01-03-2021 – Keith Cozort – What Will I Make of This New Year? – (AM Sermon)

Welcome to the first boards day of 2021. What some of us thought this was never going to get here. And yet, as some of us were reminded through Phil and the sister, Donna, who were down in Branson last Lord’s day lesson that they heard, we should not think that things automatically changed just because the calendar changes, just because it’s a new,

we’re going to see many similarities between this year and last year. And we should, I should expect that that is going to be the case, but God is still in control. And we need to remind ourselves concerning that morning. I want us to attempt to answer the question and you have to do this individually. What will I make of that new year?

What will I make me as an individual? What will you as an individual make of the new year, open your new testaments, if you would, to acts chapter 17, this is where the apostle Paul is speaking to those men in the city of Athens. Those great philosophers that were assembled there. And in verses 24 through 28, he says, God,

that made the world and all things there in seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, not in temples made with hands. Neither is worshiped with men’s hands as though he needed anything, seeing the, give it to all life and breadth and all things. And it made of one blood, all nations of men for, to dwell on all the face of the earth.

And after determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation, that they should seek the Lord. If halfway, they might feel after him and find him though, he’d be not far from every one of us for in him. We live and move and have our being as certain also of your own poets have said for, we are also his office.

That’s great. The apostle Paul here in speaking to those in the city of Athens who were extremely religious individuals, and yet they did not know the true God. Paul is going to tell them concerning the true God here. And he says several different things that we need to take notice up. He says, first of all, in verse 25, that God gives to all He doesn’t to say,

God gives to those who are the faithful. And those are the only ones God doesn’t give to just those he delights, but God gives to all, but what is it that Paul tells us they do Gives to all well, he gives to all life. He gives to all breadth And certainly that all the reminders concerning Genesis chapter two and in verse seven,

where they’re Moses recorded and Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life. And man became a living soul. God has given to all men breadth, but he is also given to all men, all Things Paul says speed Concerning all good things, which is what James talks about in James chapter one.

And in verse 17, that every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and coming down from the father of lights with whom is no, variableness neither shadow of turning. So God gives and he gives to all, he gives life breadth and all things Paul says. But secondly, he brings out that God has made certain things. Verse 26, he has made all Amen.

One of the Same blood. He says he has made all men to live on the face of the earth. And he has made all men to live with limited time and space. The Psalmist in the 90th Psalm and in verse 10 says the days of our years are three score years and 10. And if by reason of strength may be four score years yet,

is there strength, labor and sorrow for it is soon cutoff. And we fly Away That which God has made for us is in fact, limited, as far as time is concerned. And as far as space is concerned, sometimes we hear individuals say, well, that just shows that the Bible is not right, because after all we’ve been to the moon And Therefore we’re not limited to this goal.

Well, Paul, doesn’t say we’re limited to this globe, but he does make the point that we have to take. In essence, we have to take those things that are necessary for us to exist here on this planet and take them in other places. If we go to other, when the men went to the moon, they had to take their own oxygen because there wasn’t oxygen on the moon.

They had to take their own food. They had to take their own water because those things were not available to them on the moon. And so, yes, we are able to go to other places besides this globe, but we have to take our habitation with us because we’re not going to find it anywhere else. And that’s what many of the scientists refuse to accept.

But Paul also says that God has given us a purpose verse 27. What is that purpose? He says it is to seek him, to seek him, which Isaiah and Isaiah chapter 55. And in verse six says seek ye the Lord while he may be found and called ye him while he is, Yes, Our purpose is to seek God. And of course we’re living in a time and age where many of our Fellow Inhabitants of this earth are not seeking God.

Any of our citizens in this country are not seeking God. They are turning to anything and everything, but God even denying his existence. Paul says, these are some things we can know concerning God, But as we begin a new year, what will I make of the new year? Important question. I cannot answer for you. I can only answer for me,

But I’m going to give you some possibilities of what you can do with your new year. One is, will you Make the new year, a year of love Where you make it a year of love? Hopefully not just to have a Love in your heart for 365 days and say, okay, I’ve done it. I’ve quit now, But low Should be a part of our lives and should increase in this new year,

but love for what? Well, we need to have a love for God. First of all, a love for God. When you turn to Matthew chapter 22 in verses 37 and 38 Here, Jesus having been asked, what is the great commandment of the law or in the law? Jesus says, thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind,

this is the first and great commandment. So Jesus told those Jews, even in the first century, those who were of the children of Israel, those who believed they were of the family of God, which they had been, but he tells them that they are to love God with all their heart, soul and mind parallel passage. We’ll say, we’ll say that we are also doing include with all our strains,

But we are loved God. And Jesus says, this is the first and greatest of the commandments of the law of Moses. When you look at first, John chapter five There in verses one through three, the apostle John, the apostle of love as he is known in the scriptures says whosoever believe believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. And everyone that loved with him that begat love with him also that is begotten of you.

But this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous. John says Which ought to remind us what Jesus said that if you love me, keep my commandments. Well, John says, if we love God, we are going to keep his commandments and he’s not referring back to the old Testament times.

He’s referring to the time of Christ, the law of Christ that we must love God. And we demonstrate that love by keeping his commandments that he has given to us, no matter how hard they may be, no matter how insignificant we may think that those commandments are. If we’re going to demonstrate that we have love for God, then we’re going to keep those commandments,

whatever they may be. So are we going to make this new year, a year of love a year of love for God? Or what about a year of love for my brethren, for your brother? And if you’re part of the body of Christ Paul, when he writes to the Thessaloniki ans the first Thessalonians chapter four and in verse nine says, but as touching brothers who love you need,

not that I write unto you for yourselves are taught of God to love one another. Paul says we’re taught by God that we are to love one another. And he’s writing to Christians concerning Christians. We are to have that attitude of love when the Hebrews writer writes and Hebrews chapter 13, and in verse one, he says, let brotherly love continue recognizing that there is brotherly love among rather and above mung Christians,

but he calls upon those Hebrew Christians that he’s writing to to let that brotherly love continue. Don’t let it stop. Don’t let it be something of the past. Let it be something that continues on. Well, I make of this new year, a year of love a year of love for God. A year of love for my brethren. A year of love for my fellow man,

Matthew chapter 22. And in verse 39, Jesus goes on and answers the man’s question concerning the second greatest commandment. And that is Jesus says to love your neighbor as yourself. He only asked what the greatest commandment was. Jesus says, I’m going to answer that question. Then I’m going to add another one on the boot. I’m going to tell you the second greatest commandment.

Love your neighbor as yourself. When you look at Matthew chapter five, as Jesus is teaching there on the Mount in verses 43 and 44, Jesus says you’ve heard that it has been said, thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate dine enemy. But I say unto, you love your enemies. Bless them. That curse. You do good to them. That hate you and pray for them,

which despitefully use you and persecute you. Jesus says, this is the attitude that those who are children of God are supposed to have. We are to have love in our hearts for our fellow. Man, doesn’t matter what they do. Doesn’t matter what they say. Doesn’t matter how they act. We are still to have love in our hearts for them.

They are still creatures of God. So what will I make of this new year? Will I make it a year of love? Or will I make it a year of service? A year of service? What do we mean When we speak of a year of service? Well, in order to answer that, we need to understand that love, demands,

service, love, demands service. When you look at the book of Galatians chapter five and in verse 13, as the apostle Paul is writing to the churches in the region of glacier, he says unto them for brethren, ye have been called under Liberty. Only use not Liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. So Service toward one another is a demonstration of one’s love,

love, in fact demands service. And when he writes to the Philippians in Philippians chapter two and verses five through eight there, Paul says, let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ. Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man,

he humbled himself and became obedient unto death. Even the death of the cross. Jesus is an example of one who Loved God. Yes. Loved his fellow man. Yes. Loved his brethren. Yes. Well, how did he demonstrate it? He demonstrated it with service and Jesus is our example that we are to be like him. So love, demands service.

We are also told in the scriptures that the greatest is he who serves. He who serves Matthew chapter 20 verses 25 through 28. Jesus says, you know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them. And they are great. They that are great exercise authority upon them, but it shall not be so among you, but whosoever will be great among you.

Let him be your minister or servant. And whosoever will be chief among you. Let him be your servant. Even as the son of man came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many here, Jesus speaks concerning himself, who is the son of God, the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed one That he doesn’t didn’t come to this earth in order to be ministered unto,

but rather to, to others, The greatest is he who serves in Luke chapter 22. And in verse 26, Jesus says, but he shall not be so speaking concerning being like the Gentiles, but he, that is greatest among you. Let him be your, let him be as the younger. And he, that his chief as he, that does serve So many times we in this world,

like for somebody else to serve us, Maybe you’ve known of some of those husbands that demanded of that, of their wives, that they were looked upon as being a servant. Jesus says those who are serving our great And therefore we are to look for ways to be of service to others, not just serve it’s enough service to God. They’ll certainly that is to be a part of it to be of service to others.

Well, we must also remember what it means to serve, remember what it means to serve. And it’s interesting when you look at several passages from the book of Luke, Luke attempts to bring this out, as he writes concerning the life of Christ, Luke chapter 12, and in verse 37, Jesus said, blessed are those servants whom the Lord, when he comes,

shall find watching, barely I say unto you, that he shelled a gird himself and make them to sit down to me and will come forth and serve them. Yeah, Here, Jesus is using this example of a King and how that he is one who will wait on and serve those who are his servants? Well, that’s exactly the way that Jesus has done things for us.

He has been a servant, Therefore demonstrating the kind of attitude and the kind of wife that we are supposed to live. Luke chapter 16 in verse 13, Jesus says, no servant can serve two masters for either. He will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Therefore, we are either a servant of those things that are a part of this earth, or we are going to be a servant of God. And those things, which are In nature, we cannot do both. It is an impossibility. Jesus says to do boat. So we have to make our minds up. We have to make a choice as to what kind of a servant we are going to be.

We cannot serve God and mammon, and yet how many people do we know even those within the body of Christ who are attempting to be servants to God, but also being servants to man and sometimes elevating their service to man above their service to God. We see it all the time. When someone allows something else to come ahead of God and service to God,

they have elevated that to be first place in their life. And therefore are demonstrating that God is not first in their life. Okay? Well, we make of this new year, a year of service, a year of service as a demonstration of our love for God, as a demonstration of our love for our brethren. As a demonstration, our bar of love for our fellow man,

As we think concerning this new year and what we will make of it Will we make of this new year, a year of optimism. Ooh, here’s where the rubber meets the road a year of optimism. Awesome. The Christian’s been given a life of joy. That’s what Peter tells us in first Peter chapter one and in verse eight, whom having not seen he love in whom though.

Now you see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy, unspeakable, and full of glory. That’s the attitude that we’re supposed to have. It is to be added to of joy. Joy is not determined by those things that happen to us. Joy is not determined by those things that happen around us. Joy is determined by our hearts. We can be as the apostle.

Paul is an excellent example. We can be those who are joyful and rejoice, even though we are being extremely persecuted in sitting in prison. Yeah. And even in a Roman prison, all was one who was optimistic. He was one who was always trying to encourage his brethren To realize what great things okay. Could be a result of him being in prison,

Even as he was able to teach and convert. Some of Nero’s own household Caesar’s own household Christians, okay. Have been given a life of joy. And there are many ways, many things that demonstrate to us that we are to be joyful. We should be joyful in salvation. Should we not Paul and writing to the Romans and Romans chapter five. And in verse two says by whom also we have access by faith into his,

into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God, Joy, rejoicing, Because salvation has been made available to us. Do we understand how great a gift that really is? I think we say we do, but do we really understand it? We are to be joyful. We are to rejoice In those who walk in true.

John brings this out second, John verse four. I rejoice greatly that I found a guy, children walking in truth. As we have received a commandment from the father. John was greatly rejoicing when he heard that the children of his brother that he highly respected were those who were walking in true. And I believe that most of us anyway, are those who would rejoice in others who have children who are doing that.

Wishing we had more, more children who were attempting to walk in truth. Certainly it ought to cause us to rejoice. Paul, when he writes to the Philippians in Philippians chapter four and in verse four says rejoice in the Lord, always. And again, I say, rejoice, This is not just a good idea. Paul says he is commanding it of these Philippian brethren.

They were not the only ones that he would command to dove. We are to be a joyful people. The Christian has been given a life of joy, but the Christian also has fellowship with God and with Christ, therefore, should we not be optimistic because of that? The fellowship joint participation with God, the father with Christ, the son, John says first John chapter one.

And in verse three, that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship was with is with the father and with his son, Jesus Christ, Okay. Fellowship, joint participation, close relationship With the father and the son That ought to make us optimistic. And the Christian has been given the promise of eternal life and promise of heaven,

John chapter six, and in verse 68, remember there were those disciples that turned away and walk with Jesus. No more. Jesus turned to his disciples and said, will you also walk away? Verse 68, Simon, Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go? Thou has the words of eternal life. There’s no one else to go to. They fully understood that and recognize that,

that if you don’t come to Christ and accept what he says, there is no other option. There is no other way. There’s only the one way Christians are those who have been given the promise of eternal life. The promise of heaven that promise belongs to no one else doesn’t matter how good they are. Morally speaking. Doesn’t matter how good they are,

a religious. If they’ve not obeyed the gospel. And if they’re not living faithful to the gospel, they don’t have that promise. And that’s not stated to be unkind or unloving to anyone. Many Of my family are in that situation. Sometimes I think we have the develop, the idea that preacher’s families aren’t like everybody, else’s families, Preachers, families are always those who’ve been raised in the church and part of the church and faithful to the church.

I wish that were sold, but it’s not. When I speak concerning those who are outside the body of Christ, those who are going to be lost. If they remain in that condition, I have family members that are in that situation. I wish it were not that way, but it is The Christian has been promised. He turtled life. The Christian has been promised heaven.

John says first John chapter two, and in verse 25, and this is the promise that he has promised us even eternal life. It’s a promise, a promise from God through Christ through the Holy spirit. Now there are conditions that are placed upon that province just because one becomes a Christian doesn’t mean he’s going to be faithful, but it is to those who become Christians.

And those who are faithful that have that promise of eternal life. What will I make of this new year? Well, I make it a year of love. Will I make it a year of service? Well, I make it a year of optimism. I’m the only one that can answer that. Those questions for myself. You’re the only one that can answer for yourself.

Yeah. We need to remember just as Daniel did that, no matter what happens in this world, no matter what happens in this country, God is still in control. And if we are Christians, we are children of God and he watches over each and every one of us, As we close, I want to give you this poll A new year,

a new beginning, the old year ends a new begins with pages, clean and new. And what is written on each page will now depend on you. You can’t relive the year that’s passed or racing every wrong for once a year or day is spent. It is forever gone, but don’t give up in dark despair. Excuse me. Don’t give up in dark despair.

If you have failed some tests, seek God’s forgiveness and resolve henceforth to do your best resolve each precious day to do things good and kind and pure though, days and years may pass away. These things shall still endure. You know, not what your path may lead nor what’s beyond the Hill, but know that God walks at your side. If you will do his will,

all things are possible with God though, days be bright or dim. So do your best and know that you can leave the rest to him. I don’t know who the author is, but he certainly understands, understands what our attitude should be and understands what the Bible teaches concerning. The fact that God will continue to be with us. If we are faithful into him,

if you’re one is outside the body of Christ this morning, will you make this a new year by giving yourself over to obedience to God having heard the word, do you believe it? Are you willing to repent and to confess your faith in Christ, that he is the living son of the living. God willing to be immersed in water in order to have your sins washed away,

to be born again, to be saved from your sins, added to the family of God, by the Lord himself added to the church, added to the army of God, added to the kingdom through obedience. You’re the only one that can make that decision. You can make this a truly great year for your life by turning it over to God. You’re one,

who’s already a member of the body of Christ, but you’ve gone back into the world. Will you come back and repentance, will you make this a truly great year for you by repenting of those things that you are guilty of asking God for forgiveness and beginning again, to walk in the way of righteousness. If we can help you, please, will you come as together?

We stand. And as we say,
