03-10-2019 – Keith Cozort – Where Is Zebedee? – (AM Sermon)

We are certainly grateful for your presence.<inaudible> With the temperatures being a little more elevated than what they have been. Certainly glad that more are able to be out. Even though we have several that are suffering in one form or another include myself, But Hopefully this too shall pass For those that are going to be here tonight. Let me encourage you to read the 119th Psalm Psalm one 19 is what we are be concentrating on this evening this morning.

I want us to look at the question and attempt to answer the question where is ZBT open your Bibles with me? If you will, to mark chapter one, we’re going to read verses 14 through 20. We have a parallel account that’s given to us in Matthew chapter four, verses 18 through 22 and a partial account given to us in Luke chapter five,

verses one through 11. But I want us to notice what mark tells us here in verses 14 through 20 now, after the John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God and saying the time is fulfilled. And the kingdom of God is at hand repent, ye and believe the gospel. Now, as he walked by the sea of Galilee,

he saw Simon and Andrew, his brother casting a net into the sea for, they were fishers. And Jesus said unto them, come after me. And I will make you to become fishers of men straightway. They followed or for soup their nets and followed him. And when he had gone a little further thence, he saw James, the son of Zebedee and John,

his brother who also were in a ship, mending their nets and straightway. He called them and they left their father’s equity in the ship with the hired servants and went after him here. We have the Lord calling Peter, Andrew, James, and John, to be disciples of his, to be followers of his, but we’re not really going to concentrate on Peter,

Andrew, James and John. I want us to concentrate upon ZBT. The father of James and John here in chapter. One of Mark’s account. We have the first and last time that there is a glimpse concerning ZBT. This is the only place where ZBT as far as himself anyway, is spoken up.<inaudible> but ask yourself the question where was ZBT During all of those eventful days of the ministry of our Lord,

that lasted about three and a half years, where was Ebony? Now we do not have absolute knowledge concerning everything as it relates toward a ZBT. In fact, this is all the information we have, but there is no indication that during this three and a half year period of time, when our Lord is carrying out his mission, there is no indication that ZBT died during that time.

And so we’re going to go on the assumption that<inaudible> was still alive, and yet we have no other reference concerning him. We will often see concerning his wife. We will often see concerning his two sons, James and John. We’re going to concentrate on ZBT. Where is ZBT? As I stated, this is the only reference we have concerning the man ZBT.

As far as referring to him, we have references to his wife. We have references to James and John described as being the sons of Zebedee. But this is the only place where we have referenced concerning ZBT himself. When you look at ZBT, certainly one of the things you’re going to notice is that his sons were those who were followers of Jesus. That of course being James and John here,

mark tells us that James and John are going to leave their father in the boat, mending the nets with the servants because of the devotion of James and John, their devotion to Jesus. They are going to be granted great privileges that many others were not going to be allowed to participate in. When you turn to Matthew chapters, five through seven, James and John are going to be there on the Mount when Jesus is going to give,

give that teaching or that sermon, whichever way it was to the mass multitude that there, when you read ma R mark, chapter five, Peter and John are going to see life restored to a little girl, J Iris’s daughter. And so when you turn over just a to pager two to mark chapter five, beginning in verse 22, and going down through verse 24,

mark says to behold, there come with one of the rulers of the synagogue, GI risk by Dave. And when he saw him, he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter life at the point of death, I pray thee come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live. And Jesus went with him and much people followed him and thronged him.

And then when you drop down to verse 35, Matthew says, while he gets spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house. Certain which said die. Daughter is dead. Why troublest now the master any further, as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he say, if under the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid,

only believe. And he suffered no man to follow him. Save Peter and James and John, the brother of James. And he come up to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and see at the tumult and them that wept and wailed greatly. And when he was come in, he sayeth unto them. Why make ye this ado and weep, the damsel is not dead but sleep with.

And they laughed him to scorn. And when he had put them all out, he takes it, the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with him and then riff in where the damsel was lying. And he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her<inaudible>, which is being interpreted damsel. I say unto thee arise and straightway the damsel,

the rose and walk for she was of the age of 12 years. And they were astonished with a greatest accomplishment. And he charged them straightly that no man should know it and commanded that something should be given her to eat here. We have This leader of the synagogue, ruler of the synagogue, who comes to Jesus, requesting that he come and heal his daughter because she is gravely ill.

Jesus will follow him as they are on their journey. This of course is where he’s going to come in contact with the woman who had the issue of blood and he’s going to heal her. But he continues on that journey to this ruler of the synagogue’s house. But before they ever reached the house, the ruler of the city Gog receives word that his daughter has died.

There’s no need to trouble Jesus anymore. Jesus, having heard that tells the man Believe Jesus school continue on to the band’s house. When they arrive, all the mourners are there. And Jesus says, why are you doing all of this? She only sleeps. Well, they knew the difference between sleep and death, but Jesus speaks to this because he knows what he’s going to do.

He’s going to raise her from the dead. And so when they laugh him to scorn, Jesus puts them all out of the room and takes her father and her mother and Peter, Andrew, James, and John. And they go in to the room and there it’s going to be such where Jesus is going to heal Jr. Versus daughter, James and John were there to be able to see the life that is restored to this 12 year old little girl.

They saw him when his face was shining and glistening, well, his clothes that he wore there on the Mount of transfiguration, Peter, in fact, we’ll even re recount concerning this in second Peter chapter one, when he says in verses 17 and 18 for he received from God, the father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory,

this is my beloved son in whom I’m well pleased. And this voice, which came from heaven, we heard when we were with him in the holy mountains. And so when Jesus is transfigured and Peter, James and John are those who are here and they, they see that Moses is here and Elijah is add that Moses and Elijah are talking with Jesus.

And we find from the account that they are talking concerning his death, as far as those things that are going to happen. But remember it is at this point where Peter is going to say, let us make three Tabernacles, one for Christ, one for Moses, one for Elijah. And God says, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.

You’re you? Him. They were able to witness concerning these things. They were there in the garden of guests, 70 when they saw the, the sorrow and the anguish that he is going just hours before he is going to be betrayed. James and John are here. We have record concerning James or John, rather being an eye witness to the crucifixion.

James May have been as well. We have record concerning John and Peter rushing to the empty to when they find out that the tomb is empty. We have record, okay. Concerning the fact that they saw Jesus resurrected from the dead and they will be there acts chapter one verses nine through 12. When Jesus ascends back to the father, whereas 70, no mention is made of<inaudible>.

We also find we’re Zebedee’s wife. We believe her name to be Salome is also going to be a follower of Jesus. We see her in Galilee when she helps in ministering to the needs of Jesus and the apostles there in mark chapter 15, where it states verses 39 through 41. And when the Centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he cried out that he so cried out and gave up the ghost.

He said, truly, this man was the son of God. There were also women looking on a far off among whom was Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, the Les and Joseph’s and Sullivan. When you look at the parallel accounts, the indication seems to be that Salome is the name of Peter or James and John’s mother, but she is here in Galilee helping to take care of the needs of Jesus and of his apostles.

Matthew chapter 20 verses 20 through 23. She is in that land on the other side of the Jordan river, the east side of the Jordan river. And she’s going to request of Jesus that the chief seats in his kingdom be given to her two sons to be seated on his right hand and on his left there in Matthew chapter 20 verses 20 through 23,

Matthew says then came to him, the mother of<inaudible> children with her sons worshiping him and his Irene a certain thing of him. And he said unto her, what wilt thou she say unto him, grant me these by two sons may sit one on my right hand. And one on my left in Nike kingdom, Jesus answered and said, you know,

not what he asked, are you able to drink of the cup that I shall drink up and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, we are able, he say, if under them, you shall drink indeed of my cup and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with, but to sit on my right hand and on my left is not mine to give,

but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my father. We also find out from a parallel account that this is going to cause the other apostles to become angry because James and John want to be those who are going to sit in the chief seats in the kingdom, the highest places of authority in the kingdom. And yet Jesus is going to tell,

say, lo me, that’s not mine to give that is the fathers at the crucifixion. She is going to be able to hear the mocking of the, of Jesus. And to hear his words that he speaks from the cross in agony, Matthew chapter 27, verses 55 and 56. And here in Matthew’s account, she is with these other women. And she is simply listed as the mother of<inaudible> sons,

but she is with Jesus. But again, we asked, where is<inaudible>? Where is he? Last time we saw him. And in fact, the only time we saw him, yeah, he was busy mending his nets. He and his servants were there in the boat when James and John are still there. When Jesus is going to call James and John and they will leave their father behind.

When you to consider what little information we have about ZBT, we would naturally conclude that he was a man of good. He was a man who didn’t try it and interfere with his wife and his sons being followers of Jesus. Even though there’s no indication he ever was. He was a man who was industrious. He was one who isn’t doing anything wrong.

He’s mending his nets. But from all indications, he doesn’t have his priorities in the right place. He’s more interested in making a life, his livelihood than he is, and making a life for himself. One, which will carry him through the next life. His fault was that he did not try to follow Jesus himself. He did not try to follow Jesus himself.

He is like many today who concentrate on the here and now and, and are doing things that are good as far as attempting to provide for their family. And yet, as far as spiritual things, there’s very little that’s there. I had an emphasis on the material, but when you think about him, think about some of the things that he missed because of not becoming a follower of Jesus.

He missed having fellowship with the world’s greatest personality. That being Jesus Christ himself, not taking advantage of every opportunity to be with Jesus, not taking advantage of every opportunity to hear the teachings of the master teacher. And as a result of that, there is no, no indication that he saw the great miracles that Jesus performed. Neither did he do something very bad?

No, no indication of that. Was he in the depths of sin, transgressing God’s law, no indication of that, but he was not being receptive to Christ himself. He was not attempting to be a follower of Christ and thereby be the example that he should be to his sons. The example he should be to his wife, the example he should be to the rest of it,

his family, why he was too busy, he was too busy, mending nets from all indications. Then to follow after Christ, there were things that were more important to him than being faithful. There were things that carried more weight with him, then to be a follower of Jesus. You remember what Jesus says? Matthew chapter six, verse 33, seek ye first,

the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added. Okay. Where is everybody? Where is the father of James and John James? Of course we know is going to be put to death. Acts chapter 12. John is going to live from all indications to end up being the oldest of the apostles and the die, a natural death.

But where was the example that they had from their dad? Where was the example on how they were supposed to live in order to be right with God? What does that? But he did from all indications was not evil. He’s stressed, he’s stressed the wrong things. And yet notice all the things that he missed. What about those in our day in time,

do we know of anybody that we would consider them to be a good moral person? They attempt to do those things, which are going to be beneficial to the family providing for, and yet when it comes to spiritual matters, They’re able, absent without leave, Striving to be the example for the family. And it can be husband or wife, son,

or daughter, aunt, or uncle grandparents. The example fits anyone. Who’s not willing to put God first in their life, not willing to follow the master and to heed what he says and do what he says do where is Ebony? I conclude there were changes that he needed to make in his life. There were changes that he needed to make, but no indication that he did or you needed to make changes in your life in order to become what God wants you to become in order to be a follower of his,

through obedience of the gospel, hearing the word and to believe it, willing to repent and to confess your faith in Christ, Willing to have your sins washed away by being baptized, Receiving the remission of your sins. And the Lord will add you to his church. There may be some here this morning who needed to do that, to begin setting the right example for their family.

Maybe your, what is already a member of the body of Christ, but you’ve not been faithful the way that you should. You’ve not been setting the example. You’re much like ZBT. Will you come back and repentance, praying to God for forgiveness and begin again, walking in the way of righteousness, where is equity? No indication he was doing anything wrong.

He just wasn’t doing what he should be doing. If we can help you, will you come as together? We stand. And as we see.
