means that the soul, that sins is in fact dead until he has been forgiven. And if that forgiveness never comes that he will die in that state of spiritual death.

The third way death is spoken of in the scripture is that of eternal death. The soul that lives in sin and dies in sin is going to suffer that eternal separation that eternal death Jesus talked about in John chapter eight and verse 24, that if he believed not that I am, he, you shall die in your That’s eternal death. If one never comes to belief in Jesus Christ and obedience to the gospel,

then he will die in his sins. And you turn over to Ephesians chapter two, as Paul is writing to the bread And they’re in emphasis, he says in verse 12, reminding these Gentile Christians as to what their situation was before they obeyed the gospel. Now he’s writing to Christians, but he’s reminding them what their situation was before. And he says that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise,

having no hope And without God in the world Is one situation. When he is outside the body of Christ, when he is not believed and obeyed the gospel of Jesus Christ, he is just as the Ephesians were before their conversion being one who was without Christ. One who was considered to be a stranger and a Pilgrim Stranger of the covenants of promise. Having no hope and without God,

no hope. And without God, see the thing we have to understand is if we die without hope, then we will eternally be without hope. There will be no such thing as purgatory that some in the religious world want to believe that we’ll be in hell or Hades for a period of time. And then God is going to allow us to jump over into heaven.

We’ve served our time. No Jesus says the apostles say it is going to be never ending, never ending. And the idea of annihilation that some of our brethren, except that you’ll be in hell eternally. But that just means until you no longer exist, but the time will come when you will no longer with all the evil things that are spoken of concerning Hades and hell,

I think any way I could bear it. If I knew that eventually there was going to come in, How about you? I wouldn’t want to go through it, but I think I could bear it. If I knew that eventually it was going to come to an end. God says there’s never going to be an end. That in fact, existence in hell and Hades hell in particular is going to be,

as long as the existence in heaven is going to be, it will be without end. Death Is an eternal separation. Yeah. By those who are not faithful in the Lord, those who are not a part of the body of Christ, Jesus says in Matthew chapter 25 and in verse 46, these shall go away into everlasting punishment. But the righteous into life eternal we’ve made mention at other times,

the word everlasting and the word eternal in the original language or the exact same word, carrying forth, the exact same idea. It is going to be without end Folks. If you’re outside the body of Christ, I don’t say this to be unkind or unloving in any way, shape or form, but do you really want to be there eternally? Do you really want that to be your eternal existence?

Somebody says, well, I’m not sure that’s going to happen anyway. I’m sorry. And that means you don’t believe what God’s word says. And as long as you don’t believe what God’s word says, I guarantee you where you’re going to be. If you die in that condition, The Bible speaks concerning physical death. The Bible speaks concerning spiritual death and the Bible speaks concerning eternal death.

If you’re outside the body of Christ, please, will you think about the things that we’ve spoken of? Having heard the word? Do you believe him? Are you willing to repent and to confess your faith in Christ? Are you willing to be immersed in water to be baptized in order to receive the remission of your sins? That is the only way that you’ll be able to escape eternal death.

If you’re one is already a member of the body of Christ, but you’ve turned your back upon God, you’ve turned your back upon the church, gone back into the world. Will you come back and repentance, praying to God for forgiveness? And to begin again, walking in the way of righteousness, if we can help you, please, will you come as together?

We stand. And as we see.
