04-16-2021 – Derek Yarber – The Lowest Spot On Earth (Gospel Meeting)

But now I’m, I’m really excited about this series of lessons, old truths, and I hope it doesn’t sound boring. ’cause I, I don’t think they’re going to be, and it’s not because of the person doing the speaking, but it’s because of the power of God’s word. There are some powerful, old truths<inaudible> that we’re going to take, and we’re going to apply those to a new world and trues that we’re going to find.

I assure you that are just as applicable thousands of years later, that they were at the time that they were originally given. I’m an in particular, we’re looking forward to this first study. I apologize for the song coordination, not being heard, Phil, by the way. Great job on the song. They were excellent. Outstanding singing all the way around.

Yeah, I bet it wasn’t easy to find songs for it, but I’m really looking forward to this lesson. 1,412 feet below sea level, the dead sea surface shores are the lowest spot on planet earth. I like to give heading into this study. Just a few fun facts about the dead sea. Yeah. I would say that probably everybody in this room would know right off the top.

You can float in very easily and actually you can’t hardly sink. Technically if you tie something around our wrist or an ankle, you probably can, but you’re so buoyant and the water it’s so dense that yes, you, you float in it. There’s a reason for that. It is made up of 33.7% salt making it one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water.

You would think it’s number one. It’s actually not. It’s only seven on the list of known bodies of water. However, it is extremely salty. You’ve been to the ocean. I’m sure it incidentally accidentally taken a mouthful of water notice. Well, mainly because it’s salt is pretty dirty too, but probably you tasted the salt and you didn’t like the taste of that.

Very well. As salty as the ocean is the dead sea is nearly nine times saltier than the ocean. A few more interesting facts about the dead sea. It’s a sizable body of water, about 42 miles long, 11 miles wide, and its greatest expanse. It is 1,237 feet down and its deepest point again, I would say it’s a good size body of water.

You’re probably aware it’s located in the Jordan river Valley and its main tributary. There are others, but the main tributary is the Jordan river. It’s unlike the so-called sea, which is also a Lake that is above it. But that Lake above it, the sea of Galilee, it has an outlet also the Jordan river, this one semi not entirely, but it’s semi unique and that it has no outlet.

And so the water just gathers there. It evaporates and it leaves behind the salt and the mineral content. And it’s believe that’s probably why it has such a high salt concentration. It’s a major center for health research and treatment that is because of the elevated mineral content of the water. It has very low content of pollens and other allergens sound okay. This time of the year,

when the Oaks are in full force in pretty much everything else, there are some beneficial sides to the dead sea. There’s reduced solar radiation there. And that can be explained physically as well. It’s a little farther distance away from the sun. Not a lot, but it doesn’t take much to make a big difference. There’s also higher atmospheric pressure because there’s more air by that point,

pushing down on you, the deeper you go and water, the more pressure you is, the deep, the deeper you go on earth. The more pressure there is. And that’s actually a good thing for the human body. There are some positive sides, Two things, a lot of health products are manufactured from this location in India. Ancient times bombs were concocted for a Gypson.

Mummification a little closer to home. Potash is extracted and it’s used for fertilizer. And so it’s beneficial for agriculture. A very little known fact about the dead sea is that it constantly discharges asphalt from deep in the crevices of this body of water. And a really strange fact is that there are coated artifacts and even human skulls, obviously from human civilization that come up from the surface every now and then I come up to the surface every now and then from the bottom of the dead sea and coated and asphalt.

That’s strange, isn’t it. Remember how deep this body of water can get over a thousand feet down. And so what was a human civilization doing down there At some point I hope by the end of our study tonight, we will be able to answer that question though. Those though are some fun facts about planet earth, Lowest spot, but there are also some nasty truths that are handy to point out As you be able to tell and the images that I’ll show tonight,

a number of them, you almost never see people at least set up with houses. Now you’ll see that all over where their bodies of water elsewhere in the world, beaches, lakes, rivers, home, home, home, home, home. You just don’t really see that. Now you will see some buildings. Some of these have to do with industrial practices,

extraction and minerals, salt, that sort of thing. But also you’ll see some hotels and condos and the like it’s a hotspot for tourism as well. But as far as, as people just taking up residents, buying spots and building homes, you just don’t really see. And this place, it probably has something to do with the fact that non minuscule meaning non microscopic organisms cannot survive in this spot.

You’re you’re not going to go fishing in this place, Keith, well, you can Richard, but you’re not going to catch anything. If you do, there are no Fish that are living in it. There are no plants in this place. And the reason for That is simply that they cannot survive. The salt concentration is just too high for that to take place.

You look around it and you notice very unlikely Ozarks. There is no greenery anywhere. No plants, no trees, no bushes shrubs, no grasses can grow around it again. I would say the salt concentration is just too high. So those are some fun facts, as well as some nasty truths about this place. Almost everybody knows something about the dead sea.

However, what we’re going to discuss tonight is why it exists in the first place. God has an answer to this consideration. If we care to open up our ears and to dig into it, He tells us of a place that is nothing Like what it is found today. I’d like for us to begin biblically in the 14th chapter of Genesis in the first three verses,

and I’ll go ahead and mention right now, I apologize for the speed with which the lesson will be given, but there’s a lot to cover and I’m trying to be respectful of your time and the kind sacrifice you’ve made on a Friday night to get out Out of here reasonable time. And so I’m going to move pretty quickly through it, not read it,

Every word of every passage, just try to hit the highlights of it. Genesis 14, the first three verses please do not a criticism. My Hebrew pronunciations. I’m terrible at it. I don’t know Hebrew. And that’s my fault. I’m sorry, but I’ll do the best. I can. First three verses of Genesis 14 and fell King of shine,

our area King of LSR, K Dora lay hammer King of the alum and title King of nations for Kings. They made war with barracking of Saddam Bertea King of Gomorrah. Shinab King of ADH mush amoeba King of Zippo IEM, and the King of Bela. That is the King of Zoho are five Kings four against five. Typically I like to be on the side of the more,

I don’t know if that’ll be the case in this area. All these joined together in the Valley of serum that is also known as the salt sea, ask you to notice A difference in verb tense and verse three, There is a past tense and the main part of the sentence. And then there is a clarification that is a precedent In the present tense and that is relevant.

Okay. These events take place in the lifetime of Abraham and about 2000 And BC, Moses writes about them at least 500, maybe as many as 550 years after the fact, What he’s saying is at the time, this was a land Valley known as sedum, but at the time of writing, this has become an aquatic place known as the salt sea.

And as far as putting some geography to this, you have these five Kings from the East, the five Kings, my laser’s not working, but I’d like for it to the five Kings from the East, they had over and they make war. I’m sorry, the four with the five that are found in the West and you notice Sodom and Gomorrah and it lines up in this area and they meet up in a place.

The Bible says 500 years later is a body of water. The salt sea wasn’t that way back in the day, people used to walk around in this area. In fact, a battle was spot in this spot. It used to be a land location. Something changed for some reason Through the years against some back Around to this, we will go one chapter prior,

Genesis 13 verses one and three, where Abraham goes up from Egypt. He has wife, all that he has and lot his adopted nephew with him to the South. And that just sounds all shades of wrong. They’re in Egypt and they go up North. I don’t think it means that here, but they go up North to the South. You make heads or tails out of that.

I’ll do, I’ll try my best later. But he went on his journey from the South as far as Bethel and, and to a place between Bethel and AI. Okay. I would like to look at a map again, this is not a map of Abraham’s time. This is actually in Jesus’ age, but most of these locations really haven’t changed by that point.

And what it is is Abraham has been spending some time down South in Egypt and he goes up to the South and you’re probably aware when the Bible talks about going up. Typically it means going up in elevation and not going more as you and I stayed at, although he so happens to head North to a place that is cold, The South mind Blown,

the negative you might have in your translation or negative. And he keeps going North from there until he gets to the spot of Bethel and AI. Maybe I can, will it to work. I can, I’ve tried. So between Bethel and AI, but I want you to notice the latitude on the map of Bethel, which is in red, makes it easy.

And AI is pretty much just at the Northern end of today. What we know. And even in Jesus’ time, what was understood To be the dead sea. That’s not an accident verse 10 And what lifted his eyes. And he saw all the plane of the Jordan that it was well-watered everywhere that he observed this land. Elevation is called a plane. And I would like to compare here just to a few different land elevations.

You know, the highest of them is a mountain that goes pretty tall. And it usually is pretty Jagen a plateau is often very high as well, but it kind of flattens off. And then you drop down quite a bit and you have a plane. Now plane is still above sea level, but it’s not as high as a plateau is. And sometimes kind of Lake and see those terms get mixed around.

And it makes things all sorts of confusing, but just generally stated a plane is above sea level and it’s a relatively flat spot. This place that lot is going choose to set up shop is a plane. It is a land elevation it’s well-watered. There is a stream that is running through this plane. We’re going way too fast, right? There, there is a stream that is going through this plane and this place makes it well-watered everywhere.

This branches out the Jordan river. And because it’s flat, it creates an Oasis, which is some sort of a paradise On earth. I want to give you an example, a little closer to home or something that might make sense to us. It’s not extremely close, but it’s not very far away What you see as the big black river, as it empties into the mighty Mississippi.

And that Is near Vicksburg, Mississippi, but you’ll notice how flat the land is. And because of that, it branches out into a number of fingers and it makes a beautiful marshland where anything and everything you would want Could grow in that location is constantly Bringing in new silt full of nutrients. That’s like what the land of Sodom and Gomorrah was when Lotz and his family settled that place he looks and it’s a plane,

a river Jordan goes through it. And because it’s a plane, it is well-watered everywhere. And the land is productive On account of it. Do you recall, as the Israelites are about, Well, it should have been about two to go To the promised land and they send some spies ahead and they go in and they look at this place and they notice this a numbers,

13 verse 23, and coming to the value of the Valley of Eschol. They see a cluster of grapes, but it’s so large to take it home. They have to put it between two of them on a pole. They Bring some other fruits back home. And I tell Moses they report when they get back, Hey, we went to the land where you sent us a man,

you weren’t joking. It is a land that flows with milk and honey. And I want you to look at this fruit. That’s what really impressed them. Growing up, mom used to buy grapes from the store. I think she’s about the only one who ate them. Big old clusters of grapes. I tried to stick with the little Debbie’s. They were always tastier To me,

but mom would get grapes in a cluster and Schumer bring them back from the store. But I never knew of her to get a cluster of grapes that took a grown man, because she was unable, but a grown man to carry those bags To the car for her. This cluster of grapes was so large. It took two grown men to carry them home,

highly productive land. Okay. This is after the fact here, this is not the exact location about which we’re talking, but that gives you an idea as to how fruitful the land of Canaan was. This place would have been that times two or three. Absolutely incredible. God servants say it is a land that flows with milk and with honey, I can’t prove,

but I, I think the idea behind that is symbolic and milk is a necessity of life, especially early on for little ones and especially back then. And I think what he’s saying is last necessities are found in abundance there. Now, can you live without honey? Yeah. Do you want to know? Well, I was one of the finer treats of nature.

It’s a delicious thing, but you don’t have to have it to survive. In other words, it’s, it’s an amenity. And I think what he’s saying is the necessities of life overflow in this place. But so also do all the things that you want. There’s no place like this, but again, this particular location of Canaan Before this event would have been too Three times like that water,

like you’ve never seen nutrients being washed in on a regular basis, pretty impressive place. That’s what this area used to be like when you go back in the time period of Abraham, but something along the way, drastically change this place. Here’s what God has to say about it before. It was a verse 10 where we were earlier in Genesis 13, watt lifts his eyes.

He sees all the plain of the Jordan. That is well-watered everywhere. But this is paranthetically stated, that was before the Lord destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. And before he did. So it was like the garden of the Lord. Like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoho are you look at most of the land of Egypt and it’s not really a pretty sight.

You see it there to the West of the Sinai peninsula nuts. It’s not beautiful, but you get up toward the area where you make a Swift, right? And head up also to the North to go to the area where Zor in the land of Canaan would have been found. And all of a sudden it’s like paradise on earth. What changed? That’s a Delta for the longest river,

not the largest, but the longest river And the world. And it’s a relative, Simply flat spot. And it splits off into all of these fingers. And it does create a wonderful Oasis where you can grow Pretty much anything, even in the middle of a desert, The sill even gets washed in. I don’t know if you can see it very well in front of you,

but it even gets washed in and to the South Eastern corner of the Mediterranean sea. There’s all kinds of green in the sea because of what the Nile river is washing. And the Bible says this area used to look like that. And also States that it was like the garden of the Lord talking about the garden of Eden in creation. I wish I could tell you for sure where that place is found.

I cannot, but I do think I can give a pretty good guess. Based on the evidence we have the scriptures, tell us in chapter two, That there were four rivers that met up and what it was a subterranean source. We call that a spring and it issued forth and it became the headwaters of four rivers. Two of those we know very well,

the Tigris and the great One. Do you frailties The other two? We just don’t know they don’t exist. They don’t meet up with these two streams. Today years ago, I was watching a really neat show called what on earth maybe. Have you ever seen that was on the science channel? I don’t watch a lot of that kind of stuff. One day it caught my attention.

There were some Bible stuff that it hadn’t any, usually it’s garbage. For some reason, they didn’t treat the Bible with skepticism, but with great respect, several episodes, I was shocked about it and still am. It was excellent. I started watching and this one was about the gun garden of Eden. And it mentioned the biblical account and went through,

trying to show how this could be the case. And the show is satellite imagery. And you look back down into remote areas oftentimes, and then a team of scientists will go in and they will investigate what the strange anomaly on the surface Of the earth is. And what They noticed is this. While there are not four running streams, including the Tigris and Euphrates that meet together,

there are two running streams and the Tigris and Euphrates and two dried stream beds that are buried underneath sand that do Meet up together. This map is just a little bit off for that, But they meet up underneath the surface waters of the Northwestern end of the Persian Gulf. I believe that very likely when the flood came, if not prior to it, the waters were made to go over this area.

I’m not saying the elements would still be found in that place, but I believe that’s where the garden of Eden was found. And interestingly enough, there are plenty of things. Legends that speak of a paradise that was found at the Northern end of the Persian goal. Often legends are based on true is I think that’s probably the location of it, but I say all of that to say this,

this area was well watered. Every tree that was good to eat from it. Every tree that was beautiful to see it is described the meaning of it as the Greek word paradise, it fits it perfectly. The garden of Eden. It was paradise on earth. God says Sodom and Gomorrah used to be like the garden of Eden. But for some reason,

Those two cities are not like it anymore. Why is that Zephaniah chapter two, verse nine remarks. Therefore, as I live says, the Lord of hosts, surely Moab she’ll be like sauna and Ammon, like Gomorrah, get this over, run with salt pits and a perpetual Desolation, a barren womb Wasteland. That will always be that way largely because of the abundance of salt pits that are found In that place.

Coincidentally, And you go back and you consider the primary compound that is found in the dead sea and around the dead sea Salt, almost everything Has a coating of it. That’s located there elsewhere. It stated Deuteronomy 29 verses 22 and 23 Moses warns. Make sure that you do what the Lord has told you so that the coming generation and the foreigner would not say the whole land is brimstone salt and burning.

It is not some nor does it bear, nor does any grass grow there, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah Admah as well as zip boing, look out that you don’t end up like these places. For some reason, It’s trigger happy tonight. We look in Jimmy or a Jeremiah chapter, 49, verse 18 as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors says the Lord,

no one shall remain Main there nor dwell in that location. Again in chapter 50, verse 40 as God over through Sodom Demora and their neighbor says the Lord, no one shall reside there nor anyone Dwell in it’s. Now, do you remember, Remember, as you look in the area of the dead sea and around it, normally a body of water,

large leg, a sea or river ocean house, house, house, house, house, House, strangely, there’s almost nobody living around this area. And I will. I guarantee you that there’s nobody living where this area right Originally was. There’s not a fish that lives in it that can live in something Drastically changed In this location. But the question is,

even though it’s an interesting old truth, What does it mean for us? I mean, really thousands of years later In the new world, God has Something actually a couple of things he wants us to understand about what he did was Sodom and Gomorrah and how it does apply to us In this age. But before we get there, I want to get just a little bit more background to this just prior to Sodom.

And Gomorrah is destruction in Genesis chapter 19, verse 17, there’s this very kind heavenly visitor that tries to help wad and his family along. Unfortunately, they’re a little reluctant to really expedite and what the circumstance is, but he encourages them escape for your life. God’s going to destroy this place, whatever you do do not look behind you do not stay anywhere in the plane,

escaped to the mountains. Lest you be destroyed. If you’re in a river plane and an authoritative Figure says, get out of here right now and make sure you climb to higher ground. What are they trying to communicate to you? I believe the angels letting them know this place is about to be flooded. And you will drown if you stay here. Although I think They probably would have died earlier from the pummeling that the place gets,

but the water levels are about to go up. It’s not just get out of here. It’s get to the mountains, get to higher ground verse 24 and then the Lord rain, brimstone rock some seeing this sulfur, as well as the meaning of the Hebrew term, it can make some sense. Fire on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of the heavens.

He pummeled it not into the earth down below the earth. It seems this was a place that was probably around. Maybe even originally been above sea level. And when God was done with it, he took it 2000 feet lower than what it previously was. We’re talking about divine judgments, perhaps unlike the world has ever seen outside of the flood itself, verse 25,

He says, so he overthrew those cities, all the plane, all the inhabitants of the cities and what grew on the ground, the rock and the fire alone would have been enough to consume all of the plants, the grasses, the trees, the people, the animal. That makes sense, but it doesn’t go to explain the perpetual desolation that the place would become.

It takes more to do that. Remember what the place would become. The Bible says overrun, salt and salt pits. You ever sprayed salt water and on something green, I don’t recommend it. If you’re wanting it to survive. I’ve tried that before. I was having some issues with blight one year and in my garden, I was tired of my plants dying from the way up from the bottom up I garden.

And I received some advice. You know, you can make an Epson salt mixture and you can spray that on the ground around. That may be true. And it was also a remark. You can just spray that on the leaves of the plant too, and it won’t hurt it. It’s good for it. I just put my cucumbers in The ground and it was about this time of year,

a little bit early, mid get a head, start on things. And I was going to go away. Richard, even fishing in Oklahoma for a couple of days or Keith that may have been for a meeting. I don’t know. It’s been long. It doesn’t matter by this point, but I sprayed those. I thought I’ll come back. And my garden’s already in place.

My cucumbers. And I get back in a few days later, they’re looking Basically I knew at the time something didn’t seem right. This is the advice that I heard. So, you know, it’s, it’s on the internet. It’s gotta be true. Now it wasn’t from the internet. Someone gave me the advice And sure enough, the seven to 10 days,

those things where he’s dead as a doornail saltwater, doesn’t interact very well with, with most greenery, Vanessa and I, we got married in August of 2007. Several of you came to our wedding. It was a really neat thing. We headed off from our wedding to spend a 10 days in orange beach, Alabama. We got there though. It’s August,

Right? We’ll get there. And the closer we get to the coast, especially right on the coast, I noticed something’s not right. Right. All the trees just look down, Not dorm. And remember the time of year, just dead. And so I asked one of the members and that suspicion sure enough at the golf shirt Shore’s church, he said,

yeah, that, that hurricane Katrina and a couple of years ago killed almost all the trees along the coast of salt spray. And the water surges is enough to do them and saltwater doesn’t mix very well with green things. God mixes all this salt into this area and into this water. And from then on plants, not happening in grasses, bushes, trees,

nothing can grow there any more. That explains the perpetual desolation that this place would become. Now. A really interesting fact is found in verse 26 in Genesis, 19, Lots of wife looks back behind him, directly violating the command of God. She loves that place. She misses it already. She wants to go back home and she turns around and she looks and like that.

God turns her into a pillar of salt. I don’t know about you. That’s enough to give a person nightmares from childhood. It was one of the neatest stories, but some scary too. And it’s like, why a pillar of assault? That’s so random. But when you understand the history, the background of the place is not random at all. Everything that God does makes sense.

And you look at it This area today and in the absence of trees and bushes and the, like the main formations of this location are salt pillars and various coded formations. That’s what God turned lot’s wife into. She wanted so badly to be a permanent resident of this place that God gave her her wish. That’s why I believe he turned her into a pillar of salt,

such a frightening scenario had to have been verses 27 and 28. Abraham looked back towards Sodom and Gomorrah over. I should say he hasn’t violated a command. He wasn’t told this. He looks back towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plane. And he sees smoke. That goes up like the smoke of a furnace from the fire and the stone that has come raining down out of heaven And is pummeled this place past the ground level.

And I believe thousands of feet deep into the earth. All right. Interesting facts. About old times, airway are thousands of year, 4,000 years later. How could this really possibly apply to us in the new age, in which we live in the new times, God gives us a lesson and he does so via this old truth. Second Peter chapter two verse six,

God turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and to ashes, Condemning them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would also live on godly as they did. He says, do you remember what I did to those people that applies in your time? These people live 2000 years after this occurred. And Yeti says, this is just as applicable to you today,

as it was two millennia ago. And I would go as far as to suggest is just as applicable for millennia later than what it is to let’s just reconsider what it was that God did to this place and how we might be able to apply it in our everyday lives. This is what we see today. And since I can’t point, I will point out that this is the area today and down below,

in case you’re wondering about this. These are some reservoirs where there’s more extracting of minerals and salt That has done today. You know, man always has to improve things, But this is the dead sea area. By definition, this place is a large Lake. That’s what a sea is. It’s a large Lake. It is a spot that now is the absolute lowest on planet earth,

surface 1,412 feet below sea level. And that doesn’t count whenever you continue to go down. Yeah, the Mariana’s trenches as well, deeper Than that. But we’re talking about land surface, the lowest elevation on earth, nearly 1500 feet below sea level. It exists because God punished sin. He tried to get the people to change and they wouldn’t listen to him.

They thought they were, We’re always going to have paradise on earth no matter what he said. And now it’s a spot where no life exists. I want you to notice how beautiful and green for the most part, The land of Canaan on the West side of the Jordan river Valley is, and then look not just the dead sea, but around the dead sea Brown,

Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, No plants, no trees, no grasses, No shrubs, no fresh water. Therefore it’s not a good place for human beings to live. I would say no one wants to live there with permits. I’d love to visit it wouldn’t you, but I don’t want to live there. I like all the fresh water where we are right here.

God says, look out, because if you don’t take my warnings about sin, seriously, it’s going to end up the same for you as it did for this people. No. Does that mean that God’s going to take the Ozarks and where we are about a thousand feet elevation and reduces to 1500 feet below sea level? I don’t think that’s what he’s saying,

but in principle, what he’s saying is this. If you don’t take seriously, the warnings that I’m giving to you about sin, I’m going to introduce you to a large Lake and it’s not one that’s made of salt water as bad as that seems. It’s a lot worse than that. It’s a Lake of fire. It’s not the lowest place on earth.

It’s the lowest place in existence. In fact, in description, it stated that it is a Bottomless abyss. You never stopped falling in it. And because there is no The bottom, you can’t go farther down than what that place is. It exists because of the environment, Punishment against sin. It’s a place in which no life is found. Actually it’s described as the second death,

which is separation from God. Death is the opposite of life. And I assure you, it’s a place where nobody, nobody wants to spend eternity. God says, I want you to look at this old truth and understand how it applies in the new world today. There’s a very positive lesson that God wants us to take out of this story involving Sodom and Gomorrah and what he did to these cities as well,

verses seven through nine of that same opening, God delivered righteous. Lot for that righteous. The man tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds. And so what this old truth also teaches us is that God knows how to deliver the godly and also to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment. Yeah, but he knows how to save those who put their trust in and obey him as lot.

Did Poor lot had to live as a prisoner In his own Homeland, all of these evil deeds going on around him. And it was terrible having to see it and having to hear every day what was going on. And so God looked down and he said, the man, you trusted, man. And you listened to me, I’ll save you from this.

Come on, come with me. Everything’s going to be Right. And he gives us the same invitation as well know. Sometimes it feels like we have to live as prisoners in our own land. Maybe even in our own homes, there’s a lot of evil in this world that’s going on around us. But God gives us the problem with the promise. I can pluck you out of it.

I can give you something better than what you enjoy right now. Romans chapter eight verses one and two says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ. Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh as the people of Saddam did. But according to the spirit as what did, And it goes on to say the law of the spirit of life And Christ Jesus has sent me free dot,

dot dot from sin and death. Meaning old truth still is around today that God knows how to save the righteous out of hard situations. And he also knows how to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment. The secret is being found in his son in Christ Jesus, having our faith and our obedience placed and him, which Galatians Three versus 26 and 27,

say that as many of us as have been baptized into Christ because of the faith that we have in him, we become children of God. And now we’re relocated in Jesus. And now we’ve been clothed with Christ and now we live for him and not ourselves from this point. And when we do that, we broken free from the chains, sends not a threat to us any longer,

The lowest place in existence, anywhere. We’re not worried about that. We’ve got someone to save us from it. And someone who wants to lift us to the highest place is an existence. A beautiful place called heaven was a little truth. What do they mean to us today? God says, are you listening? Do you believe me? Are you willing to obey me?

Because if so, I will take you away from the threat of the lowest place. And I will lift you to the highest spot to paradise on earth, the paradise in heaven. And I don’t know about you. And I look forward to that place. I don’t know about you, but I’m thankful that I don’t have to worry about the Lake of fire should have to,

but I have a Redeemer in whom I put my confidence in whom I’m willing to try to do my best imperfectly, but do my best all the way to the end. And I know what he has prepared for me. I know what he has prepared for you. I know what he has prepared for all who love him. Do you know that you have that in your life?

If not, why not come and get it tonight? Where we stand and sing the song together?
