03-17-2019 – Ivie Powell – John, The Baptizer (PM Sermon)

Here tonight on the Lord’s day, we could spend our afternoon and evening and no better way than studying a portion of the word of God. I will not tell you something that you do not already know. We just remind each other things that we’ve studied all of our lives. Peter reminded brethren, the things that they already knew in second, Peter chapter one,

he was strengthening them and he continued to preach the same message over and over and over again in Joshua chapter 24, verse 15, a well known versus scripture where Joshua said, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. He wanted to know who they were willing to serve you. And I know that once you serve the Lord or we wouldn’t be here tonight,

not only that, when you look at Joshua’s life, three generations deep serve the Lord. You think about your family, my family, the next generation, the third generation. Well, they be serving the Lord. We hope and pray that that is the case. Our dear brother led all of our thoughts in prayer. Do I have one, a father reminded all of us of striving to strengthen our immediate families.

And of course, encouraging others that are round about us in the church of our Lord. When we look at our lesson and I, we’re going to look at be looking at a man that is truly great among those that are born of women, none is greater than John, the Baptist, but he, that is least in the kingdom is greater than he.

John chapter 11, verse 11, John, the baptizer, John, the immerser was a powerful preacher. He never knew of tact. His brother, Johnny Ramsey said he used more contact than he did tack. There was Mo no misunderstanding the message of John, the immerser, he and our Lord had many things in common. And of course, when you look at who their mothers were,

you see the relationship that he and John had, both of these men were great gospel preachers, all preachers preaching the message. Our Lord was a far greater preacher. Both of these men were very well-liked and much hated. Both of these men lived a relatively short life. John, about a year and a half was his ministry. Our Lord lives, what,

33 years on this earth, but look at what they accomplished and what is continuing to be accomplished through the message of Jesus Christ, what he has brought, made available for every accountable person upon the face of this earth. Salvation. Now he turned salvation and the world to come. When we look at John, the immerser, we find that he was a man that truly loves God with all of his heart,

mind, and soul. I think it is really terrible though. I do not know who the preacher was, and I really do not want to know who he was that made the statement that John had used his head and been more careful what he had to say. He wouldn’t have lost his life. I think that’s a horrible statement for any preacher to make,

oh, he might have spared his life, but he had lost his soul. So we need men that loved the Lord as much as John loved the Lord. So when we look at the life of John, there’s some interesting things to note about John Turner’s made in Matthew, the third chapter, we’re just going to read 12 verses. Then we’re going to make some comments.

And then the lesson to be yours. Start at verse one, read through verse 12. In those days, he claimed John the Baptist preaching in the kingdom, in the wilderness of Judea preaching in the wilderness of Judea and repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. But this is he, that was spoken of by the prophet. Isaiah saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord,

make his path straight. And the same. John had his Raymond of camel’s hair and a leather girdle about his loins and his meat was locusts and wild honey. Then it went out to him, Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan and were baptized of him in Jordan and the Jordan confessing their sins. But when they saw many of the Pharisees inside,

Jesse’s come to the Baptist, his baptism, he said unto them or generation of Vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come brave boy, therefore fruits meet for repentance and thing, not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father. Well, I say to you that God is able to these stones to raise up children under Abraham.

And now also the Axe is laid under the route of the trees. Therefore, every tree which bringeth forth, the good fruit is hued down and cached into the fire. I indeed baptize you with water into repentance, but either cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I’m not worthy to bear. He shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire,

whose fan is in his hand. And he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat and do the garner. But he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. A few quick lessons from this. First of all, in Matthew chapter three, verse three, we find that John like other profits for toad of the Christ. John was a prophet Isaiah 40 verse three,

as well as Malika. Before we read the prophecies. John was the first one that preached of the coming of the Christ in Matthew three, verse 11. His message was for the purpose of preparing people for the coming of the Christ. When you think about our message today, we need to preach to people about the second coming of Christ. We need to think about that quite frequently,

beautiful day-to-day clouds in this guy. Did it ever enter our mind that one day our Lord would appear in the clouds and every eye shall see him. There’s no doubt at all that. One of the main reason why so many people in years gone by obey the gospel because they really believed what the Lord stated that he could appear any time. Now we don’t know though,

when and as pointed out, very clear in mark 1332, that no one knows the angels do not know the son of God doesn’t know. No man knows when our Lord is going to be sent back again. Only God knows that all to stop the mouth of all of these times setters. Isn’t it amazing and very tragic that people don’t believe the Lord.

They want to believe some human being who says God told me when he’s going to send Jesus back. I foolish to believe such a false statement, but we do know if we could get our own brethren to really, really believe that our Lord could come before the day is out. Do you think it make any kind of difference in all of our lives?

Would there be any brethren who would finally wake up and realize that this could be the last day of my journey upon this earth before the Lord comes, I need to make my life right with God. I need to repent and ask God to forgive me or maybe that they have so sin bringing such disgrace and reproach upon the cause of our Lord, that the community knows about it,

but they have not made any kind of public recognition repentance of sin. Then there’d be a lot of people. A lot of people made the gospel. When the Gulf war started some years back, church buildings were filled right after nine 11 board folks wanted to get right with God. A lot of people were baptized. I don’t know if they were really converted,

but they were baptized. Hopefully they were converted. And many of the old they’re going to start coming because they didn’t know what was going to take place snaps. And then when things set her down, they went back to their normal routine of life. It reminds me of people that I visited through the years who would tell me that if God allows me to get well,

I will, you know, the rest of that story always intended to be faithful. If God will get them well, it’s almost like that. They’re trying to bribe God. You know, the fact of the matter is they need to be faithful to the Lord. Even if they don’t get well, physically, they are to learn a lesson that this life is temporary with all of our pains and bones and aches and all of our pains.

We only die one time physically, but we live forever. That’s something that you are to think about. We’ll live forever and ever. We have within our being and our physical body, a spirit sometimes call it a soul. Sometimes the word spirit and so, or interchangeably, sometimes they’re separate. But when this body dies, it will go back to dust.

Spirit of go back to the lore, where there will be a resurrection of the body and the spirit and the body would be joined together. And we have a brand new body that Paul discusses in first Corinthians the 15th chapter. But we do need to remind brother then that our Lord really is going to return someday. And so when you look at John,

you see John pointed people to the come into the Christ. And in this word a day, it’s hard to get anyone to study the Bible. Have you noticed that it’s just kind of a shrug of the shoulder and it’s as if you know, they really don’t believe then number two, when you look at John, you look at Matthew three and he pointed to Christ.

Christ is mightier than I he’s greater than I, John, the Baptist was not jealous of Christ. He did not try to compete with Christ. I think it is deplorable that people want to have preachers compete one against another. Have you ever thought about the idea of having preachers come for a try out sermon? You ever thought about that? They had lined up a group of preachers.

Now I know a place I’m not going to mention the place. It’s not west Plains. So you don’t have to start wondering about that. But it’s another place here in the state many years ago that they didn’t have a preacher and a, this friend of mine went and looked at the work called it tried out. They had a long list of men that were interested in that work.

Well, they called him up, offered him the work. Various things came across the discussion. He accepted, moved there. It wasn’t there all that long. And one day I was visiting with him many years ago and he said, you know, I really believe that they got me mixed up with another man that had such a long list of man.

He thought that they forgot who it was. They were really offering the work. But this idea of trying out, it’s like, you know, well, let’s look at who’s the let’s bring those horse races, those horses up here, who is the best gate and which one looks the best and what, what can they really offer for us? The fact of the matter is that no preacher is in competition with anyone other than the devil.

All men who preach the gospel are great preachers. They as Gus Nichols, one day he was the greatest preacher. He said any men that preaches the gospel faithfully. That’s a great preacher. And that’s true. As brother emit Smith said down at Colin’s Ridge college, many years ago, there is no competition between lighthouses. Well, that’s the way it ought to be with preachers.

That’s the way it ought to be with congregations of the church of our Lord. But now you can tell a lot about a man. If he’s wanting to preach the gospel, to have a hand the Christ and let Christ be projected, or if he wants to project himself, if he wants to project his talents, instead of preaching the word of God that which is going to do the working is the inspired word of God.

Romans one, verse 16. We must point people to Christ. We must not point people to follow a preacher blindly. When that takes place, the people are in trouble that preacher’s in trouble and all of the congregations in trouble, as far as that goes, because we need to follow the Lord. We follow one another. As we follow the Lord,

then thirdly, a lesson that is very difficult for people to accept. He preached the subject of repentance in those first two verses right there. I believe it was the late McGarvey and the 18 hundreds. No, I wasn’t around when he spoke those words. But I did read where he said that if he had, I had to have one ability, it would be to get people to repent.

And then you think about that. It’s a lot like believing that Christ could come just us any moment and get in your life. Right? And then there is repentance, which is involved in that other statement there. But what is repentance? What is repentance? We’re turning your Bible to Matthew chapter 21. If you want a Bible Bible definition of repentance,

it’s verse 28 in verse 29, I will let you know what repentance is now. Why are you turning there? Repentance is not just saying, I’m sorry. I mean, people can drive down the highway 90 miles an hour in a 60 mile zone, get pulled over and they’re sorry. Right? They, sorry. They got pulled over and I have to pay a big ticket.

If you go a certain speed, they’re going to take you to jail. So there’s a difference in being called, just saying, I’m sorry. And repentance. Some people had the idea. Well, I’m just going to go somewhere else. That’s not repentance. You cannot run from God. There has to be personal responsibility, but verse 28 and 29.

But what thank you. A man had a certain man which had two sons came to the first and said, son, go work. The damn I’ve been injured. He answered and said, I will not, but afterward he repented. And when now, what did that man do? He changed, changed his mind, but more than that, he changed his conduct or his direction.

That’s why repentance is. It’s not just change in the mind, but it’s bringing forth fruits meet for repentance. That’s what John said in Matthew chapter three. So we proved that. Now turn in your Bible to Matthew acts 26 there, this is dealing here with Paul, pause. The pause, preaching the gospel to the gin towels. And you notice acts 26,

verse 20, but it showed first into them of Damascus and Jerusalem and throughout all the rural coast of Judea and then to the Gentiles that they should repent and turn to God and do works. Meet for repentance. There’s the step of repentance. You turn it to God and you’re repairing it. And you’re showing God that you have changed about what you do.

That is biblical repentance. Now second Corinthians chapter seven deals with what I mentioned a moment ago of, of just being regretful of regret without changing look at second grade is chapter nine. I’m sorry. Chapter seven and verse nine and ten second Corinthians seven, nine at him. Now, rejoice, not that you were made, sorry, but that you saw a road to repentance for.

You were made, sorry. After a godly manner that you might receive damage by us and nothing for a godly sorrow, worketh, repentance to salvation, not to be repented, but the sorrow of the world work is dead. So it’s not just being, sorry. It is being sorrowful over sin, contrition of heart and turning away from sin. Morbid example of repentance would be first Corinthians chapter six.

Many examples could be given, but we’re turning to first Corinthians six. Now, when you turn the first Corinthian, six bear in mind that many of those Corinthians were idolatrous people. Many of them went to the temple where Diana was worshiped, even God. And they had all kinds of horrible sinful situations taking place. There, there were women that were selling themselves for their Heath and God.

There were those who were practicing homosexuality, a lesbian ism, you name it, there were done it. But notice something about the power of the gospel. When someone says I cannot change, that is not true. What that is telling me is they don’t want to change is change difficult. Yes, sir. It’s difficult. It’s hard before a person obeys the,

they just live any kind of life. They want to no restraint. But when they make the amount of to become a Christian, they’re going to turn from sin. They’re going to repair their sin, confess Christ, be baptized for them. They you in the sands. And then they’re going to find out what temptation is. But don’t you think for one moment that the devil is going to leave that person alone.

They’re going to find out what testing is. So when you turn the first grade six, look at verse nine through 11, makes it real clear in verse nine. Who’s not going to go to heaven. No, you’re not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Then under say, don’t you leave you deceive yourselves, neither fornicators idolaters,

nor adulterers nor feminine, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. He’s talking about homosexuality, lesbian ism, Northeast, or competition or drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. But now here is a wonderful verse and such word. That’s past tense, such words, some of you, but you are washed, you’re sanctified, but you’re justified in the name of the Lord Jesus.

And by the spirit of our God, what they do, they changed. They turned from sin, but it’s hard to do that. We understand, but when people are truly repent, you think are the great amount of good that can take place within the cause of Christ. And for those who aren’t Christians, if they will obey the gospel. And then John also did something else in his preaching.

When you look at Matthew chapter three, he was the one that was preaching of the coming of the kingdom. And the first two verses there. When you think about speculation, there is more speculation opinion. Ball’s teaching regarding the kingdom of our Lord. As, as there ever has been pre millennialism is a false system altogether. It is not taught anywhere in the Bible.

The Bible does not misstate anywhere where our Lord is going to return to this physical earth and rain upon this earth. A thousand years, that setting up his kingdom, the Bible does not teach that. And a pat chapter that many of us go to revelation chapter 20, but that says absolutely nothing of the second coming of Christ. It says not that about anything at all regarding the pre-millennial Paul’s doctrine.

I do know this. I know that the Bible makes it clear that Christ preached the coming of the kingdom in Matthew chapter four. He did that and the kingdom of heaven was at hand. It wasn’t there. Then we do know when you turn to the book of acts, went back up to Matthew chapter 16, and you look at verse 18 and 19 that the church and the kingdom or one in same now question is Christ king of Kings.

Why? Yes. Over what is he? Okay. His kingdom. What is his kingdom is the church. If he’s head of the kingdom, which is the church, then that is the kingdom that he’s ahead of. Where is Jesus Christ? Now first Peter chapter three, verse 22. He’s on the right hand of God where angels, authorities and powers are being made subject unto him.

So in John 18 verse 36, he told them that his kingdom was not of this world. And it is still not of this world. And so the kingdom, which is the church is in existence on the day of Pentecost. When the church came into existence in acts chapter two, the Lord added those safe ones to the church acts two 47, which is the kingdom.

Now we know that’s the case. We know that Paul was in the kingdom, turned to Colossians one. I look at the 13th verse. I slowed the rhythm of this sermon down a little bit. Let you turn them less. I misquote, I turn there two galoshes, one verse 13, who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son was Paul in the kingdom.

He said he was then the king, the master be in existence. Well, now you turn to the last book in the new covenant, the book of revelation. So turn to chapter one of the book of revelation. When you turn to chapter one, you notice there, I’m going to go to chapter two.<inaudible> You started reading down here. And John had,

John says my, another Jordan, these thing right onto you, that you said not. But if you sin, we have advocate with the father, Jesus Christ, the righteous, he is a PIP propitiation. That’s a humdinger of a word in it. The here’s the appeasement for our sins, not for ours only, but also for the sins of the,

of the whole world. And everybody, we know him that if we keep his commandments. So John lets us know in the book of revelation that he was in the kingdom on the Lord’s day, he stayed in that. So he’s there in the kingdom. And of course, you’ll notice right here that if John was in the kingdom, Paul was in the kingdom.

Then of course we are in the kingdom as well. So the kingdom is in existence. And first Corinthians 15 notice carefully in the 15th chapter verse 24, or it might be 34, I think it’s 24. So I turned there first Corinthians 15, just talking about the end of time. Then he says in first Corinthians 15, then come at the end.

When he showed, delivered up the kingdom to God, even the father, when he’s yellow, put down all rule and all the authority and power that is verse 24. So when Christ returns in the clouds, he’s going to set up not his keen of bone this earth, but he’s going to deliver the kingdom to the father. And that is in heaven.

Now what’s going to happen to this earth right here. Well, when you turn to the second Peter chapter three, you’ll notice over here that there were people there were greatly doubting the return of Christ. Very skeptical. You notice right here in second, Peter chapter three, look at verse three. I’ll give you time to turn there.<inaudible> he says,

no, this first there should come in the last day, scoffers walking after their own lust and saying, where is the promise of his coming for? Since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation, where this they willingly are ignorant. All that by the word of God, the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world,

that then was being overthrown with water perish, but the heaven and the earth we’re on now, which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved under fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly. Men. Notice it now, but beloved be not ignorant of this. One thing that one day is with the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years as one day,

the Lord is not slack concerning his promise. Something can slackness, but he is long suffering toward us. We’re not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Notice it, but the day of the Lord. Now, when you see that the day of the Lord, he’s having referenced here to the day of the Lord’s second coming.

We know that because he says it will come as a thief in the night in the, which the heaven shall melt shall pass away with great Noyes. And the elements shall melt with fervent heat and the earth also. And the worst that are there and chubby burned up. Now it takes a lot of health. As we often state not to understand that this earth is going to be destroyed,

consumed by fire. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved. What manner of persons, all you to be in our holy conversation and godliness, how should we live knowing that this is going to take place looking far and Hasting to the coming of the day of God. We’re in the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall met with fervent heat.

Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, new heavens and new earth, we’re in two out of the righteous, is he talking about eternal heaven with God, he’s not talking about a physical planet in which he has going to be heaven on earth, wherefore, wherefore beloved. Seeing that you look for such things, be diligent that you may be found with him in patients without spot and blameless.

So he’s pointing to the fact that when the Lord comes in the clouds, that this earth is going to be completely dissolved and destroyed by fire. We therefore need to understand that the kingdom has been received according to Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 28. So the kingdom is in existence. At the end of time, it will be delivered to the father, to the father by the son.

Now, when you look at this also, when you look quickly at verse seven through 12, what was John having referenced to there? He’s having reference to personal responsibility. God expects us to be responsible for the ability or we use the word talent to be used a glory to God, go back to Matthew three. Brainport therefore fruits meet for repentance, Matthew three,

verse eight, where we need to show to the Lord that we’ve changed. And we want to do what we can to build up the calls of Christ, wherever that ability might be. And then another thing briefly is without question verse two, the wrath of God, do you think people fear God, you think there’s any fear of God in the eyes of people at all.

When’s the last time you heard a sermon on eternal damnation? When’s the last time you’ve seen congregations have gospel meetings and a great number, well obey the gospel and all. And likewise, a great number of be restored. It’s almost a thing of the past. Why is that? Could it be the lack of preaching needed truth from the pulpit? Perhaps could it be the lack of exhortation and shepherding the flock by elders?

Perhaps? Could it be the fact that parents no longer teach their children of the importance of obeying God and loving God, but also of being fearful of meeting God’s wrath perhaps. And it could be the combination of all of these things. But I do know when someone stands up and says, you don’t ever have to be afraid of God, that person is very foolish and wrong to make that statement.

You go back and look when God did appear to people in the old Testament and Paul in the new Testament, only for the purpose of qualifying him to be an apostle of might mention, we find therefore there was great terror. Great. We need to realize that our God is a consuming fire. We look at Hebrews 12 and verse 29. When you look also and Hebrews 10 verse 31 is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living.

God. Then when you turn to a bird said, I’ve caught it numerous times here in other places, because it is so vivid. You cannot improve upon the inspired word of God. Second Thessalonians one seven through nine. I give you time to turn to those verses please. And do you are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven in flaming fire,

taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey, not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall be punished with everlasting fire from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power. I do not want to meet the wrath of all mighty God. Tomorrow may be too late. Today is a day of salvation. Second Corinthians six,

and verse two, if you knew this would be the last invitation extended to you, what would you do? Do you need the base of the gospel? Do you need to be restored? Come as we stand and same
