02-17-2019 – Keith Cozort – The Adequate Man – (AM Sermon)

Number is down again today, but maybe not quite as much as it was last week due to the weather, but we are certainly grateful that you were able to Make it. And we do know that there are Some who could not make it because of the weather being concerned about the ISIS. We also know that there are some who are not here Because of illness.

And certainly we want to Remember those that we’ve made mention in the bulletin concerning, but also a sister. Barb is not with us this morning because she is not Doing well. And of course, Bonnie has been out for last several weeks because of a fall and Ruby’s not feeling well and Lois is not feeling well. And there’s Several others that we could put on that list as well.

But we certainly are gret glad that you’re able to be here Because of that. I’ve called another audible. Those of you Who weren’t here, able to be here last week, didn’t get the inside joke. But anyway, I called an audible last week because we’ve been studying series of lessons concerning worship, but with there being so few that were able to be here last week,

I decided to preach on something different. And I’m going to do that again this week as well. I want to suspend our time this morning, thinking about the adequate man, the adequate man, when you look up the word adequate and Webster’s dictionary, Webster says the word means good enough for what is required Or needed sufficient suitable. And that’s what we’re talking about.

The adequate man, the one who is good enough for what is required. The one that is good enough as need be who is sufficient And suitable. When you look at the books of the new Testament, virtually every one of them challenges us to live better lives as the future, As we continue on into the future to live better lives in the future than we have in the past.

And yet the first thing that is necessary in order for one to be an adequate man, is that he must be in Christ. He must be someone who is a member of the body of Christ. And so when you open up to the book of Colossians chapter two, and in verse 10 there, the apostle Paul says, as he’s writing to the church at Colossi,

and we are complete in him, which he is the head of the Prince of all principality and power in the context there, the him there is we are complete in Christ. When you read the phrase in Christ, as Paul uses it. So often it’s speaking concerning location in Christ, in the body of Christ, in the church of Christ. That is what he is referring to.

And so we are complete in him in Christ, in the body of Christ, in the church of Christ that he purchased with his own blood. We are complete in him. When you look at Philippians chapter one and in verse one, Paul is he opens up this epistle to the Philippian. Brethren says Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ to all the saints in Christ,

Jesus, which are at Philippi with the bishops and deacons to all the saints in Christ Jesus in the city of Philippi, in Christ to be in the body of Christ, to be in the church Of Christ, the adequate man In order to be an adequate man or the adequate man has to be someone who is in Christ, because if he is not in Christ,

then there is something missing in his life. Whether he wants to recognize that or not, there is something lacking. And certainly that is the case with those are outside of Christ. There is a void that has to be filled if they are going to be the adequate man. I want us to spend our time going through the book of Philippians Because in each chapter of the book of Philippians,

Paul is going to say something that is going to give us Quality concerning the adequate man. And so What kind of man will Paul represent as being an adequate Man? Well, First of all, he’s going to show in chapter one that an adequate man must be of deep affection, must be of deep affection. Notice the first nine verses in the book of Philippians chapter one,

Paul says Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ to all the saints in Christ, Jesus, which are at Philippi with the bishops and deacons, grace be unto you and peace from God, our father, and from the Lord, Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine, for you all making requests with joy and for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day,

until now being confident of this very thing that he, which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ, even as it is meat for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my bonds and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are partakers of my grace for God is my record.

How greatly I, long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ and this, I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all. But Paul here speaks concerning the deep affection that he has for these brethren and how that he said As in verse seven, that I have you in my heart. It’s interesting. When you look at all the epistles that Paul writes,

he doesn’t speak this way to more than one or two of the congregations that he writes to. And the book of Philippians, this just seems to flow out of the apostle Paul, as he is writing to these Philippian brethren, his, his affection, as it were flows through his pen, as he is writing under, They cannot, They will not be able to deny the deep warm feeling that Paul has for them and the love and the respect that he has for these Reverend Paul will be generous in his praise for them and his praise for their work Is being able to think of them was a joy to him.

As he States, he was thankful for every memory memory that he had of them And what a bank of memories that Paul would have had. If you remember, we are first introduced to Paul, going to the city of Philippi. It acts chapter 16 and in acts chapter 16, verses eight through 13, that is where the apostle Paul and Timothy, and those that are with him receive that Macedonian call where Paul received this vision of this man from Macedonia saying,

come unto us. Paul has been forbidden by the Holy spirit to go to two different places that he wanted to go. He was forbidden to go into Asia. He was forbidden to go into Bethania and sometimes we wonder why he is it that, that the Holy spirit would forbid Paul to go into places that he wanted to go and take the gospel there.

The indication is because God had a better idea. God wanted him to go into Macedonia. And in doing such, he is going to go to the city of Philippi in acts chapter 16, verses 14 and 15. We read concerning those women that went to the river in order to pray. And Lydia and her household are some that are among that number.

And we read concerning the conversion of Lydia and her household by the gospel of Jesus Christ in verses 16 through 24, we read concerning how that Paul is going to heal that damsel that was possessed, who for many days has been wonder or traveling behind Paul. And those that were with him claiming that Paul is a servant of the most high God. And yet,

because of this spirit of divination that she has, she would be recognized as speaking things that were not true, because we know that Satan is a liar has been from the beginning. And yet the spirit of divination was such that she was possessed of the devils. And so finally, Paul will have basically, as we would say, he has his fill of it.

And he commands that a spirit of divination to come out of her. And it does. And then as a result of that, her masters are going to be upset because they’ve lost their livelihood and they’re going to have Paul and Silas beaten, and they’re going to have them thrown in jail. And then in Luke chapter or acts chapter 16, verses 25 through 34,

we’ll read concerning the conversion of the Philippian jailer. Oh yes. God knew that it would be better for Paul to go to Macedonia where Philippa is located. That’s the Nikah is there as well. He was not as well received and vessel Nikah as he was in Philippi. But Paul has this great bank of memories of these brethren That he had the privilege of teaching and converting them through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul would find great joy to be able to, For these brethren, you learn in verse four, they’ve continued to have a part in, in his work and in his preaching from the very first day, they’ve continued to support Paul up until this very time and his willingness to show his appreciation, to speak concerning his appreciation to them for that they’ve not wavered in their support.

And They Still feel, felt the same way with Paul as they did when he was there with them and taught them the gospel. He Had a great deal of confidence in them. He says in verse six, he saw the complete success of that, which he began to do in his preaching there in Philippi. And he was not ashamed to say how that he longed for them.

He to be with them. Remember Paul was sitting in a Roman prison at this time. He sitting in a Roman prison. This is one of his prison, epistles. He long for them. And he would give them credit for being people who loved, Who Loved him, who loved one, another verse nine. Yes. Paul says the adequate man is one who has deep affection.

The adequate man from chapter two is one that must be of evident humility, evident humility. And Paul will speak of the adequate man. I were using it for the adequate man is what he is bringing out here. But he will speak concerning that we as brethren, we as being those in Christ must have a particular, a certain kind of Mind And one can never be what Paul says.

The adequate man must be without having this kind of mind that he talks about in chapter two, notice, verse three, let nothing be done through strife or Vainglory, but in lowliness of mind, let each esteem other better than themselves. Paul here speaks concerning the fact that one must have this lowliness of mind. One that allows his own self to esteem others better than himself.

What do we have the tendency to do? We elevate ourselves and put everybody else down. Paul says, that’s not the mind that you’re supposed to have. That’s not the mind that is descriptive of the adequate man. Verse four. He says, look, not everyone on his own things, but every man also on the things of others, he speaking here concerning that having this particular mind is going to be such that it will keep us from being selfish.

It will keep us from only looking at ourselves. And this kind of mind is that which will make one concerned about others. And especially about our brethren. Sometimes I’m afraid we walk around as if we don’t notice anybody else, but ourselves, we don’t pay attention to anybody else. But ourselves, Paul says that’s not the right kind of mind. We are to have a mind that is concerned for others,

definite humility. And this kind of mind was that which was demonstrated by Jesus. He says in verse five, that this is the mind of Christ. That which Christ also had Evident humility. We are like anybody in mind, then we are those who resemble them in everything. And so if we are like Jesus in mind, which is what Paul is bringing out here,

then we are to resemble him in every aspect of our lives. These concerning verses six through eight of the self humbling mind of Jesus. Notice who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the lightness of men and being found in fashion as a man,

he humbled himself and became obedient unto death. Even the death of the cross, wherefore God also has highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every name. Paul here Brings out that Jesus was one who humbled himself in his mind. He is the son of God. And yet he comes to this earth as a service, A servant to whom a servant to others.

We are to have the mind of Christ. We are not to be so wrapped up in ourselves that we don’t pay attention to what’s going on with others. And we’re concerned about them in beginning again in verse nine and going down through verse 11, wherefore, God has highly exalted him and given him a name, which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus,

every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. The father Paul speaks that as he, He humbled himself and became a servant that God Exalted him, highly exalted him further exalted him. The adequate man. It must be of evident humility in verses 14 through 16,

Paul puts his fingers Upon two things that frequently Mar and ruin Christian service. And we even Somewhat spoke of those this morning in the Bible class. Notice what he says beginning in verse 14, do all things without murmuring and disputing that he may be blameless and harmless the sons of God, without rebuke in the mixed midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom he shine as lights in the world,

holding forth the word of the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain. Paul says two things That Mar and ruined Christian service and influence is that of the spirit of murmuring and that of the spirit of disputing and wrangling. And we talked about how that congregations can be destroyed because of those things.

The adequate man is one who must be evident. Humility. Pulse is chapter three. Paul says the adequate man must be one who will be a determined, have a determined, will determined will notice what he says in verses 13 and 14 brethren. I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do forgetting those things, which are behind and reaching forth under those things,

which are before I press toward the Mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ, Jesus, Paul Recognized he knew full well. He had not reached the state of perfection sinlessness, And yet He was one who was spiritually mature, but he has not reached perfection And the little Lord purpose to make him one who was faithful and faithful servant.

And he would be that way. As long as he lived, Paul was striving toward these things, realizing that he had not attained this perfection. And yet This didn’t paralyze him. This isn’t doesn’t paralyze him because there’s a great distance that separates him from the ideal he continued on in his work. He continued on in his labor. He continued on in preaching and teaching the gospel of Christ to as many as would listen to him.

I remember at this particular time when Paul was writing the book of Philippians, he’s an old man. Yeah. He’s been preaching and teaching close to 30 years at this time. And yet Paul had no thought of going back to his former way of life. Absolutely none forgetting those things, which are behind. He said, he continues to press on Many people.

Many brethren Are those who want to make Christianity, one of their interests. And so then, Well take it up for a time. And then they put it off to the side. They use it for a period of time and then they don’t think about it anymore. Paul would speak using some terminology from the Grecian Olympic games concerning the idea that of putting aside everything,

anything that is going to hold us back or slow us down or hinder us. Remember, he’s an old man Speaks this, which by the way, shows us that age is not that, which is an excuse That we can Allow that to sometimes be an excuse as to why we don’t do things anymore. Paul says not so, okay. There are things older people can do as well.

The life of a determined will Is that which was behind the apostle Paul, which caused him to continue to press on, to continue to press on no matter what he says. In verse 14, I press toward the Mark. The word press there means stretching for. I continue to stretch for the Mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Paul, doesn’t say my ticket is stamped. I don’t have to worry about things anymore. No, not at all. There are still things that he needs to do. There are still things that God insists or, or expects him to do as a servant of his he’s keeping his eye on the goal. How sad it is When we see a brother or sister in Christ,

who’ve been faithful for so many years, and then they reach their older years and they just simply give it all up. They give it all up to many other concerns, Maybe too many concerns about themselves. That’s not a description of the adequate man that Paul brings out here in the book of Philippians. His eyes are fastened And on the glory, which is before us.

And He is eager to do whatever he can in order to continue moving Forward. Paul Also admonishes the Philippian brethren in verse 15, to be thus minded, to be of this kind of mind, and to follow the same rule of faith. When he says in verse 15, Let us there for as many as be perfect, be thus minded. And if in anything he be otherwise minded.

God shall reveal even this to you. We are to be like Paul, who was like Christ, But fourthly, the adequate man is one who must be of a contented heart must be of a contented heart. Notice what he says in verses four through seven rejoice in the Lord, always. And again, I say, rejoice, let your moderation be known unto all men.

The Lord is in hand. Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your request be may no none to God and the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall keep your mind, your hearts and minds through Christ. Jesus. Paul says rejoice in the Lord, always, Unless you’re not feeling good Or unless your situation is not as desirable as what you think it ought to be rejoice in the Lord.

Always, unless you have this acre pain rejoice in the Lord all way, Depending upon the time of year, no Rejoice in the Lord. Always Paul says no exceptions, no ifs, ands, or buts rejoice in the Lord, always. And again, I say rejoice. We are the most blessed and prosperous people in all the world. As we talked about in Bible class.

Even if we don’t have money in our pockets, even if we don’t have enough change to put in a meter of some sort, which isn’t used hardly anymore, doesn’t matter the circumstance you see, we determine our happiness by ourselves. It begins in our mind. That’s what Paul’s talking about. If we are not those who are joyful, the way that Paul talks about the problem is us.

The problem is our mind. It’s not with God. It’s not with his word. It’s not with anything that is going on around us. It is us and we can change it. In fact, we’re the only ones that can change it. That’s what Paul is talking about. Rejoice in the Lord, always. And again, This is an old man who is saying this to these Philippian brethren who is in a Roman prison.

And yet he’s telling others to rejoice. You look at the life of Paul and you look at the letters that Paul writes when he’s in that Roman prison and they are joyful. He could have been the most down TRIBE individual. You could think of with all the things that he has suffered and endured for the cause of Christ. Second Corinthians, chapter 11.

And yet he is sitting in a Roman prison and he is rejoicing. Can you say that? Can you say that about your life Rejoice in the Lord, always. And again, I say rejoice secret in Paul’s relationship or the secret to Paul’s rejoicing was his relationship with his God. That’s the secret worry beetle, Anxious. Be careful for nothing. The word careful there is the word anxious to worry or to be anxious about things.

Those are things which are going to ruin a Christian’s character. They will ruin a Christian’s character. Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your request be made, known unto God I’ve said before. And I think some of you may remember it, but the statement was made one time that I heard where somebody said,

if you are worried or concerned about something, pray to God, Turn it over to him and let him handle it. Then you can stop worrying about it. Somebody says, yo, but I can’t stop worrying about it. Then you have a problem. You haven’t turned it over to God. Okay? You’re still trying to manage it. You’re still trying to handle it.

You’re still trying to feel that you have some control when you have no control. Turn it over to God. He’s the one that They went on to say, if you lose sloop asleep at night, because sleep, if you lose sleep at night because you’re worried and concerned About something, turn it over to him. He’s going to be awake all night.

Anyway, do we believe God? When he tells us that, Do we believe That he is concerned about every single one of us? And he will watch over every single one of us. If we will simply, We humble ourselves to him and Strive to live with a contrite heart. Do we have our doubts? That he’s really that concerned about me.

You see if we have those doubts, then the problems with us, it’s not with God. The problems with our heart, not his He’s instructed us on what we’re supposed to do. And so with that, he says in verse eight, Finally, brethren whatsoever, things are true whatsoever. Things are honest whatsoever. Things are just whatsoever. Things are pure whatsoever.

Things are lovely whatsoever. Things are of good report. If there be any virtue. And if there be any praise, think on these things, Things Paul Says, think on things that are true. What is true? Jesus is the way the truth and the life John 14, verse six. Do you believe that Paul says, think on this. I think on those things that are honest,

honorable Things Worthy of our respect and regard, What sort of things are just Things that refer to character of our dealing with other people think on those things that are pure, our conduct is to be stainless. Our conduct is to be blameless. Our conduct is to be unblemished. Think on those things that are lovely. Those things that are morally agreeable and pleasant.

Think of those things that are of good report, Practicing Those things that are right and, and gracious and Wiz winsome and Attractive. And he says, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, Think on these things. The adequate man, okay. Paul says is one who must be contented in heart? And by the way, that’s the Bible heart.

That’s the bind verse 11. Paul says not that I speak in respect of want for, I have learned in whatsoever state, I am there with, to be content. Are you content? Are you one who like the apostle Paul can say that I have learned in whatsoever state. I am Not whatever state I was in before I was thrown into prison or whatever state I was in before I was beaten or whatever state I was in before I was shipwrecked.

I have learned in whatsoever state, I am there in, or there with, to be content. This is a picture that Paul gives of one who can live as he ought to live, do what he ought to do. No matter his surroundings, no matter his circumstances. And that’s why he says in verse 13, I can do all things through Christ,

which strengthens me. Somebody says, well, I just can’t do that. Yes you can. But you have to be willing to, first of all, you’re the one that can change you. You’re the one that can change your attitude. You’re the one that can change your disposition. You’re the one that can change, period. It can’t be forced upon you.

You have to be willing to do it yourself. Paul had all that he needed in Christ. And he was aware that God was the source of all that was supplied unto him verse 19. But my God shall supply all your need. According to his riches in glory, by Christ Jesus, did we really believe That? Do we really believe that that means no matter what situation we’re facing,

no matter what danger we may come into, no matter what failure we may have brought about God shall supply all our need. According to his riches and his glory, Paul will be contented. Even when he finds himself in prison. The adequate man Is one who must be of deep affection is one who must be, have an evident humility. The adequate man is one who must be,

have a determined will. And He must be of one who is a CA has a contented heart, but he can only be that way. If he is in Christ. If you’re outside the body of Christ this morning, we plead with you. Consider the things that we have discussed and consider where you are spiritually. It doesn’t matter how good you are morally.

If you are outside, the body of Christ never submitted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You are one who is going to be lost. If you die in that condition, Having heard the word, do you believe it? Are you willing to repent and to confess your faith in Christ, are you willing to be baptized, to be immersed in water in order to receive the forgiveness of your sins,

The remission of your sins, The invitation has been invitation. Song has been selected in order to encourage you to do that. You’re already a member of the body of Christ, but you’ve wandered off. You’ve forgotten what God wants you to be. Will you come back and repentance, Praying to God for forgiveness and begin again, walking in the way of righteousness.

If we can assist you, We plead with you to come as together. We stand and as we sing.
